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They were getting very small numbers about 10 years ago for training and had to train with Redhills. Did it improve much since? Were they ever a senior club?
FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2863 - 01/10/2024 15:56:00 2572713 Link 0 |
Senior in 2019
veterngaa (Monaghan) - Posts: 714 - 01/10/2024 17:24:20 2572719 Link 0 |
Yes in 2012 and again 2014.
222 (UK) - Posts: 824 - 01/10/2024 17:41:18 2572723 Link 0 |
Two semi finals in the junior championship that are very hard to call. Eire og probably have the size around the middle 8 but I don't think that they've enough up front to beat aghabog. Monaghan2011 (Monaghan) - Posts: 12 - 02/10/2024 10:33:30 2572765 Link 0 |
The big pitch in Castleblayney will suit Drumhowan, they have more legs around the pitch.
latefortraining (Monaghan) - Posts: 123 - 02/10/2024 10:53:05 2572769 Link 1 |
After seeing truaghs performance at the weekend i cant see carrick stopping them especially with kelly being back will help make the difference. Truagh for the double!!! ScarnaMan1990 (Monaghan) - Posts: 32 - 02/10/2024 11:11:41 2572774 Link 0 |
farneygael3 (Monaghan) - Posts: 124 - 02/10/2024 11:56:05 2572777 Link 0 |
Hope the teachers in question are no longer involved with squads
farneygael3 (Monaghan) - Posts: 124 - 02/10/2024 12:32:03 2572782 Link 0 |
Is that game not on in Aughnamullen?
currinman (Monaghan) - Posts: 42 - 02/10/2024 14:55:21 2572794 Link 0 |
Yup... senior in 19 was tough year.
currinman (Monaghan) - Posts: 42 - 02/10/2024 14:57:24 2572795 Link 0 |
No big surprise teams have left the sem in their wake given who the head hancho is……..
mick2007 (Monaghan) - Posts: 565 - 02/10/2024 15:35:33 2572799 Link 0 |
Player Red Carded followed by another player black carded Killed Oram. Oram looked and big slow team,compared to pace of Aghabog. Noticed a few Oram Substitutes Laughing midway into the second half which was poor form. It was not a good look.
Dannyboy15 (Armagh) - Posts: 2 - 02/10/2024 15:48:17 2572804 Link 0 |
Eire og going under the radar must say. Drumhowan are young and fit but may not have that tastiness that toome have with experience. Toome and Og final for me
Farneyman2 (Monaghan) - Posts: 2 - 02/10/2024 17:59:28 2572825 Link 0 |
Blayney wil have something to say about that!
Monaghan_football (Monaghan) - Posts: 34 - 02/10/2024 19:21:40 2572831 Link 0 |
They're dead right, if they can't compete with Scotstown they should keep getting relegated to win something. All they'll win is the right to play scotstown, ballybay and Clontibret next year - real "big" clubs. Jjoniel79 (Monaghan) - Posts: 188 - 02/10/2024 20:20:31 2572835 Link 1 |
Are Blayney favourites now for Intermediate?
rockyroad25 (Monaghan) - Posts: 1 - 02/10/2024 21:18:57 2572840 Link 0 |
With scotstown looking like they are going to walk the senior championship again this year is it time that we started looking at setting up divisional teams.
Monaghan2011 (Monaghan) - Posts: 12 - 03/10/2024 10:29:51 2572869 Link 1 |
Agree. Especially considering everyone else is already competing against a divisional team (The Scotstown, Tydavnet, Ballinode and Knockatallon amalgamation). Tydavnet is big enough by itself to have two clubs for Gods sake! HB245 (Monaghan) - Posts: 251 - 03/10/2024 10:53:01 2572877 Link 1 |
Okay so how would that work exactly ? How would they train? When?
veterngaa (Monaghan) - Posts: 714 - 03/10/2024 10:54:44 2572878 Link 0 |
Dont forget the should have been red at the end too
monaghanmad (Monaghan) - Posts: 401 - 03/10/2024 11:15:33 2572879 Link 0 |