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Well done Dublin.Totally outplayed Kerry.Joe Brolly poked the bear in Con and Fenton just gets better all the time.Dublin in a different class this tonight.

CiarraiMick (Dublin) - Posts: 3823 - 24/02/2024 21:39:55    2527914


Replying To CiarraiMick:  "Well done Dublin.Totally outplayed Kerry.Joe Brolly poked the bear in Con and Fenton just gets better all the time.Dublin in a different class this tonight."
Fair play to you Mick. Gracious in defeat as magnanimous in victory. The League means nothing come July. This will make maybe Kerry realise that their over dependence on the Cliffords is damaging them. Moynihan was not at the races. Midfielders looked leggy and lacked pace. Serious questions now asked of Jack O'C. However, I think Kerry will learn a lot from this. Anyway, hope all good with you.
What the hell was going on in Ballyseedy- incredible story. That was a nice spot- stopped for lunch there many's a time. Hope the workers there won't be too badly affected.

avonali (Dublin) - Posts: 1981 - 24/02/2024 21:49:23    2527918


Replying To CiarraiMick:  "Well done Dublin.Totally outplayed Kerry.Joe Brolly poked the bear in Con and Fenton just gets better all the time.Dublin in a different class this tonight."
Give it a break, Joe dissing Con or genuflecting to David doesn't influence these players. Tonight the only time Kerry competed was in the third quarter when they went ultra D and went for the breakouts. They can't compete with Dublin in an open format and won't attempt that again. However even playing the blanket their deficiencies at centre field exposed them, lucky not to lose by more.

sligo joe (Dublin) - Posts: 749 - 24/02/2024 22:18:35    2527923


Replying To avonali:  "Fair play to you Mick. Gracious in defeat as magnanimous in victory. The League means nothing come July. This will make maybe Kerry realise that their over dependence on the Cliffords is damaging them. Moynihan was not at the races. Midfielders looked leggy and lacked pace. Serious questions now asked of Jack O'C. However, I think Kerry will learn a lot from this. Anyway, hope all good with you.
What the hell was going on in Ballyseedy- incredible story. That was a nice spot- stopped for lunch there many's a time. Hope the workers there won't be too badly affected."
Ah thanks Avon.Not disappointed at the result but very disapointed with our performance.More so because thats probably 12 or 13 of our championship team.We really stuck midfield but cest la vie.Dublin and Derry looking good.

CiarraiMick (Dublin) - Posts: 3823 - 24/02/2024 23:11:12    2527926


Replying To sligo joe:  "Give it a break, Joe dissing Con or genuflecting to David doesn't influence these players. Tonight the only time Kerry competed was in the third quarter when they went ultra D and went for the breakouts. They can't compete with Dublin in an open format and won't attempt that again. However even playing the blanket their deficiencies at centre field exposed them, lucky not to lose by more."
I think Fenton is the best midfielder I've seen. And kilkenny is not far behind as a player. Absolutely magnificent the 2 of them

Overthebar53 (Carlow) - Posts: 227 - 24/02/2024 23:31:17    2527927


Replying To CiarraiMick:  "Well done Dublin.Totally outplayed Kerry.Joe Brolly poked the bear in Con and Fenton just gets better all the time.Dublin in a different class this tonight."
Good game to watch, Mick, but won't be near as open if both teams meet in championship later on in the year. Good thing for Dublin is that the likes of Cian Murphy, Sean McMahon, Lee Gannon and Bulger are now playing as if they were always there. They have that composed look to them now. CON is class, always has been, and I think that there is even more in him than tonight. He could fire with all guns blazing some day and put 5-6 in the net. Would love to see that day!

Kerry, being Kerry, will of course up it for the championship...a lot of ball to be played before the AIF day. If the two teams were to meet up again in this year's decider, you'd have no complaints from me, for one.

foreveryoung (USA) - Posts: 2053 - 24/02/2024 23:42:12    2527929


Most pleasing thing tonight was apart from Kilkenny, Fento, Small and Con, there was mostly lads fighting for a spot and developing players.

Still nothing won in February.

TheUsername (Dublin) - Posts: 4458 - 24/02/2024 23:42:56    2527930


Brolly ought not be a point of contact in any discussion about any thing.

Dublin have bragging rights tonight. Maybe different the next day.

That man has mocked decent players and teams, most notably Mayo who to their credit never paid him any heed,

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 25/02/2024 00:09:20    2527931


Smashing performance from the lads. Great to see Con, Ciaran, Paddy, Fento all singing. Lee Gannon also, Brian back, Scully chipping in (what a tackle). We were really fired up in the first half. We slacked in the third quarter and letting Kerry close from 9 points down to 3 was unforgivable but thankfully we finished strongly. Looking forward to travelling up to Celtic Park next Sat for what should be a tough game.

Joxer (Dublin) - Posts: 4734 - 25/02/2024 01:04:23    2527934


Replying To avonali:  "Fair play to you Mick. Gracious in defeat as magnanimous in victory. The League means nothing come July. This will make maybe Kerry realise that their over dependence on the Cliffords is damaging them. Moynihan was not at the races. Midfielders looked leggy and lacked pace. Serious questions now asked of Jack O'C. However, I think Kerry will learn a lot from this. Anyway, hope all good with you.
What the hell was going on in Ballyseedy- incredible story. That was a nice spot- stopped for lunch there many's a time. Hope the workers there won't be too badly affected."
Not sure it means nothing , maybe not the scoreline or the league points but dominance of Dublin on kickouts was a pleasant surprise . The goal chances they had and the fact that players like lee gannon look to be getting better this year and the pace at which dubs moved the ball at times isnt nothing . While kerry maybe wont be too bothered not to get the league pionts theres no way they will be happy getting played off the park .

ctowers (Dublin) - Posts: 102 - 25/02/2024 01:10:57    2527936


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "Kerry just going through the motions… they won't be too worried"
They should be worried. Totally outplayed. And the greatest of all time not even the best forward on the pitch.

endgame (Roscommon) - Posts: 2265 - 25/02/2024 07:00:10    2527939


Replying To endgame:  "They should be worried. Totally outplayed. And the greatest of all time not even the best forward on the pitch."
Only league lad…. It's a mad scramble to stay up and not qualify for the Final…. Kerry looked miles of the pace and didn't even bother marking at times…

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2341 - 25/02/2024 08:08:30    2527944


Does David Clifford have the chops to play against the dubs by his astronomical standards.

Some.horrible decision making in last years all ireland final, and a measly 2 from play last night with a good lot in the first half going wide/dropping short.

He's incredible, but when it comes to Dublin in Croke Park, his most recent performances have been questionable.

waynoI (Dublin) - Posts: 13654 - 25/02/2024 08:21:39    2527946


Very enjoyable bit of entertainment in February
Dubs beating Kerry by 10 pts in Croke Park is a rare but very welcomed sight as we move into the brighter evenings ahead. Fair play to Kerry for making a game of it, they fought back well, but that only added to the enjoyment of the end result, that was a strong Kerry team that took a 10pt hammering.
Great to see the commitment and running off the shoulder by the Dubs, some hungry young lads that really want it. Excellent stuff and a host of legends still to return.
Dublin have had a good league campaign, played well in all their games, the narrow loses aside, they've been looking good and now they've found a couple of wins, building nicely.

Beelzedub (Dublin) - Posts: 480 - 25/02/2024 09:16:11    2527956


Replying To foreveryoung:  "Good game to watch, Mick, but won't be near as open if both teams meet in championship later on in the year. Good thing for Dublin is that the likes of Cian Murphy, Sean McMahon, Lee Gannon and Bulger are now playing as if they were always there. They have that composed look to them now. CON is class, always has been, and I think that there is even more in him than tonight. He could fire with all guns blazing some day and put 5-6 in the net. Would love to see that day!

Kerry, being Kerry, will of course up it for the championship...a lot of ball to be played before the AIF day. If the two teams were to meet up again in this year's decider, you'd have no complaints from me, for one."
Thanks Forever.Tbh Im worried about our midfield.We can tighten the backs and we will score but not sure we have the players to sort out midfield.Now I know not all teams as strong as Dubs or Derry midfield but its a big problem for us.The reality is though Fenton has been the best midfielder of his generation by a country mile so one can only hope to curb him a little as its neary impossible to get the better of him.Con also class and with James Mc Mannion Basquel McCaffrey to come back Dubs are in a very good place.We will improve no doubt but not sure we will do enough to take a national title.Dubs or Derry for Sam.

CiarraiMick (Dublin) - Posts: 3823 - 25/02/2024 09:28:23    2527957


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "Brolly ought not be a point of contact in any discussion about any thing.

Dublin have bragging rights tonight. Maybe different the next day.

That man has mocked decent players and teams, most notably Mayo who to their credit never paid him any heed,"
Well said Barney

CiarraiMick (Dublin) - Posts: 3823 - 25/02/2024 09:36:41    2527959


Replying To TheUsername:  "Most pleasing thing tonight was apart from Kilkenny, Fento, Small and Con, there was mostly lads fighting for a spot and developing players.

Still nothing won in February."
looking good User.I was impressed with Ross McGarry too.

CiarraiMick (Dublin) - Posts: 3823 - 25/02/2024 09:37:41    2527961


Thanks Mick, im too long in the tooth not to know that the whole thing isn't a bit of a phony war, anyone who thinks Dublin are 9/10 points better then Kerry are fooling themselves. So i wouldn't be getting too high from the Dublin point of view of too low from a Kerry one, last two years there has been nothing between the sides and wont be come July, if Derry and Donegal and the other usual protagonists dont take either of us out before. Bad day at the office for Kerry, but weirdly sometimes you are better loosening by 9 or 10 then one or 1 or 2 in terms of learning and motivation to improve.

Feel a bit for Clifford, huge pressure on and off the field and the center of everything, huge responsibility on a simple human level id like him to get more support, there is more danger in adding and supporting him - then giving him everything - its becoming too telegraphed and team are coming up with ways. Ive never bought into GOAT thing, i not sure hes been worthy of some of the hype or the POTY things - i hope objectively speaking, but hes the marketing face of GAA now. I rate as i rate someone like Michael Murphy certainly a generational talent, but the hype is wild and i do wonder is that a good or bad thing. I think he lost the head a bit last night and not for the first time against Dublin, not sure hes really ever posted a shoot the lights out performance against Dublin or had that much influence on the result - maybe the first game in 19, but we had 14 men. But he does show signs of letting the game get to him and refs are watching him more, 25 now, so hes not that young. Sorry maybe for the over elaborate post - but i was watching him closely last night. To be fair hes maybe not back that long and both he and Seanie left a few they'd expect to get behind them last night.

I think Kerry have a huge issue at center park, we wow almost everything and easily split that line, there was no connection between the Kerry back 6, to the front 6 and lets are dropping deep from half forward, and stepping up from half back and that creates gaps. we lorded it first half, Kerry shored up in the third quarter but when Dessie brought on Howard he absolutely destroyed it at Centre field with he extra body. Huge issue for Kerry s other teams also have strong center fielders. It leaves the forward line isolated and means Kerry have to get into the blanket defense shape quicker.

As i say though, its a bit of phony war and Kerry will be more aware then anyone about the issues and will improve and their will be nothing between the two in the championship.

Im not a fan of young McGarry pal, i was at underage, but now i dont think hes going to cut it as a serious option as a Dublin Senior footballer.

Young Clancey at 3 is the real deal, maybe a year away and a lad who didnt lay last night, Breathnach, both i have high hopes for. Lee Gannon is turning into a tremendous player. I thought Murphy and McMahon played well last night. A shout for Murch who did a great job on Clifford for the little size of him.

But the pleasing thing was 6/7 to come back if we need to call any of the lads last night as options for a half or quarter off football, we know e have the options, if none of them nail down a spot.

A tough one pal and ive been that solider, but nothing won in Feb and there will be a different and tighter game of ball to be had when the sod dries.

TheUsername (Dublin) - Posts: 4458 - 25/02/2024 10:26:58    2527964


Replying To TheUsername:  "Thanks Mick, im too long in the tooth not to know that the whole thing isn't a bit of a phony war, anyone who thinks Dublin are 9/10 points better then Kerry are fooling themselves. So i wouldn't be getting too high from the Dublin point of view of too low from a Kerry one, last two years there has been nothing between the sides and wont be come July, if Derry and Donegal and the other usual protagonists dont take either of us out before. Bad day at the office for Kerry, but weirdly sometimes you are better loosening by 9 or 10 then one or 1 or 2 in terms of learning and motivation to improve.

Feel a bit for Clifford, huge pressure on and off the field and the center of everything, huge responsibility on a simple human level id like him to get more support, there is more danger in adding and supporting him - then giving him everything - its becoming too telegraphed and team are coming up with ways. Ive never bought into GOAT thing, i not sure hes been worthy of some of the hype or the POTY things - i hope objectively speaking, but hes the marketing face of GAA now. I rate as i rate someone like Michael Murphy certainly a generational talent, but the hype is wild and i do wonder is that a good or bad thing. I think he lost the head a bit last night and not for the first time against Dublin, not sure hes really ever posted a shoot the lights out performance against Dublin or had that much influence on the result - maybe the first game in 19, but we had 14 men. But he does show signs of letting the game get to him and refs are watching him more, 25 now, so hes not that young. Sorry maybe for the over elaborate post - but i was watching him closely last night. To be fair hes maybe not back that long and both he and Seanie left a few they'd expect to get behind them last night.

I think Kerry have a huge issue at center park, we wow almost everything and easily split that line, there was no connection between the Kerry back 6, to the front 6 and lets are dropping deep from half forward, and stepping up from half back and that creates gaps. we lorded it first half, Kerry shored up in the third quarter but when Dessie brought on Howard he absolutely destroyed it at Centre field with he extra body. Huge issue for Kerry s other teams also have strong center fielders. It leaves the forward line isolated and means Kerry have to get into the blanket defense shape quicker.

As i say though, its a bit of phony war and Kerry will be more aware then anyone about the issues and will improve and their will be nothing between the two in the championship.

Im not a fan of young McGarry pal, i was at underage, but now i dont think hes going to cut it as a serious option as a Dublin Senior footballer.

Young Clancey at 3 is the real deal, maybe a year away and a lad who didnt lay last night, Breathnach, both i have high hopes for. Lee Gannon is turning into a tremendous player. I thought Murphy and McMahon played well last night. A shout for Murch who did a great job on Clifford for the little size of him.

But the pleasing thing was 6/7 to come back if we need to call any of the lads last night as options for a half or quarter off football, we know e have the options, if none of them nail down a spot.

A tough one pal and ive been that solider, but nothing won in Feb and there will be a different and tighter game of ball to be had when the sod dries."
A very fair post User tbf.Yeah Clifford being built up by too many but he will be fine.He just trying to do too much.Ah he had a great replay v Dubs in 19 and vg semi in 22and was very good 2020 league and 21in Thurles v Dubs but not at his best last two games.Also a very silly tackle late on.Yeah agree the season early but we do have big problem midfield it seems.Im sure we can sort out other areas but midfield could be difficult.Might get away with it against alot of teams but not with Dublin or Derry.I thought McGarry did very well last night tbh but overall a really excellent perfornance from Dublin.Frightening you have some many stars to come back.Im really looking forward to Dublin Derry game now.P.s yes Murchan did very well and is a good sporting player too.Saw him help Clifford up at one stage.

CiarraiMick (Dublin) - Posts: 3823 - 25/02/2024 11:46:08    2527972


Dublin were on it last night, no doubts about it. They moved the ball quickly, conversion was where it should be (close to 80%) and their decision making was nearly always spot on.
However, where they were most impressive was their intensity out the field. Dublin were putting pressure on Kerry once they crossed the halfway line whilst Kerry were only really putting pressure on when Dublin got into the scoring zone and even then it wasn't very effective. Also Dublins midfield and kickout strategy cleaned out Kerry's. They were on top all over the pitch and even when Kerry got within 3, I got the feeling Kerry could never get enough of a squeeze on to overturn the deficit.
Whilst it is easy to look at this in an extremely negative view being from Kerry, we would rather get these issue ironed out now (or at least having the opportunity to do so) rather than having them show up in June/July. Kerry need to be more clinical in front of the posts also, missed 3/4 promising goal chances last night despite being 2nd best for long parts of the game.

The Kerry we see in Championship will show really where this Kerry team are at and how they can work on their mistakes and adapt. If they fail to do so then the management will have failed but that is a long way off yet. They must start off by reacting bs Tyrone next weekend in Killarney.

But as it stands, Dublin definitely have Kerrys edge unless we see otherwise later in the year which at this point is hard to see coming as Dublin have 5 or 6 key players to come back yet whilst Kerry had 12/13 Championship starters there playing last night. Dublins to lose at this stage I reckon.

AnFear16 (Kerry) - Posts: 37 - 25/02/2024 13:07:49    2527982
