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Dublin GAA thread

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Replying To BarneyGrant:  "I don't think DCB in particular are using the football team to promote GAA in parts of city where children are being lost. Practically dead to all intents and purposes in north and south inner city and going that way elsewhere.

And if you are making some point about "irish" well I can assure you that in the north inner city which is over half non Irish there is no interest whatsoever in anything uniquely Irish among non Irish people. Same applies everywhere else.3

You probably know the exceptions to see by sight :-)"
Many areas that were working class one time are now welfare class and have a lot of criminality, gaa doesn't really appeal to these types , soccer is the only sport that can survive in those areas . The GAA is doing well in new suburbs of middle class and affluent Ireland . Too well in some instances Teams like Na Piarsaigh , Mungret , Monaleen been three in Limerick city and Kilmacud , St Jude's , Cuala etc in Dublin Ballygunner in Waterford city , rural clubs can't compete with the big suburban clubs .

OpenStand (Limerick) - Posts: 699 - 29/10/2023 20:42:39    2510880


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "It is true what you say about some places where a sense of community has been lost, That is not the GAA's to solve. Needs the state to start to do several things to limit any further social disintegration through crime and loss of identity.

Still, the GAA in Dublin is not short of a few bob - as we keep hearing! - and could divert some of it into the surivivng clubs through coaching and targeting local schools. like Gaelscoileanna good things can survive and thrive even in unfavourable places given the right people and attitude and support.

I don't see what "other places" will replace any lost as GAA is already starting from a position where practically every parish outside of north east has or had a club."
True I know most areas in the country have a club of some sorts. But what I mean is there's clubs in all counties that were no where say 20 years ago that are now thriving. Most are middle class in the suburbs of the cities and big towns. It's these areas that now dominate in a lot of counties. Look at Dublin now if someone said 30 years ago that in 2023 Dublin GAA would be dominated by the middle/upper class clubs you'd have got laughed out of the pub.

I think the GAA need to get away from the idea of pumping money into trying to get things going in the city centres/big towns. Especially in Dublin anyway. There's no appetite for it at all, if there was an appetite people would be doing it already. It'd be a bad business move for the GAA, that's why I can't see them doing it.

I don't see much the state can do to limit the social disintegration through crime and loss of identity in these places. That boat has already sailed. They've allowed it go on for generations now. Just let city centres be just that. They're not a place for the GAA to be spending it's money.

Low2Joe (Wexford) - Posts: 48 - 30/10/2023 08:00:58    2510893


Replying To Galway9801:  "Other places doesn't necessarily mean new clubs popping up, but could mean an improvement in a clubs fortunes.
Surely Cuala for example is in a better place now than it was 25 years ago."
Undoubtedly. Clubs in south Dublin have thrived. And fair play to them. Demographic of Dublin GAA has shifted a lot, Where we were once mostly a working class organisation driven in large part by "Dulchies" like my own Tipp family, it has become embedded in places where hurling and football were practically unknown 30 years ago,

Which is good. What is not good is that inner city schools that were once hotbeds struggle to put out Cumann na mBunscoil teams.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 30/10/2023 09:54:29    2510900


Jimmy Gray would have enjoyed that now.

With the departure of Ballyhale, Na Fianna be good punt to win Leinster, Good news too for MD as he has a few Fianna lads including AJ and Tierney who have to start in blue. Very impressive. A team that has several facets that Dublin teams perhaps have lacked since Anthony departed.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 30/10/2023 09:58:51    2510901


Replying To Low2Joe:  "True I know most areas in the country have a club of some sorts. But what I mean is there's clubs in all counties that were no where say 20 years ago that are now thriving. Most are middle class in the suburbs of the cities and big towns. It's these areas that now dominate in a lot of counties. Look at Dublin now if someone said 30 years ago that in 2023 Dublin GAA would be dominated by the middle/upper class clubs you'd have got laughed out of the pub.

I think the GAA need to get away from the idea of pumping money into trying to get things going in the city centres/big towns. Especially in Dublin anyway. There's no appetite for it at all, if there was an appetite people would be doing it already. It'd be a bad business move for the GAA, that's why I can't see them doing it.

I don't see much the state can do to limit the social disintegration through crime and loss of identity in these places. That boat has already sailed. They've allowed it go on for generations now. Just let city centres be just that. They're not a place for the GAA to be spending it's money."
I am not an optimist myself but if we lose the cities and big towns, its game over. Same as in other European countries including our nearest neighbour, France and Belgium..

I won't see the end of it, and hope my daughter has moved well away by then.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 30/10/2023 11:02:55    2510914


Replying To Fionn:  "Brilliant and emphatic victory for Na Fianna. 2-19 v 0-09

End of the line for Boden but for NF, it could be the start of some dominance.

1st ever Dublin SHC - many congrats to my near neighbours
Very well deserved - enjoy the celebrations on Mobhi Road."
First north side team since Craobh Chiarain in 2006 to win it? While southside clubs dominate the hurling winners the spread across the southside has changed with Faughs dropping out of it altogether - any reason behind their demise? change in demographics?

zinny (Wexford) - Posts: 1829 - 30/10/2023 11:03:19    2510915


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "I am not an optimist myself but if we lose the cities and big towns, its game over. Same as in other European countries including our nearest neighbour, France and Belgium..

I won't see the end of it, and hope my daughter has moved well away by then."
Wouldn't agree with that. Fair enough most big towns are ok and tend to be strong in hurling or football. It's more the city centres I'm on about. Dublin has been lost and is ruined. These places will offer nothing and I see it as a waste of money and resources. As the years go by there'll be less and less living in our city centres, especially Dublin.

Low2Joe (Wexford) - Posts: 48 - 30/10/2023 17:06:39    2510953


Replying To zinny:  "First north side team since Craobh Chiarain in 2006 to win it? While southside clubs dominate the hurling winners the spread across the southside has changed with Faughs dropping out of it altogether - any reason behind their demise? change in demographics?"
Faughs are a Hurling/Camogie club only while litterally yards from Faughs is the thriving St Judes which offer all four codes and growing. They are caught to in being also close to Ballyboden. Dublins oldest club is no doubt suffering by these factors.

arock (Dublin) - Posts: 4931 - 30/10/2023 19:15:20    2510973


Replying To zinny:  "First north side team since Craobh Chiarain in 2006 to win it? While southside clubs dominate the hurling winners the spread across the southside has changed with Faughs dropping out of it altogether - any reason behind their demise? change in demographics?"
Numbers game in Dublin. Impossible to stay at the top without huge numbers. Always thought it was strange in Dublin that you can have massive clubs with big areas, several schools etc then you've other places where clubs are on top of each other. Makes things very uneven or hard for clubs to make it to the top or to maintain it when they do get there.

Low2Joe (Wexford) - Posts: 48 - 30/10/2023 19:59:37    2510976


Replying To Low2Joe:  "Wouldn't agree with that. Fair enough most big towns are ok and tend to be strong in hurling or football. It's more the city centres I'm on about. Dublin has been lost and is ruined. These places will offer nothing and I see it as a waste of money and resources. As the years go by there'll be less and less living in our city centres, especially Dublin."
The state is becoming more not less Dublin and east coast and urban. More than one third of population living in 50 mile radius. Which is not good for anybody, Dubs least of all.

This state is being run like a company. People in charge have no conception of what Ireland might and should have been.

The boys in 16 should have headed to Bo Derrells for an early pint and gone to Fairyhouse for the races. Imagine what Pearse and McDonagh would make of this lot or their likely successors.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 30/10/2023 21:07:02    2510985


Congratulations Na Fianna, worth waiting for!

realdub (Dublin) - Posts: 8663 - 30/10/2023 21:17:14    2510987


Replying To zinny:  "First north side team since Craobh Chiarain in 2006 to win it? While southside clubs dominate the hurling winners the spread across the southside has changed with Faughs dropping out of it altogether - any reason behind their demise? change in demographics?"
Ciarans have gone back up. That should have been first match yesterday, Yes. You are correct about the demographics. Vinnies hurling is going well so are Plunketts, Barrs and Isles starting to improve. Bit of *** steel missing boys :-)

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 30/10/2023 21:20:53    2510989


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "The state is becoming more not less Dublin and east coast and urban. More than one third of population living in 50 mile radius. Which is not good for anybody, Dubs least of all.

This state is being run like a company. People in charge have no conception of what Ireland might and should have been.

The boys in 16 should have headed to Bo Derrells for an early pint and gone to Fairyhouse for the races. Imagine what Pearse and McDonagh would make of this lot or their likely successors."
Yeats' lines are even more appropriate now:

Was it for this the wild geese spread
The grey wing upon every tide;
For this that all that blood was shed,
For this Edward Fitzgerald died,
And Robert Emmet and Wolfe Tone,
All that delirium of the brave?
Romantic Ireland's dead and gone,
It's with O'Leary in the grave.

avonali (Dublin) - Posts: 1981 - 01/11/2023 16:15:50    2511195


Replying To zinny:  "First north side team since Craobh Chiarain in 2006 to win it? While southside clubs dominate the hurling winners the spread across the southside has changed with Faughs dropping out of it altogether - any reason behind their demise? change in demographics?"
Ah the glory days...

But we're back in the big time now baby!

MesAmis (Dublin) - Posts: 13770 - 02/11/2023 12:58:03    2511293


Replying To MesAmis:  "Ah the glory days...

But we're back in the big time now baby!"
Be great to see Craobh back at the top table. God be with the days when they used to put the fear of God into any team that crossed the Liffey!

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 02/11/2023 13:55:21    2511299


Easy enough win for Crokes against Éire Óg.

Carlow men had basis of good plan in fairness. Stop Crokes getting goals and hope to get one yourself. Flaw being Crokes much cuter than they were and even on bad days for Walsh - not great last night despite the late goal and point - and when Mannion is content to occupy the middle third and do a Kieran Kilkenny, they will score by pressing the blanket.

Going to be hard to stop. Nasty dig at end too which Munnelly decided was not cynical at all!

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 05/11/2023 11:23:53    2511548


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "Be great to see Craobh back at the top table. God be with the days when they used to put the fear of God into any team that crossed the Liffey!"
Good win for CC today Barney, v Judes in the Senior 2 Hurling Final.

Fionn (Dublin) - Posts: 3907 - 05/11/2023 16:18:17    2511590


Replying To Fionn:  "Good win for CC today Barney, v Judes in the Senior 2 Hurling Final."
Good to see them back. If they can get act together at underage again they'll maybe be a force again.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 05/11/2023 19:05:20    2511614


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "Easy enough win for Crokes against Éire Óg.

Carlow men had basis of good plan in fairness. Stop Crokes getting goals and hope to get one yourself. Flaw being Crokes much cuter than they were and even on bad days for Walsh - not great last night despite the late goal and point - and when Mannion is content to occupy the middle third and do a Kieran Kilkenny, they will score by pressing the blanket.

Going to be hard to stop. Nasty dig at end too which Munnelly decided was not cynical at all!"
they'll walk leinster championship again, bigger test awaits in semi final against ulster champs.

Yourjoking (USA) - Posts: 719 - 05/11/2023 20:47:10    2511638


Replying To Yourjoking:  "they'll walk leinster championship again, bigger test awaits in semi final against ulster champs."
There will be four serious teams in the semi finals, no matter who they are

Crokes, Glen/Kilcoo, Corofin probably, and Dingle.

Crokes/Dingle final!

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 06/11/2023 09:57:57    2511684
