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Dublin GAA thread

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Replying To baire:  "I don't recall any of my county men sending an opponent to hospital, maybe you can enlighten me."
Here's a couple for ya chief! Even a 13 year old water boy gets a smack!

Club level but makes no difference what level it happens at!

Onion_Sack (Dublin) - Posts: 227 - 26/10/2023 21:11:04    2510545


Replying To Onion_Sack:  "Here's a couple for ya chief! Even a 13 year old water boy gets a smack!

Club level but makes no difference what level it happens at!"
Ollie Canning also stopped playing for the county hurlers over the savagery his brother was subjected to, and with no proper if any sanctions meted out to the guilty individual(s) and club(s) concerned,

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 27/10/2023 10:09:39    2510583


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "Seriously! You must not have watched much of your own countymen over the years never mind anyone else."
Disengage Barney..... ;o)

Fionn (Dublin) - Posts: 3907 - 27/10/2023 10:32:46    2510591


Replying To Fionn:  "Disengage Barney..... ;o)"
And go back to what I'm supposed to be doing :-)

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 27/10/2023 10:41:31    2510594


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "Ollie Canning also stopped playing for the county hurlers over the savagery his brother was subjected to, and with no proper if any sanctions meted out to the guilty individual(s) and club(s) concerned,"
We were talking about senior inter county football played in Croke Park not club games with their mickey mouse officials.
My comment was about incidents in Croker as you well know. Fágfaidh muid siúd mar atá sé!

baire (Galway) - Posts: 1849 - 27/10/2023 14:09:03    2510630


Replying To baire:  "We were talking about senior inter county football played in Croke Park not club games with their mickey mouse officials.
My comment was about incidents in Croker as you well know. Fágfaidh muid siúd mar atá sé!"
Cuimhníos ar fad siar do na 70í, agus a leitheád mar TJ :-) Bhí cluichí uafásach idir na Dubs and na buachaillí aniar. An cluiche is measa b'feidir ní '83 ach '76?

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 27/10/2023 14:42:37    2510646


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "Cuimhníos ar fad siar do na 70í, agus a leitheád mar TJ :-) Bhí cluichí uafásach idir na Dubs and na buachaillí aniar. An cluiche is measa b'feidir ní '83 ach '76?"
Níl dlite ag na blianta sin ach díchuimhne!

baire (Galway) - Posts: 1849 - 27/10/2023 21:54:17    2510698


Replying To Fionn:  "Some hurler alright, as was Cormac and Ciaran amongst many others.

Dont think Vinnies have enough to win it out tbh but as you say it would be nice for someone new to win it.

I have to say one of the best Dublin hurlers I have seen in the past years though was Conal. Unbelievable.
His best years were gone to football but even in his 30's he was still a formidable player.

I also think we have already seen the best of Danny unfortunately.

We just never seem to produce enough quality at the SAME time to get us to the next level, or be able to keep them playing hurling at the same time...."
Agreed here big time on Conal Keaney. He might not of been the greatest for shooting accuracy, but his general reading of the game and decision making was exceptional, he also had some engine in his prime (a long prime) and harassed backs constantly. We use to miss him when he was missing and no more so did this stand out than our 2019 defeat to Laois, when he was subbed off the Laois backs had free reign to pick out their passes. He was unlucky never to get an All Star.

brookerbruiser (Dublin) - Posts: 5 - 28/10/2023 13:44:07    2510727


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "GAA requires a solid community and family basis. As these are starting to disappear from large parts of Dublin the GAA is in terminal decline there.

Dublin GAA has no real incentive to address that with coaching etc as the county teams are based overwhelmingly now on the big clubs in middle class suburbia. Fair play to them, they are communities in which families and schools are invested in their local clubs. That has long since ceased to be the case in most working class areas unless the local club has strong enough roots to survive, which some do. Where the city is expanding into high rise and estates where many if not most people are not Irish, the GAA is non existent. There are whole swathes of Dublin where the AI final might as well have been on Mars.

Harsh but true. Judes have no excuse for looking beyond their own local schools and community for players, by the way. It has all the advantages of the Bodens and Crokes and Na Fiannas et al."
I think this issue is becoming a country wide problem. You see areas where once hurling or football was religion and it is now facing a crisis. North Cork City & parts of East Cork for example. I think one of the main issues is that the GAA assume tradition alone will keep the games strong, they are already at a disadvantage against soccer & rugby due to media exposure and professionalism. I believe the GAA need to up the ante on marketing the game, they seem to be in the dark ages when it comes to media. If you didn't have any interest in the GAA you wouldn't even know when there are games on etc. Because of this the GAA doesn't pick up as many stragglers (kids who have no exposure to the GAA through their family), except in communities where it is still ultra strong. They also need to do some massive initiative in working class areas across the country. We had hurling street leagues in our estate in Tallaght when I was younger, we also made up the vast majority for the hurling team in the closest GAA club, now the same area has little to no hurling and this was in the 90's when the GAA in Dublin was going through dark days as they never kept up with the rapid expansion.

brookerbruiser (Dublin) - Posts: 5 - 28/10/2023 14:17:43    2510731


If they put half as much effort into properly promoting the game among Irish kids as they do in other grandstanding they won't be facing a situation where GAA is dead in parts of Dublin and others within 20 years.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 28/10/2023 14:50:50    2510733


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "If they put half as much effort into properly promoting the game among Irish kids as they do in other grandstanding they won't be facing a situation where GAA is dead in parts of Dublin and others within 20 years."
I'm a little confused by your post. What do you mean by properly promoting the game among Irish kids?

themaddog (Wicklow) - Posts: 132 - 28/10/2023 16:52:37    2510743


Replying To themaddog:  "I'm a little confused by your post. What do you mean by properly promoting the game among Irish kids?"
I don't think DCB in particular are using the football team to promote GAA in parts of city where children are being lost. Practically dead to all intents and purposes in north and south inner city and going that way elsewhere.

And if you are making some point about "irish" well I can assure you that in the north inner city which is over half non Irish there is no interest whatsoever in anything uniquely Irish among non Irish people. Same applies everywhere else.3

You probably know the exceptions to see by sight :-)

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 28/10/2023 19:23:48    2510760


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "If they put half as much effort into properly promoting the game among Irish kids as they do in other grandstanding they won't be facing a situation where GAA is dead in parts of Dublin and others within 20 years."
It's just the way it is. As the GAA dies off in one place it'll be thriving in another.

I hear a lot of people saying that the GAA is failing in working class areas across the country compared to the past where a lot of these areas would have produced strong teams. I honestly think it's more the areas fault than the GAAs. Most working class areas nowadays are not what they were in the past, where there was a proper community and hard working people who took pride in where they were from. The GAA trying to get things up and running again in these places would be throwing money and time away I feel.

I don't see any need for the GAA to panic. It's never been healthier in my view. Go past any GAA club any night of the week or weekend morning and you'll see training or matches being played. Our soccer or rugby counterparts could only dream of having such participation.

Low2Joe (Wexford) - Posts: 48 - 28/10/2023 23:21:58    2510779


Replying To Low2Joe:  "It's just the way it is. As the GAA dies off in one place it'll be thriving in another.

I hear a lot of people saying that the GAA is failing in working class areas across the country compared to the past where a lot of these areas would have produced strong teams. I honestly think it's more the areas fault than the GAAs. Most working class areas nowadays are not what they were in the past, where there was a proper community and hard working people who took pride in where they were from. The GAA trying to get things up and running again in these places would be throwing money and time away I feel.

I don't see any need for the GAA to panic. It's never been healthier in my view. Go past any GAA club any night of the week or weekend morning and you'll see training or matches being played. Our soccer or rugby counterparts could only dream of having such participation."
It is true what you say about some places where a sense of community has been lost, That is not the GAA's to solve. Needs the state to start to do several things to limit any further social disintegration through crime and loss of identity.

Still, the GAA in Dublin is not short of a few bob - as we keep hearing! - and could divert some of it into the surivivng clubs through coaching and targeting local schools. like Gaelscoileanna good things can survive and thrive even in unfavourable places given the right people and attitude and support.

I don't see what "other places" will replace any lost as GAA is already starting from a position where practically every parish outside of north east has or had a club.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 29/10/2023 13:12:36    2510833


On a lighter note, heading to Parnell soon for what hopefully be a good final despite the steady downpour.

That might even things up a bit in favour of Boden who are probably a bit more physical and have some very experienced older lads who don't mind getting up front and personal!

As they will have to if they are to curb AJ, Enright and the Curries who if they cut loosed could turn this into another bad day for the stripey men.

I hope they do. Nothing against Boden but Na Fianna have been knocking on the door for a right few years now, and be just reward. Will have to be earned of course.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 29/10/2023 13:15:57    2510834


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "On a lighter note, heading to Parnell soon for what hopefully be a good final despite the steady downpour.

That might even things up a bit in favour of Boden who are probably a bit more physical and have some very experienced older lads who don't mind getting up front and personal!

As they will have to if they are to curb AJ, Enright and the Curries who if they cut loosed could turn this into another bad day for the stripey men.

I hope they do. Nothing against Boden but Na Fianna have been knocking on the door for a right few years now, and be just reward. Will have to be earned of course."
Other places doesn't necessarily mean new clubs popping up, but could mean an improvement in a clubs fortunes.
Surely Cuala for example is in a better place now than it was 25 years ago.

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1873 - 29/10/2023 17:13:03    2510852


Congratulations to Na Fianna. Great to see them finally do it!

foreveryoung (USA) - Posts: 2053 - 29/10/2023 17:59:10    2510860


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "On a lighter note, heading to Parnell soon for what hopefully be a good final despite the steady downpour.

That might even things up a bit in favour of Boden who are probably a bit more physical and have some very experienced older lads who don't mind getting up front and personal!

As they will have to if they are to curb AJ, Enright and the Curries who if they cut loosed could turn this into another bad day for the stripey men.

I hope they do. Nothing against Boden but Na Fianna have been knocking on the door for a right few years now, and be just reward. Will have to be earned of course."
Over the moon, in Na Fianna celebrating, place is hopping, as it turned out you were right re 2 Curries, Sean was superb.

arock (Dublin) - Posts: 4931 - 29/10/2023 19:48:02    2510873


The GAA in Dublin is fine. The new suburbs do not have the firmly entrenched notion of soccer being king and are ripe for development if sufficient manpower in the form of GPOs and school links are provided there. And there is more fertile ground with new immigrants than there is with the "inner city" folk, which in itself has a relatively small population compared to the rest of the county and is not growing at much of a rate at all. Saying that immigrants have no interest in anything uniquely Irish is a generalisation and a dangerous one at that.

Re the condensed season there needs to be a change to the old system. For the sake of the 2, 2,500 members who are inter-county players, if we decide to make their lives better at the expense of the growth of the association and the tens of thousands of kids potentially lost to other sports, that would be the greatest disservice we can possibly do.

A political reasoning which unapologetically funds Gaelic Games disproportionately than other sports and justifies it on the basis of our history would be no harm either :). But as it is the association is not starved of cash.

The immigrants will assimilate to whatever the dominant culture is. Make it Gaelic Games.

SerriedRanksofInisfail (USA) - Posts: 2 - 29/10/2023 20:18:44    2510876


Brilliant and emphatic victory for Na Fianna. 2-19 v 0-09

End of the line for Boden but for NF, it could be the start of some dominance.

1st ever Dublin SHC - many congrats to my near neighbours
Very well deserved - enjoy the celebrations on Mobhi Road.

Fionn (Dublin) - Posts: 3907 - 29/10/2023 20:39:11    2510879
