5:45 on a Friday evening just to get it on tg4 . These lads are working for there money does prenty not realise there not getting hand outs from the gaa to go looking for 1 o clock finishe's from the schools there teaching in, in dublin, banks, construction sites, company's there working in for a glorified challenge in a indoor pitch with lights scandlous way to treat the players
OhtobeARossie (Roscommon) - Posts: 1783 - 10/01/2022 10:48:15
Bekan is a fine facility & John Prenty has managed the capital outlay very well, unlike the rest of the GAA hierarchy who have no control or oversight on capital projects as we saw with Pairc Ui Chaoimh & other projects like Mc Hale Park, Hyde Park etc.
Most people forget how it all came about, which was through the opening of Croke Park to other sports & to get the deal past Congress, it was promised that the profit from rental would go back to the clubs. However in Connacht it was decided to invest in Bekan rather than give the money to the clubs. IMO this was wrong as it went against what was the initial promise & many clubs could have done with it to invest in their own projects, many of these clubs will never use Bekan due to travel time & costs involved in transport.
However Bekan is in existence & a facility that needs to be used. It would be madness for Mayo to go developing a centre of excellence with this within their county & only in the GAA would another massive capital outlay be spent on developing a similar facility within the same county. What should happen is Mayo use it as they have being doing, despite what people say (was present myself one evening in the Dome & watched them train) let it be there COE & let them pay pro rata & the monies divided between upkeep & the other Connacht counties to invest as they wish. It can still be used for schools games & development squad games as there are loads of pitches & dressing rooms. Will this happen, probably not, as this is the GAA where tribalism, ignorance, politics, power seekers & capital expenditure oversight are all massive issues.
Finally, all this massive capital outlay nationwide by the GAA is pointless, the major issue facing the GAA is dropout rates at all levels in clubs & schools. The whole emphasis is on the Inter County behemoth which swallows up all the money, time & has become an industry with huge back room staff that get paid, print media, TV rights & coverage, managers being paid huge sums of money under the table (yes there were a few honourable men like Jim Gavin was) everyone is pulling from it. Even at club level now, the money involved in managing teams has hit a new level, hence so many high profile figures going to manage at club level. Yet the GAA is haemoraging players from 16 to adult level. Investment needs to be put into this rather than capital projects. Schools particularly Post Primary level have become GAA wastelands in less than a decade, the coaching structures are shocking or non existent or not doing their job. Sean Kelly the ex GAA Uachtaran was plugging his own Inter County C'ship format greatly in his Irish Examiner article recently, his proposal was it running from Feburary to the end of August, this means County Managers starting teams back in December, so Inter County for 9 months of the year & not a dicky bird about club players who were obviously sandwiched in for 3 months of the year. This from a man who is an ex Uachtaran & votes at Congress, it just shows that between Inter County & Capital projects is what is the chief aim instead of investing in those who are leaving the Association in droves.
moc.dna (Galway) - Posts: 1212 - 10/01/2022 11:03:50
Replying To anotheralias: "I cant understand why there is any debate over this. It is a fabulous facility in probably the best location it could possibly be. It makes you proud to be from Connacht. It is a true centre of excellence So what if its in Mayo , it has to be in some county and to be fair its very accessible from large parts of the other 4 counties. Yes its a long trek from West Mayo , Connemara, south Galway , North Sligo, North Leitrim but it is central and fair and bar making the province smaller there's not much John Prenty or anyone can do about it, But typical of Ireland even when something is close to as good as it possibly can be there will be knockers. Well done to John Prenty and all involved." Hahahaha
sourmilk93 (Roscommon) - Posts: 1200 - 10/01/2022 11:11:29
Replying To Seanfanbocht: "Back to the topic, why is the 6pm Final on a Friday night? Does JP think all the players are full time professionals? Will the CC reimburse the working players who have to take half or full day off work? Of course it should be 2pm Sunday in the Hyde with 3 or 4,000 spectators." And Jerome Henry as referee !!
seventyniner (Galway) - Posts: 41 - 10/01/2022 12:43:01
Replying To OhtobeARossie: "5:45 on a Friday evening just to get it on tg4 . These lads are working for there money does prenty not realise there not getting hand outs from the gaa to go looking for 1 o clock finishe's from the schools there teaching in, in dublin, banks, construction sites, company's there working in for a glorified challenge in a indoor pitch with lights scandlous way to treat the players" If its a glorified challenge match then don't fulfill it. Let beaten semi finalists take their place, I'm sure they'd manage to get a team out for what is a longer journey for many of their players.
marmalade_farmer (Leitrim) - Posts: 94 - 10/01/2022 12:44:05
Replying To Seanfanbocht: "Back to the topic, why is the 6pm Final on a Friday night? Does JP think all the players are full time professionals? Will the CC reimburse the working players who have to take half or full day off work? Of course it should be 2pm Sunday in the Hyde with 3 or 4,000 spectators." Why should it be in Roscommon? If players are unable to take time off work for the game there's strong numbers of panels involved and they should be able to get 15-20 players out of that surely.
marmalade_farmer (Leitrim) - Posts: 94 - 10/01/2022 12:54:40
Replying To marmalade_farmer: "Why should it be in Roscommon? If players are unable to take time off work for the game there's strong numbers of panels involved and they should be able to get 15-20 players out of that surely." Go away talking about big boy football concentrate on yer div 4 games. I thought ye were the first team out of this comp.
OhtobeARossie (Roscommon) - Posts: 1783 - 10/01/2022 14:50:24
Replying To OhtobeARossie: "Go away talking about big boy football concentrate on yer div 4 games. I thought ye were the first team out of this comp." Big boy football? Something youse never have to talk about either in fairness. At least Mayo and Galway are competitive in the championship. You said earlier this was a glorified challenge, now its a competition, I suppose if youse win it will be a comp and if ya lose it will be a challenge game, right?
marmalade_farmer (Leitrim) - Posts: 94 - 10/01/2022 15:46:06
Replying To marmalade_farmer: "If its a glorified challenge match then don't fulfill it. Let beaten semi finalists take their place, I'm sure they'd manage to get a team out for what is a longer journey for many of their players." Even a glorified Challenge wouldn't be fixed for that hour of a Friday evening. Its ridiculous and anyone who isn't trying to act the clown would agree. Plenty of lads based in Dublin working will have to take a half day to get down for the game. Any truth to the rumour the Leitrim Heros of 2013 and 2014 are been honoured at half time?
sourmilk93 (Roscommon) - Posts: 1200 - 10/01/2022 16:00:47
Replying To sourmilk93: "Even a glorified Challenge wouldn't be fixed for that hour of a Friday evening. Its ridiculous and anyone who isn't trying to act the clown would agree. Plenty of lads based in Dublin working will have to take a half day to get down for the game. Any truth to the rumour the Leitrim Heros of 2013 and 2014 are been honoured at half time?" Some achievement in fairness, were else would u honour such a achievement but in that setting.
OhtobeARossie (Roscommon) - Posts: 1783 - 10/01/2022 16:35:44
Replying To sourmilk93: "Even a glorified Challenge wouldn't be fixed for that hour of a Friday evening. Its ridiculous and anyone who isn't trying to act the clown would agree. Plenty of lads based in Dublin working will have to take a half day to get down for the game. Any truth to the rumour the Leitrim Heros of 2013 and 2014 are been honoured at half time?" But shur if its a problem don't fulfill it. Another team will step in. If it is a challenge game young fellas could go into the panel and play I'm sure. They'd be bigger fools to take a half day of their holidays to play in it. Not sure what kind of baloney you do be fed about some heroes or whatever being honoured but if it pleases you then fair play to you. It's as valid a thought as some of the other stuff you come out with.
marmalade_farmer (Leitrim) - Posts: 94 - 10/01/2022 17:06:25
Replying To OhtobeARossie: "Some achievement in fairness, were else would u honour such a achievement but in that setting." It will be held at the grand opening of the Roscommon centre of excellence in 2059
marmalade_farmer (Leitrim) - Posts: 94 - 10/01/2022 17:07:39
If Mayo GAA are going to use this as a de facto base for their county teams then I am sorry there is only one county who will get any sort of tangible benefit from this overall. The recent scrapping of a proposed centre in Castlebar confirms as much.
Can I pose the question - aside from schools football what benefit does this have for Galway GAA (and our neighbours). Only thing I can think so far is it kept the togs dry on Friday.
ahsure. (Galway) - Posts: 1645 - 10/01/2022 17:30:49
Replying To marmalade_farmer: "Why should it be in Roscommon? If players are unable to take time off work for the game there's strong numbers of panels involved and they should be able to get 15-20 players out of that surely." Because in the home and away cycle it's Ros' turn to host Galway .
Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2113 - 10/01/2022 18:10:12
Replying To marmalade_farmer: "It will be held at the grand opening of the Roscommon centre of excellence in 2059" It's actually sad when the biggest claim Leitrim football have its a training ground. That's is what has brought the most pride to the likes of yourself haha what a sad life that must be. Not a COE and I see very little excellence out of it.
sourmilk93 (Roscommon) - Posts: 1200 - 10/01/2022 20:52:42
Replying To OhtobeARossie: "5:45 on a Friday evening just to get it on tg4 . These lads are working for there money does prenty not realise there not getting hand outs from the gaa to go looking for 1 o clock finishe's from the schools there teaching in, in dublin, banks, construction sites, company's there working in for a glorified challenge in a indoor pitch with lights scandlous way to treat the players" The timing of the game is due to Covid regulations, indoor venues have to be cleared by 8 pm. Makes the mind boggle way they wouldn't play it outdoors and allow some fans the opportunity to attend.
GalwayLurker (Galway) - Posts: 109 - 10/01/2022 21:48:18
Because they had to try and get some high profile teams to use the dome, so they used the only competition they have full control over to do it. Big PR offensive about the dome lately after various club teams refused to play on it due to increased risk of injury.
PierreBezuhov (UK) - Posts: 233 - 11/01/2022 09:36:06
If John Prenty had respect for the players and supporters this final would be played outdoors on Sunday afternoon with up to 5,000 in attendance than 5:45 on Friday evening indoors with 300 watching.
One match in the pre season played in the Airdome for each team is more than enough, it's little or no preparation for the NFL played in the wind and rain.
Yondu (UK) - Posts: 845 - 11/01/2022 10:19:59
Replying To sourmilk93: "It's actually sad when the biggest claim Leitrim football have its a training ground. That's is what has brought the most pride to the likes of yourself haha what a sad life that must be. Not a COE and I see very little excellence out of it." I think our biggest claim is we know our limitations and yes having built this fine facility that your own clubs borrow is something to be proud of, perhaps when Roscommon build one in the next few decades you'll feel the same. You only recently got a half decent field in your main pitch. Because certainly just like us you'll never get within an asses roar of winning an all Ireland, unlike Galway or Mayo. When your supporters realise in this regard youse are no better than Sligo or Leitrim or Carlow or Longford etc then you might see how silly your notions are.
marmalade_farmer (Leitrim) - Posts: 94 - 11/01/2022 10:25:56
Replying To marmalade_farmer: "I think our biggest claim is we know our limitations and yes having built this fine facility that your own clubs borrow is something to be proud of, perhaps when Roscommon build one in the next few decades you'll feel the same. You only recently got a half decent field in your main pitch. Because certainly just like us you'll never get within an asses roar of winning an all Ireland, unlike Galway or Mayo. When your supporters realise in this regard youse are no better than Sligo or Leitrim or Carlow or Longford etc then you might see how silly your notions are." Bull. A training ground is all well and good but i would rather results on the field. What good is a hape of pitches together is you have not good one decent footballer. Leitrims best player attempted to transfer to Roscommon and was surplus to requirements. Tells a lot doesn't it. Don't know any Roscommon supporter who expects to win an All Ireland. The goal has been a 1/4 or semi final. Our silverware in recent years and the level we have played in league shows we are miles better than the four counties you named. You are deluded to think otherwise. Anyway back to your bedroom to stare at the back to back heros team photo you have on your wall.
sourmilk93 (Roscommon) - Posts: 1200 - 11/01/2022 11:18:39