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This January competition is to remain indoors in John Prentys dome at the Connacht GAA Centre. Under current restrictions only 300 supporters will be allowed to attend each game. Surely the common sense approach was to move games outdoors where no such restrictions are in place? Yondu (UK) - Posts: 845 - 09/12/2021 15:35:39 2392213 Link 0 |
Sure they need to show that the dome is useful for something other than an odd school training session? A complete white elephant. The proper pitches are all around it. PierreBezuhov (UK) - Posts: 233 - 09/12/2021 17:49:00 2392231 Link 1 |
Why is it a white elephant? We're getting more extreme rain and storms every year. An indoor facility will always be in demand.
MayoDan (Mayo) - Posts: 440 - 10/12/2021 14:01:24 2392304 Link 1 |
A ego trip by John Prenty when common sense option is to play these games outdoors. Gaa_lover (USA) - Posts: 3544 - 10/12/2021 15:42:05 2392326 Link 7 |
Situated in a bog in Mayo... Should be up in the main county of the West...Galway City outskirts.. accessibility for all.. Belclare (Galway) - Posts: 904 - 11/12/2021 09:35:01 2392367 Link 5 |
link GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7815 - 11/12/2021 10:41:39 2392371 Link 1 |
A waste of money if ever there was one. Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2113 - 11/12/2021 11:26:07 2392375 Link 1 |
What is it for? Who is it for? PierreBezuhov (UK) - Posts: 233 - 11/12/2021 11:45:29 2392381 Link 1 |
It is for playing Gaelic games. It is open to any team and has been used 5 or 6 days a week since Covid restrictions were eased. The COE in Bekan is a brilliant facility that loads of clubs make use of for training especially. Why would something like this be considered a white elephant in the GAA, yet building massive stadiums that only sell out once a year is common place. MayoDan (Mayo) - Posts: 440 - 11/12/2021 12:35:35 2392386 Link 2 |
You are right It is a brialliant facility. But it is time to call it what is is and thats the Mayo Center of excellence, all funded by the Connaught Council. How delegates from Galway, Roscommon Sligo and Leitrim voted for this whole Bekan thing I'll never understand. The four counties are nearly broke trying to fund their own centers of excellence and Mayo's is built by the Connaught council. By the way has any of the other provinces a center of excellence?
seventyniner (Galway) - Posts: 41 - 11/12/2021 15:14:44 2392400 Link 3 |
Mayo don't train there mate and are trying to get their own centre of excellence of the ground. It's a very heavily used facility. We tried to get our club in at one stage this year but it was booked out.
yew_tree (Mayo) - Posts: 11477 - 11/12/2021 15:27:01 2392404 Link 2 |
Mayo have used Bekan to train.
moc.dna (Galway) - Posts: 1212 - 11/12/2021 17:49:16 2392426 Link 1 |
It's close enough for loads of Roscommon and Galway clubs to use as well. I know Cill Chomain were training there during the Mayo junior championship this year, an hour and a half drive. Pretty sure every Sligo, Leitrim and Roscommon club are closer to Bekan than that.
MayoDan (Mayo) - Posts: 440 - 11/12/2021 18:11:15 2392431 Link 0 |
Maybe on a few occasions but it's not the Mayo training base as some are making out. Mayo actually had a session in Leitrim last year due to no pitch being available in the county including Bekan. Mayo have probably trained in UL and Athlone more than Bekan.
yew_tree (Mayo) - Posts: 11477 - 11/12/2021 18:54:29 2392441 Link 2 |
Pretty sure they are not
reffingmad (Roscommon) - Posts: 375 - 11/12/2021 20:21:20 2392473 Link 0 |
Which ones are not? Genuine question.
MayoDan (Mayo) - Posts: 440 - 11/12/2021 21:05:54 2392485 Link 1 |
Leitrim maybe not, but most Roscommon and Sligo clubs are probably less than than an hour and thirty six minutes drive to the Centre of Excellence.
GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7815 - 11/12/2021 21:06:12 2392486 Link 1 |
It's in prentys front garden practically but now known as the NUIG dome... Couldn't make it up... I suppose they have to add the Galway element to attract teams outside Mayo to use it..
Belclare (Galway) - Posts: 904 - 11/12/2021 21:19:54 2392489 Link 1 |
'practically'. Prenty's front garden is just up the road from my homeplace, between the school and the GAA pitch. You're never happy unless you're whinging about something.
GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7815 - 11/12/2021 21:35:52 2392491 Link 1 |
Whatever you think Belclare. Your the sourest most bitter poster here and have been for years. Happy Christmas.
yew_tree (Mayo) - Posts: 11477 - 12/12/2021 10:47:38 2392515 Link 2 |