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Sligo GAA thread

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Replying To BreakingBall123:  "I don't see an issue here. Promote games to kids gets adults at games. As long as it's being promoted in schools all week as well. Should be done more often in my opinion. An open training session wouldn't go astray either. It's a big game yes but that attitude in GAA to put teams behind an iron curtain should change. Although you took issue with one of the intermediate finalists trying to promote their game. Again I didn't see an issue at the time. I don't think teams should be ridiculed trying to promote themselves. The pitch is a totally separate issue."
I agree. Its interesting I have had people within Sligo GAA criticise Sligo ladies and other teams for promoting teams before a big game and blamed a poor performance on this which is nonsense imo. Its never a bad thing to promote the team or match and you have to think of the future. Any player that doesn't want to partake should be allowed too. Some players gain energy from it, some may not. Its all about balance and its not done too often. The Kids will gain a lot from it and fair play to the parents who bring them and should add to the atmosphere. The weather is looking good for Sunday.

Sligonian (Sligo) - Posts: 1787 - 06/03/2025 16:16:43    2595083


Replying To Sligoman1234:  "Tbf there's very little promotion of upcoming games on social media in comparison to other counties. That's on a regular basis not just this one. Also the team being a top secret doesn't help. I know that's the managements doing but it doesn't show much respect for the fans who travel all the time not to even know who is meant to start. And as for buying a programme, no point anymore when there's 4/5 changes to most county teams including who is wearing what number now before throw in."
Your spot on. Nothing to promote the games at all on our social media platforms and I have mentioned this several times. Having a meet and greet with players at 12.30 before the game. That's the greatest load of nonsense. I doubt it will happen. It's not the team that should be used to promote the game before throw in. It's the co board that should be promoting games all year. The players can be used for promotional purposes at other times. The intermediate Final was mentioned. Owenmore Gaels were naive, played the occasion all week before the Intermediate final drained all their energy and were wiped by an average Harp's team on the day itself. Harp's then did what their opposition did the week before, except they had the canister in the bag. What team got it right? Football is all about enjoyment but when the stakes are high the enjoyment is much sweeter when you win. We need to win on Sunday. We need to lift the morale before we head up north the following weekend. Markievicz Park won't be a place for our light speedy forwards on heavy turf. Mind them for the next day

eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 2031 - 06/03/2025 17:58:26    2595110


Replying To eoinog:  "Your spot on. Nothing to promote the games at all on our social media platforms and I have mentioned this several times. Having a meet and greet with players at 12.30 before the game. That's the greatest load of nonsense. I doubt it will happen. It's not the team that should be used to promote the game before throw in. It's the co board that should be promoting games all year. The players can be used for promotional purposes at other times. The intermediate Final was mentioned. Owenmore Gaels were naive, played the occasion all week before the Intermediate final drained all their energy and were wiped by an average Harp's team on the day itself. Harp's then did what their opposition did the week before, except they had the canister in the bag. What team got it right? Football is all about enjoyment but when the stakes are high the enjoyment is much sweeter when you win. We need to win on Sunday. We need to lift the morale before we head up north the following weekend. Markievicz Park won't be a place for our light speedy forwards on heavy turf. Mind them for the next day"
Now your broadening your argument… you took issue with the meet and greet, I said I didn't see the issue. many of those are fair points above, I was simply stating I didn't have an issue with the meet and greet. Also I wouldn't call harps average, they could easily have won their Connacht semi final.

BreakingBall123 (Sligo) - Posts: 94 - 06/03/2025 21:01:21    2595129


Replying To BreakingBall123:  "Now your broadening your argument… you took issue with the meet and greet, I said I didn't see the issue. many of those are fair points above, I was simply stating I didn't have an issue with the meet and greet. Also I wouldn't call harps average, they could easily have won their Connacht semi final."
I'm still taking issue with a meet and greet with the players at 12.30 which is what is advertised. That's an hour before throw in. I only mentioned the intermediate Final because you brought it up. There's a time and a place for everything.

eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 2031 - 06/03/2025 22:08:50    2595138


Logical thing would be a meet and greet with the u.20 as they are out very soon. Remember the shambolic sponsor a player that was in place last year. The competition was nearly over before they had enough sponsors.

Taypot (Sligo) - Posts: 94 - 07/03/2025 07:48:05    2595156


Do ye really think a meet and greet is that important? So much so that it could affect player performance as to affect the outcome.

Its funny its the Management loyalists that are critical of this. You can prepare teams poorly, communicate poorly, have the wrong team selected, poor match ups, poor tactics and that's ok with ye, but a meet and greet with kids is where ye draw the line, lol.

I hate to break to ye too but Management would have had to agree with this too. Ye should bring it up at convention to have meet and greets banned before big games due to Sligo teams not performing after.

Sligonian (Sligo) - Posts: 1787 - 07/03/2025 16:51:52    2595281


Replying To Sligonian:  "Do ye really think a meet and greet is that important? So much so that it could affect player performance as to affect the outcome.

Its funny its the Management loyalists that are critical of this. You can prepare teams poorly, communicate poorly, have the wrong team selected, poor match ups, poor tactics and that's ok with ye, but a meet and greet with kids is where ye draw the line, lol.

I hate to break to ye too but Management would have had to agree with this too. Ye should bring it up at convention to have meet and greets banned before big games due to Sligo teams not performing after."
I'm a 'loyalist' and unfortunately agree with you. It's the draconian put teams behind an iron curtain point of view. The GAA could grow the sport so much if they made players and their stories a little more assessable. I highlighted during club championship that a simple YouTube highlight video promotes the games and players, I think the week after highlight videos were posted (they are watching). I think what Fermanagh are doing with their videos is excellent and Sligo should follow suit. An open training session would be an idea when things get brighter and warmer. There is so much good work being done as underage in Sligo. You want these players to be assessable and be the kids heroes. That's how you build a culture within a county. It's all part of it. The timing of the meet and greet would suggest it's extended panel, I doubt they'll be meeting during the warm ups. I hope it's well organised but if it is it's a good idea. Good weather, more kids means more adults. Up Sligo!

BreakingBall123 (Sligo) - Posts: 94 - 07/03/2025 18:56:21    2595306


Replying To Sligonian:  "Do ye really think a meet and greet is that important? So much so that it could affect player performance as to affect the outcome.

Its funny its the Management loyalists that are critical of this. You can prepare teams poorly, communicate poorly, have the wrong team selected, poor match ups, poor tactics and that's ok with ye, but a meet and greet with kids is where ye draw the line, lol.

I hate to break to ye too but Management would have had to agree with this too. Ye should bring it up at convention to have meet and greets banned before big games due to Sligo teams not performing after."
That's. It. The missing piece when you were in management, you never thought of having a meet and greet . What a difference that would have made to your CV. And on the subject of Quinn, no one expected he would start last week. He deserves his start this weekend but stop waxing lyrics about how much you rate him. He was one of your infamous low ceiling players.

Taypot (Sligo) - Posts: 94 - 08/03/2025 11:25:07    2595366


Replying To Taypot:  "That's. It. The missing piece when you were in management, you never thought of having a meet and greet . What a difference that would have made to your CV. And on the subject of Quinn, no one expected he would start last week. He deserves his start this weekend but stop waxing lyrics about how much you rate him. He was one of your infamous low ceiling players."
we're coming up all guns blazing

Patchin (Clare) - Posts: 41 - 08/03/2025 12:06:33    2595371


Replying To Patchin:  "we're coming up all guns blazing"
You are all very welcome. The Banner county have fantastic supporters. It's a pity you will be going home empty handed ))

eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 2031 - 08/03/2025 13:33:46    2595384
