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It's quiet on here today, all the county board lads at convention Sligonian (Sligo) - Posts: 1807 - 11/12/2024 20:09:33 2583184 Link 0 |
I had another message which wasn't posted, i can assure everybody it was very well written… to make sure I don't look like a raving loonatic with the way this last one is reads…
BreakingBall123 (Sligo) - Posts: 100 - 11/12/2024 20:25:55 2583188 Link 0 |
When questioned on why the limited chance's to underage players, "preventing Burnout" is the county board line. I have asked. These are healthy and fit 20+ year olds. Several looks miles ahead of starters for the seniors in the club championship to my eye. Sligonian (Sligo) - Posts: 1807 - 11/12/2024 21:02:44 2583199 Link 0 |
So you're the expert on Mulligans injury ? From where ever in the world you are? Do you expect a lad who hadn't played a game from the all Ireland semi final against Kerry where he picked up a rather nasty injury to play the first game of the year… wow
BreakingBall123 (Sligo) - Posts: 100 - 11/12/2024 21:56:21 2583210 Link 0 |
Also on burnout…. There's a number of players in Sligo in the last ten years, fairly big names that aren't playing anymore for Sligo…one featured in 2015 in the win against Roscommon, seemed to have a good championship this year, could be back in recognition for Sligo…we want to burn these good u20s too…you are soo clueless…keyboard warrior from abroad
BreakingBall123 (Sligo) - Posts: 100 - 11/12/2024 21:59:07 2583211 Link 0 |
I do not like mentioning specific players …there are many in the last ten years that have made an instant impression for Sligo that are no longer playing…look up team lists…it might through injury, it might be through personal circumstances…thrusting players too early does not work…Clifford is the exception….we do not have a Clifford…Sligonian you are toxic… BreakingBall123 (Sligo) - Posts: 100 - 11/12/2024 22:12:34 2583214 Link 0 |
Your most recent post doesn't make much sense either. The player was available for selection and had done pre season but McEntee chose not to use him and picked inferior players ahead of him.
Anto (Sligo) - Posts: 376 - 11/12/2024 22:13:38 2583215 Link 0 |
I stopped replying to that multiple account holder years ago. No knowledge of football in the county. Spent all last year raving about Caroline Currid and Joseph Keaney. I felt sorry for Keaney. A decent lad that didn't need to be made into a scapegoat to satisfy the ego of someone that rarely sees a game. He spends his time name dropping, trying to give the impression that he knows players whereas he's only getting his info from newspapers and Social media. Remember Brian Fenton and Paudie Clifford to name just 2 were well in their twenties before they kicked a ball for the county. On the other hand Kevin MC Donnell a brilliant prospect for us never got near his potential due to constant football while he was injured. No doubt there will be a big long rant of hot air but it won't get a reply from me.
eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 2050 - 11/12/2024 22:18:18 2583217 Link 0 |
Mulligan played against Roscommon in the FBD league This place is gone to the dogs, everyone on the attack but most of them have no clue what they are talking about muscles (Sligo) - Posts: 468 - 12/12/2024 00:05:56 2583230 Link 0 |
POC is better than Clifford. Clifford didn't get a big money move to Dublin, did he?
Ice_cream_dromore (Sligo) - Posts: 31 - 12/12/2024 09:12:03 2583242 Link 0 |
I've been asking for a while now. Who are these "inferior" players?
johncreilly (Sligo) - Posts: 151 - 12/12/2024 11:21:37 2583272 Link 0 |
He also played sigerson, give a young lad a rest… he was needed in championship not January…
BreakingBall123 (Sligo) - Posts: 100 - 12/12/2024 11:35:12 2583274 Link 0 |
BreakingBall123 (Sligo) - Posts: 100 - 12/12/2024 12:13:59 2583280 Link 0 |
I don't think I'll get an answer here as usual so I pulled out everyone who played against Down in July. Aidan Devanney - Wasn't a fan in previous years but I think he had a great year. Be intersting to see if anyone challenges in 2024 with new rules. Evan Lyons - Dependable and brave defender. One of the first on the teamsheet. Rules should suit him. Eddie McGuinness - Likewise to Lyons, rules should suit Eddie. He will never give up. A managers dream. Paul McNamara - Think he had a decent year all round. Paul is a steady performer. Brian Cox - Again, was unsure in the past. Think he done pretty well. Darragh Cummins - Became more important as the year went on. Questions over his defensive capabilities at times but for me, has to start currently. Nathan Mullen - An unlucky/hot blooded moment aside,, a very good year after an indifferent start to it for him Paul Kilcoyne - I wouldn't class myself as a huge fan and doubt where his best position is, but he didn't look out of his depth as the gears went up during the year. Might come under pressure over next 12 months to start. Canice Mulligan - Nailed his place down and will only get better. A high ceiling for this young man. Cian Lally, - Became the starting point of so many Sligo attacks. Possibly player of the year for them. Alan McLoughlin - Had an excellent league campaign and deservedly cemented his place Sean Carrabine - Will be a big loss if he doesn't feature in 2025. Consistently one of Sligo's best Lee Deignan - One of 2022 U20 crop who seems to one McEntee is trusting. Hopefully can keep improving Patrick O'Connor - On his day, Paddy is a class act as was seen for Sligo and Kilmacud this year. Niall Murphy - Still so vital for club and county on the big days. Murphy will be so hard to replace when he hangs up the boots at intercounty. Mark Walsh - Frustrating at times but a real impact player. Rarely has a bad game off the bench. Mikey Gordon - A solid performer who can cover a few positions. Eoghan Smith - Still in the infancy of his Sligo career. Time will tell with Eoghan but I think there's an intercounty player there. Donal Conlon - Can see why he's in panels. Has had his injury issues but drings something different to the party. Luke Casserly - Great to see him in Croke Park in his first year out of U20s. Bright future hopefully. David Quinn - He may be one you are referring to but Quinn has mainly been used off the bench for the past two years in championship football. I don't think he owes the group anything and brings some experience to a young camp. Pat Spillane - Quite injury prone it seems but like Walsh, when he's at it, he's at it. On his day, such a threat. So there's my thoughts for what they are worth. Nobody stood out as a poor player for me that should not be involved. Some had more good days than others but a fairly consistent crop at that level. I don't see all these "McEntee Favourites" that shouldn't be there. The U20 crop that are good enough are coming through slowly. I have no doubt, if they are good enough and showing it in training, that they will be getting into these panels. Nobody has a God-given right to be starting for Sligo. Simple as that. Stop hurling from the ditch before a ball is kicked and back this young crop. johncreilly (Sligo) - Posts: 151 - 12/12/2024 12:54:16 2583293 Link 0 |
You are contradicting yourself in every post. I think that its not just one person with multiple accounts
muscles (Sligo) - Posts: 468 - 12/12/2024 13:19:30 2583303 Link 0 |
Sligonian and Breaking Ball must be in the public sector. Where do you get the time? I try to look at HS on my bathroom break.
Ice_cream_dromore (Sligo) - Posts: 31 - 12/12/2024 13:54:30 2583306 Link 0 |
That's a good analysis, very positive and the good message to the team. Mentally tough teams and players can handle constructive feedback, in fact they need to in order to grow and improve but recently younger generations are more sensitive and that has to be taken into account which is why I stopped analysing players in detail on here especially if it can be perceived as negative. I don't feel anyone should be pressured into naming players they don't think are good enough and my review on certain players wouldn't be as positive but I do agree with a lot of what you said Jcr. Its been interesting on here lately but not surprising and its does need to improve. People should be allowed an opinion on Sligo football and be able to disagree respectfully. My opinion on McEntee carries way too much weight with his fans who seem very sensitive and I genuinely want him to improve and do well because at the end of the day I don't care who is in charge as long as Sligo are successful. Sligonian (Sligo) - Posts: 1807 - 12/12/2024 21:00:41 2583375 Link 0 |
I'm not trying to wind you up, but you tend to contradict yourself quite a bit Sligonian. Are these the same younger generations that you want to parachute into the side? But they aren't tough enough mentally? Make up your mind. I don't think my previous message was put up to analyse in anyway other than to highlight that the current crop ain't too bad at all. The most critical was probably towards David Quinn which is only down to the fact he's entering his thirties. A player I've a lot of respect for who never played Intercounty Championship football at minor or U20/21. I can definitely see the value in keeping the likes of him in panels. The rest of them outside of him, Murphy and Devanney are young men. I've been going to Sligo games since the late 80s and would say this crop would beat 80-90% of the teams. We have improved and hopefully will continue with the best of our U20s slowly filtering in. Tony McEntee can be criticised like the rest of them but why do it in December, I don't know. And if we are talking about bringing in players ahead of other players, don't be afraid to say who you'd bring in and who you'd take out. The only one you've mentioned is Harte which may be a decent shout, I really don't know. Other than that, there is no substance to a lot of the criticism. That's the problem. By all means, speak your mind, but give us your actual problem and proposed solution. johncreilly (Sligo) - Posts: 151 - 13/12/2024 08:14:09 2583401 Link 0 |
As a Dub living in Sligo since 1979 and going to Sligo games for all that time I'm very happy with the current Sligo team, manager etc. To me this team is up there with any Sligo team over that period and the added bonus as you said is the relatively young profile. It would be rare indeed for unanimous agreement with panel, squad and team selections but to me McEntee et al are doing a really good job, slowly evolving, building confidence, developing a system that suits the players and bringing in players to suit that system. Some outside managers just use div 4 and 3 teams to build a CV for themselves, quick fixes with no eye on longer term squad/team development. To me McEntee is not of that ilk.
sligo joe (Dublin) - Posts: 860 - 13/12/2024 10:44:42 2583417 Link 0 |
That's a fairly good assessment of last year's squad. It will be by and large the same going into this year. I would be hoping that Lavin, Dylan Walsh, Casserly will be pushing hard for a starting place. A Few of the other young lads have a bit to do to stake a claim. Mark Walsh is a good impact player with pace for running at defenders. He has a lot of work to do on other parts of his game though. He will need to learn fast. I would like to see Josh Flynn in the panel . Tremendous work rate which is vital. The keeper debate will be interesting. Keelan Harte adds a bit going forward but he wasn't on the panel last year. Defensively I still think Devanney is better but he is not an option in the other half of the field. However the best keeper in the county is Alan Davey, but he doesn't leave his goals either. You could easily see an experiment where an outfield player might be put between the sticks. Dare I mention David Quinn for the role, a chap that won't make the starting 15 but would be capable of kicking 2 pointers. There would be a few other options also but I imagine we will start cautiously and Devanney will be the keeper for the first game against Offaly.
eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 2050 - 13/12/2024 12:41:03 2583434 Link 0 |