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is there more of a bitter rivalry with monaghon or Armagh? id imagine from what stories i heard Armagh fans would be fairly hard to listen to if you are bordering them, they seem to have a love in with Meath from admiring them in 80s and 90s , always found that Armagh were fond of meath and tyrone hated meath!
louth v cavan seems a tasty rivalry brewing from the antics in ardee last year, cavan are a real proud old football county that dont take well to getting it put up em , even though they havent been kingpins for 50 years. would Louth have a love in a bit with Dublin, never heard them being overly up for it against Dublin in games

dickie10 (UK) - Posts: 811 - 12/12/2024 12:07:31    2583279


Replying To dickie10:  "is there more of a bitter rivalry with monaghon or Armagh? id imagine from what stories i heard Armagh fans would be fairly hard to listen to if you are bordering them, they seem to have a love in with Meath from admiring them in 80s and 90s , always found that Armagh were fond of meath and tyrone hated meath!
louth v cavan seems a tasty rivalry brewing from the antics in ardee last year, cavan are a real proud old football county that dont take well to getting it put up em , even though they havent been kingpins for 50 years. would Louth have a love in a bit with Dublin, never heard them being overly up for it against Dublin in games"
I say Tyrone hate Meath because the Tyrone lads thought they only had to show up for the 1996 All Ireland semi final and the Royals battered them on and off the pitch. Louth and Cavan don't actually border. But they are not a million miles from each. I'm not from North Louth so I would not know what the rivalry is like with Monghan, Armagh and Down. Louth have never played Armagh or Down in the Championship. They played Monaghan three times in the Championship and there is one win each and a draw. They have played Cavan twice in the Championship and Cavan have won both matches.

Ollie2 (Louth) - Posts: 1005 - 12/12/2024 12:48:50    2583291


Replying To Ollie2:  "I say Tyrone hate Meath because the Tyrone lads thought they only had to show up for the 1996 All Ireland semi final and the Royals battered them on and off the pitch. Louth and Cavan don't actually border. But they are not a million miles from each. I'm not from North Louth so I would not know what the rivalry is like with Monghan, Armagh and Down. Louth have never played Armagh or Down in the Championship. They played Monaghan three times in the Championship and there is one win each and a draw. They have played Cavan twice in the Championship and Cavan have won both matches."
No real rivalry with Monaghan or Armagh. Will the narrow water bridge make us more connected to Down?

Meath is a south Louth rivalry even when you add the 2010 Leinster into it.

Shearer (Louth) - Posts: 902 - 12/12/2024 13:31:30    2583304


Replying To Shearer:  "No real rivalry with Monaghan or Armagh. Will the narrow water bridge make us more connected to Down?

Meath is a south Louth rivalry even when you add the 2010 Leinster into it."
As a Dundalk man I can tell you Meath are the main rivals.
A lot of Dundalk based Louth fans would hate Armagh for the fact that for some reason when they won the All Ireland in the early 2000's seemed that every 3rd or 4th house in Dundalk and surrounding areas turned into Armagh fans. That's always bugged me. I know lads born in Dundalk who are big Dundalk fans and they would go to Armagh games and up until last few years would laugh at Louth GAA

DundalkGael (Louth) - Posts: 933 - 12/12/2024 15:29:38    2583328


Replying To DundalkGael:  "As a Dundalk man I can tell you Meath are the main rivals.
A lot of Dundalk based Louth fans would hate Armagh for the fact that for some reason when they won the All Ireland in the early 2000's seemed that every 3rd or 4th house in Dundalk and surrounding areas turned into Armagh fans. That's always bugged me. I know lads born in Dundalk who are big Dundalk fans and they would go to Armagh games and up until last few years would laugh at Louth GAA"
It's the same with Drogheda United. There are lads who were born in Drogheda and live in Meath and would support Drogheda United and Meath. I know one lad who is from Drogheda and he is from the South side of the town. Anything thing south of the Boyne is in the Diocese of Meath even though most of that southern part is in Louth. He supports Meath because its in Diocese of Meath. If that's the case I'm supporting Armagh because I'm from that Diocese.

Ollie2 (Louth) - Posts: 1005 - 12/12/2024 16:02:42    2583332


Replying To Ollie2:  "It's the same with Drogheda United. There are lads who were born in Drogheda and live in Meath and would support Drogheda United and Meath. I know one lad who is from Drogheda and he is from the South side of the town. Anything thing south of the Boyne is in the Diocese of Meath even though most of that southern part is in Louth. He supports Meath because its in Diocese of Meath. If that's the case I'm supporting Armagh because I'm from that Diocese."
You do realise parts of South Drogheda are inside the Meath County Border and not just the Diocese? Beamore for instance. A mate is from around that area. In fact he lives closer to Drogheda. He speaks like a Droghedonian. Walks like a Droghedonian. But would follow Meath... because his gaff is in Meath.

Selwyn (Meath) - Posts: 400 - 12/12/2024 16:32:16    2583339


Replying To Selwyn:  "You do realise parts of South Drogheda are inside the Meath County Border and not just the Diocese? Beamore for instance. A mate is from around that area. In fact he lives closer to Drogheda. He speaks like a Droghedonian. Walks like a Droghedonian. But would follow Meath... because his gaff is in Meath."
Of course I do. I'm from Drawda and I did state that in my last post that most of South Drogheda is in Louth. He does not walk like a Droghedonian. He's doing the Cilles walk.

Ollie2 (Louth) - Posts: 1005 - 12/12/2024 19:41:42    2583366


great information there,what about dublin?

dickie10 (UK) - Posts: 811 - 12/12/2024 21:06:50    2583376


Replying To dickie10:  "great information there,what about dublin?"
Well from my point of view I don't mind the Dubs. Louth have not beaten Dublin in the Championship since 1973 so it's very one sided towards the Dubs. Down through the years Louth has received many heavy beatings from the Dubs.

Ollie2 (Louth) - Posts: 1005 - 12/12/2024 21:36:21    2583380


Replying To Ollie2:  "Of course I do. I'm from Drawda and I did state that in my last post that most of South Drogheda is in Louth. He does not walk like a Droghedonian. He's doing the Cilles walk."
"Cilles walk"... LOL!

Selwyn (Meath) - Posts: 400 - 13/12/2024 00:50:45    2583389


Replying To Ollie2:  "It's the same with Drogheda United. There are lads who were born in Drogheda and live in Meath and would support Drogheda United and Meath. I know one lad who is from Drogheda and he is from the South side of the town. Anything thing south of the Boyne is in the Diocese of Meath even though most of that southern part is in Louth. He supports Meath because its in Diocese of Meath. If that's the case I'm supporting Armagh because I'm from that Diocese."
I've been told by an Omeath man that support for Armagh is very strong in the Peninsula. Not sure if this is just because they were going for SAM last year or a more permanent thing

moresthepity (Louth) - Posts: 239 - 13/12/2024 10:45:01    2583418


Replying To moresthepity:  "I've been told by an Omeath man that support for Armagh is very strong in the Peninsula. Not sure if this is just because they were going for SAM last year or a more permanent thing"
Yeah I noticed that alright with the Carrickdale and Lumpers putting out Armagh flags. In 2002 Dundalk was full of Armagh flags when they won Sam.

Ollie2 (Louth) - Posts: 1005 - 13/12/2024 11:11:30    2583425


Replying To Ollie2:  "Yeah I noticed that alright with the Carrickdale and Lumpers putting out Armagh flags. In 2002 Dundalk was full of Armagh flags when they won Sam."
Businesses tend to support counties close to them by flying their flags and there's an obvious connection with the Carrickdale and Armagh GAA.
Also I do believe that counties like Armagh and Monaghan are better collectively as a GAA unit than Louth. We're not engrossed in it like they are. Why this is and how we change it I don't know. The soccer argument doesn't cut it for me.

Shearer (Louth) - Posts: 902 - 13/12/2024 13:25:08    2583441


Replying To Shearer:  "Businesses tend to support counties close to them by flying their flags and there's an obvious connection with the Carrickdale and Armagh GAA.
Also I do believe that counties like Armagh and Monaghan are better collectively as a GAA unit than Louth. We're not engrossed in it like they are. Why this is and how we change it I don't know. The soccer argument doesn't cut it for me."
Well I'd be a big Dundalk fans (season ticket for over 30 years and go away games most weeks) and would go to 90% of Louth games.

The group of lads I would go to Dundalk games with over the years, out of 10 of us 2 of us would go to Louth games. 1 would go to a big game and rest woulsnt care less

That would be the case for an awful lot of people in Dundalk. If Louth are as successful for next few years as they have been last few that may change a bit but I can't see it. Even this year when Dundalk had worst team in a decade the crowds in Oriel were similar to the glory days under Stephen Kenny

Id imagine Droghedas success this season and Europe next year is going to get the kids attention there more than Louth more than likely losing a Leinster Final (If we get to one)

DundalkGael (Louth) - Posts: 933 - 13/12/2024 14:25:30    2583449


Replying To Ollie2:  "Yeah I noticed that alright with the Carrickdale and Lumpers putting out Armagh flags. In 2002 Dundalk was full of Armagh flags when they won Sam."
The Carrickdale are Armaghs sponsors though. They even went there for their meal after the All Ireland final

They still have a big Armagh Champions banner up at the entrance as I was in it last week

DundalkGael (Louth) - Posts: 933 - 13/12/2024 14:32:34    2583450


RIP Padraic O'Connor

Shearer (Louth) - Posts: 902 - 17/12/2024 13:33:02    2583852


Replying To Shearer:  "RIP Padraic O'Connor"
A real gent. He did great work for Pats and Louth.Hugh loss to community. RIP Padraic. Condolences to his wife and family.

19616609 (Louth) - Posts: 1670 - 18/12/2024 00:29:00    2583924


Replying To Shearer:  "No real rivalry with Monaghan or Armagh. Will the narrow water bridge make us more connected to Down?

Meath is a south Louth rivalry even when you add the 2010 Leinster into it."
In 1957 I remember a packed bus full of Louth flags going through Dundalk en route to the All-Ireland. A big sign in the back window read " Newry the Nicosia of the North". There was trouble in Cyprus at the time. I heard later the passengers were 50% Armagh and 50% Down. I would expect the same support when we get back unless the opposition is one of them.

19616609 (Louth) - Posts: 1670 - 18/12/2024 00:45:58    2583928


Replying To 19616609:  "In 1957 I remember a packed bus full of Louth flags going through Dundalk en route to the All-Ireland. A big sign in the back window read " Newry the Nicosia of the North". There was trouble in Cyprus at the time. I heard later the passengers were 50% Armagh and 50% Down. I would expect the same support when we get back unless the opposition is one of them."
Jaysus your showing your age there 19616609. Don't forget on that famous Sunday on 22nd of September 1957 when Louth brought home Sam, Armagh were playing Meath in the Minor match beforehand. Meath won that match well. Our Royal neighbours put out plenty of black flags in Julianstown for the Louth 57 team after the match.

Ollie2 (Louth) - Posts: 1005 - 18/12/2024 09:07:30    2583945


Replying To Ollie2:  "Jaysus your showing your age there 19616609. Don't forget on that famous Sunday on 22nd of September 1957 when Louth brought home Sam, Armagh were playing Meath in the Minor match beforehand. Meath won that match well. Our Royal neighbours put out plenty of black flags in Julianstown for the Louth 57 team after the match."
Ollie I was there that famous day. I did say that the flags on the GNR bus were Louth ones. There probably were some orange ones as well. I heard it had a happy journey home despite the minor result.
By the way Hughie Casey who played for Armagh minors that day was a pupil at CBS Dundalk. Support went both ways.

19616609 (Louth) - Posts: 1670 - 18/12/2024 22:49:52    2584051
