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Donegal GAA thread

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Replying To CCFabu:  "I would expect Galway to win that match. They are a serious outfit in my opinion and with the players coming back and fit and firing, I'd be surprised if they are beaten before meeting Kerry or Dublin"
After yesterday I wouldn't bet against Armagh, they are hitting form at the right time, it will be a hell of match I'd say, could come down to some individual brilliance form the likes of Shane Walsh to swing it Galway's way.
it could also be a niggly affair or it could open up into a great game of football,
with top spot at stake in the group we have a top game to look forward to here.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 2990 - 03/06/2024 12:38:45    2549147


Only got around to catching the highlights this morning. It did look like a tired display. When tiredness is there, little lapses of concentration happen and we very uncharacteristically turned over too much ball loosely. In fairness to Cork they ruthlessly punished us.

A reset might not be the worst thing. Freshen bodies & minds over the fortnight now before the Clare game. We haven't suddenly become a bad team despite the inane ramblings of a few on here from other counties.

A good performance & hopefully victory over Clare will still set us up for an exciting tilt at the knockout stages.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9510 - 03/06/2024 12:52:12    2549149


Replying To CCFabu:  "Long ol' day on Saturday now. I will admit that before the group stages started I was very worried about this match, however the nature of the win against Tyrone gave me huge confidence that we would do the job in Cork as well. It didn't pan out that way and Cork gave us huge problems with their running game. In fairness it was similar in the league match where they got two goals but we really dominated them early in that match and built up a huge lead.

The two goals after half-time obviously were the killer, in particular the third one which I've seen some people say had an element of luck to it. I suppose with the ball bouncing around like that you can call it luck, but I felt we needed someone to just go down and win that ball and nobody really went for it, the Cork players wanted the ball more and were rewarded with the goal.

I thought we looked very leggy at points and I would have preferred Mark Curran to have started but I'm really nitpicking, the way we fought back after the third goal was impressive in my opinion and showed a real confidence in the squad to keep chipping away and believe in the structure and their own abilities. Another positive in my opinion was Paddy's display, 7 points, he's definitely lost a step but considering some comments about him being "over the hill" I think it's safe to say he's our best forward along with Farah.

Cork full value for their win, they deserve huge credit as well for resetting and getting the final winning points considering they had been reeled in from such a big lead, weaker teams mentally would have folded at that point but they stuck at it.

Really interesting final day now, Tyrone's hammering of Clare definitely puts a cat amongst the pigeons with the score difference now coming into play. In spite of Cork's impressive performance on the weekend I do expect Tyrone to beat them. I think their hard running style of play will come unstuck against that Tyrone side to be honest. I may be way off on that as I've been off with most predictions this year! But if that happens, we have a huge opportunity to top the group if we put in a good performance against Clare."
If ifs and buts were candy and nuts!
Agree with you 100%, the schedule caught up with us taking nothing away from Corks victory, I think if we had played Clare away and Cork at the neutral venue in the last game we might have done better but no matter we are were we are.
I hope any injuries and knocks are well cleared up for the Clare game, we should win that game well on form but every game is a battle and Clare will be tough to beat, we have the shooters though to get the job done if they are on form.
Vital we get the top spot, another tough extra game would do us no good after what we've been through already, but that also depends on Tyrone doing us a favour and beating Cork by just 1 point hopefully!
We are Ulster Champions and there is a smile back on peoples faces here, if we get to a quarter final and do well it will cap off a brilliant first season back for Jim, some achievement went you look back to where we were 12 months ago.
Semi final? that's dreamland but you never know with Jimmy McGuinness man!

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 2990 - 03/06/2024 12:55:34    2549150


Replying To rorysboys:  "Haters are going to hate your famous words from yesterday. Rich coming from you lol"
I'll cut you some slack seeing as you are a loyal fan with questionable manners, bet you wish you could change the rory to declan though in that username! How's your buddy doing these days in swampland?

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 2990 - 03/06/2024 12:58:13    2549152


Replying To WestRules:  "Well, I was lambasted for my honest and objective comment previously but I hope those who ridiculed me will have now accepted the realism that Donegal may achieve at provincial level where Ulster teams have paled in terms of quality when one compares them with the likes of the Dubs, Kerry, Galway and Mayo, and in there lies the problem when Cork, which aren't exactly top opposition, knocked Donegal of its pedestal. Has McGuinness's dream run out of steam? The jury is out."
And rightly so you were lambasted for your lack of knowledge of football. Manys a time Kerry have struggled against a cork team in there own backyard. Then add in what Donegal had to do, less that a weeks preparation after playing an intense game against your local rivals, that game along takes serious energy and takes time to recover. Then add in the travel to cork. Plus all the Ulster championship games, all very tight and intense games. Then you mention that Ulster teams pale compared to Kerry, Dublin, mayo and Galway.
What have Galway or mayo done in the last 20+ years?
Kerry are no world beaters either, 1 all Ireland in how many years, they have a lot to prove before you compare them to the Dubs team that Won 6 in a row.
People need to realise that Dublin are not as good as they were, and the fact that they beat Kerry last year makes me think Kerry are no world beaters either.
It's whether Joyce or McGuiness can bring there sides to peak at the right time. I don't see any other side out of them 4 winning the all Ireland.

The keeper (Donegal) - Posts: 711 - 03/06/2024 13:05:54    2549155


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "After yesterday I wouldn't bet against Armagh, they are hitting form at the right time, it will be a hell of match I'd say, could come down to some individual brilliance form the likes of Shane Walsh to swing it Galway's way.
it could also be a niggly affair or it could open up into a great game of football,
with top spot at stake in the group we have a top game to look forward to here."
yeah Armagh will be on cloud nine confidence wise and they are a different beast when they're like that, but I just have a very high regard for this Galway panel, says more about what I think of them than what I do of Armagh really !

CCFabu (Donegal) - Posts: 127 - 03/06/2024 13:41:16    2549168


Replying To High_and_wide:  "Watching the highlights of the games last weekend across the country its amazing the amount of breakaway goals being scored where a team are caught out with everyone ahead of the ball, and the opposition turns them over before racing up the pitch unopposed and scoring a goal. Those goals were the winning of the games in each case. The current basketball style approach that many teams are taking is being revealed to be a wee bit flawed.

From watching highlights of our game though it seems like that was only the case for the first cork goal? For the other two we did manage to get numbers back but we were just not setup in any way and so we're easily cut through. I think we do have a very good defensive shape but it takes us too long to get ourselves into that shape when we've been turned over, is that a fair assessment? Hard to tell from the highlights. In rugby people talk of a scramble defense which is less structured than a normal defence but is based on pure intensity when there is danger...

In any case its not a bad moment in the season to have our flaws exposed. We have 2 weeks now before clare to try to improve."
That is a great observation, nearly all the goals this weekend were from a turnover up the field. Two of Donegal's goals came from us losing the ball up the pitch. I think tiredness is a factor but also teams are playing a bit more offensively in the group games and taking risks. When it comes to knockout games I can't see teams being this open at the back, they will keep men back. I'd say Jim will be more cautious next day out against Clare.

Green_Gold (Donegal) - Posts: 1903 - 03/06/2024 14:08:07    2549177


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "I'll cut you some slack seeing as you are a loyal fan with questionable manners, bet you wish you could change the rory to declan though in that username! How's your buddy doing these days in swampland?"
No doubt he's doing well he usually brings silverware wherever he goes.

rorysboys (Donegal) - Posts: 2552 - 03/06/2024 14:57:38    2549188


If Tyrone beat Cork and we beat Clare it will come down to score difference. Think we will need a few goals to bump ours up - something we haven't been doing since the Derry game. Created chances/openings in the last two games but haven't taken them.

peiledoir20 (Donegal) - Posts: 998 - 03/06/2024 15:52:14    2549196


Replying To The keeper:  "And rightly so you were lambasted for your lack of knowledge of football. Manys a time Kerry have struggled against a cork team in there own backyard. Then add in what Donegal had to do, less that a weeks preparation after playing an intense game against your local rivals, that game along takes serious energy and takes time to recover. Then add in the travel to cork. Plus all the Ulster championship games, all very tight and intense games. Then you mention that Ulster teams pale compared to Kerry, Dublin, mayo and Galway.
What have Galway or mayo done in the last 20+ years?
Kerry are no world beaters either, 1 all Ireland in how many years, they have a lot to prove before you compare them to the Dubs team that Won 6 in a row.
People need to realise that Dublin are not as good as they were, and the fact that they beat Kerry last year makes me think Kerry are no world beaters either.
It's whether Joyce or McGuiness can bring there sides to peak at the right time. I don't see any other side out of them 4 winning the all Ireland."
"Dublin not as strong as they were"? I'd agree Dublin not now as potent as say back in 2017/18 but the current panel is the strongest we've had in the last 4 years. Players like Murphy, McMahon, Bugler(missing last year), Lahiff, McGarry, McGinnis have come on a ton. Dessie has a lot more bench options than even last year.

sligo joe (Dublin) - Posts: 786 - 03/06/2024 16:05:01    2549202


Replying To peiledoir20:  "If Tyrone beat Cork and we beat Clare it will come down to score difference. Think we will need a few goals to bump ours up - something we haven't been doing since the Derry game. Created chances/openings in the last two games but haven't taken them."
If Tyrone beat Cork and we beat Clare, we just need to better Tyrone's winning margin by 3 points. Example: if Tyrone win by 2 points , we would need to beat Clare by 5 points or more to win the group.

greenfan (Donegal) - Posts: 567 - 03/06/2024 16:28:08    2549214


Is it true that if it comes down to scoring difference, then the scores against the bottom team are not taken into consideration, I read that somewhere.
That if all three teams have 4 points, that it's the scoring difference between them, excluding the score against the bottom side.

The keeper (Donegal) - Posts: 711 - 03/06/2024 16:44:51    2549221


Does anybody know when we will hear about the venues/times of the final round of fixtures? It's a real annoyance trying to plan journeys

CCFabu (Donegal) - Posts: 127 - 03/06/2024 17:08:44    2549227


I stand corrected, the score against the bottom side does count, if Tyrone beat cork and we beat Clare, we have to beat Clare by a margin of 3 more points that Tyrone beat cork. So if Tyrone happened to beat cork by 5 we will have to beat Clare by 8 points or more to top the group.
If cork get anything against Tyrone it will be cork top.
Off course we have to do our own job first and beat Clare.

The keeper (Donegal) - Posts: 711 - 03/06/2024 18:17:30    2549243


Replying To CCFabu:  "Does anybody know when we will hear about the venues/times of the final round of fixtures? It's a real annoyance trying to plan journeys"
Tomorrow at noon I hear. Bank holiday the reason for delaying it.

rorysboys (Donegal) - Posts: 2552 - 03/06/2024 18:31:42    2549248


Replying To The keeper:  "Is it true that if it comes down to scoring difference, then the scores against the bottom team are not taken into consideration, I read that somewhere.
That if all three teams have 4 points, that it's the scoring difference between them, excluding the score against the bottom side."
Scores against the bottom team DO count in this instance.

Hence why Tyrone went hell for leather at the end of yesterday's game. They scored 1-05 from the 68th minute.

peiledoir20 (Donegal) - Posts: 998 - 03/06/2024 19:02:09    2549255


Big shout out to Cork for their performance and result against us. Many had written them off. Clare will be out to salvage their season at our expense. I think it will be closer than people think...but I believe we will play well with a 2 week rest. If we come 2nd or 3rd in the group I think we have a mountain to climb with the extra game after the group games. Anyhow, let's see how we get on. A must win game.

Donegalman (None) - Posts: 3846 - 03/06/2024 21:34:07    2549286


Just wanted to get my thoughts here from the Cork game.
Been mulling over it the last few days... we let in 3 calamitous goals, the 3rd being something you would see on a blooper reel. Yet we lost by 2 (last point was last action of the game so pretty much a 1 point)

Paddy's first 2 from play could have been goals.
Might be harsh but at least one of them should have, he has a habit of hitting the ball high instead of low when one on one but i will credit him, his best championship game in a long time, he sure loves playing Cork though!

The over carry, the dropped shots..we just had a bad day and to be honest we could do with it, too much hype over us..need brought down to reality.

We need to get back to scoring goals, we have the players and the pace to do this and we will need goals against Clare in 2 weeks.
I fancy Tyrone to beat Cork by a few points, and say its 5, that means they would be on + 12.
As we are on +5 right now, we would have to beat Clare by at least 7 (if we are level with Tyrone on Score difference, we take the head to head i think)
No harm to Clare, lovely people, great hurling county, but our football team at our lowest beat them by 5 last summer, we should be beating them by 10+ easily.
Especially since they need to beat us by 22 or more points in order to finish 3rd.

Jim will have a plan and I am sure it will involve getting goals.

Worst case scenario, we finish 2nd and Cork or Tyrone top the group, who do we fear in prelims?
Derry will be the best 3rd place team and they look absolutely finished (Thank you Mickey Harte)
I wouldnt be afraid of any of the other teams, Roscommon, Meath, Louth etc are all teams we should be beating at home.
And yes, if we go that route and get to the 1/4 we will face either a likely Dublin, Kerry or Armagh/Galway, not sure if we can face our group winner again, but you have to play the best to be the best.

We overachieved this year and as the Murphy said after the first Tyrone game "Donegal are 10 months into a rebuild"
We are headed in the right direction, our youth teams are doing well, our only senior lost was a smash and grab goal fest from a team who we would beat 9 times out of 10 if we played again

The season is not over, we should have at least 3 games left, lets hope Jim can get us over the line in them
I think we will still top the group and I think we will score 3+ goals against Clare
Cork will be tough to beat for Tyrone but Tyrone will do what we should have done, and put them away.
Hopefully by the bare minimum.

Up Donegal

eddieSize5Balls (Donegal) - Posts: 87 - 03/06/2024 21:37:17    2549288


Replying To The keeper:  "I stand corrected, the score against the bottom side does count, if Tyrone beat cork and we beat Clare, we have to beat Clare by a margin of 3 more points that Tyrone beat cork. So if Tyrone happened to beat cork by 5 we will have to beat Clare by 8 points or more to top the group.
If cork get anything against Tyrone it will be cork top.
Off course we have to do our own job first and beat Clare."
Hey, if we finish on the same score difference as Tyrone, wouldnt we top the group since it would then go to head to head and we beat them?

eddieSize5Balls (Donegal) - Posts: 87 - 03/06/2024 21:43:51    2549291


Replying To veterngaa:  "Pitch invasions last week like yous won the all Ireland … back to reality today"
our reality is bright unlike monaghans

eddieSize5Balls (Donegal) - Posts: 87 - 03/06/2024 21:51:41    2549296
