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Donegal GAA thread

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Replying To WestRules:  "I think there needs to be some kind of rational thinking applied here. Repeatedly using words like brilliant is a kind going overboard when describing the performance and players. From a neutral point of view, the game was interesting because of the closeness of the score tally but if we take away the rose-tinted glasses there were glaring shortcomings and mistakes by both sides. To me, Armagh were the more energetic and opportunistic but didn't avail of their lead to put Donegal's ambitions to bed. At the end of the day, this was just a provincial championship final where two reasonable teams (not brilliant as suggested) exercised their skills to the best of their ability but both are a far cry from the level needed to make an impact in the All Ireland championship where the Dubs, Kerry, Galway and Mayo which have a status that pale teams from Ulster into insignificance with the exception maybe of Derry."
It's good to be able express ones opinion even it doesn't go down well with some.

I know my friend macca999 gets a lot of flak for similar expressions yet like the Galway man he knows more about the game and the teams than some of the blinkered reacting here today.

The only point that westrules raises that I would dispute is his assertive that Ulster teams aren't of the quality pegging to match what he sees as the top tier counties when he comes to the Sam challenge. I believe some like Tyrone, Derry and potentially Donegal are on par with Mayo and his own Galway.

In summing up, I agree with the Galway man for voicing his opinion even though it may not palpable to some, nevertheless it's such a pity there is a lack of maturity by a number of Donegal fans who have been rudely dismissive of those that have a different opinion.

Now, it won't suprise me if my Fermanagh become the target following this posting but I guess that's will further highlight the lack of maturity by the said mountain men!

GalloonBaffoon (Fermanagh) - Posts: 120 - 13/05/2024 17:43:34    2544566


Replying To SaffronDon:  "Beyond nostalgia, can you name me one thing that would be lost by bringing the Ulster final to Casement?"
Inventive parking

Eddie the Exile (Monaghan) - Posts: 1095 - 13/05/2024 17:45:00    2544567


Replying To Ulsterchamps_32:  "Maybe don't be minding this poster. They don't even post on the galway forum. Trying to stir things up and better ignored."
Exactly. I've never seen any posts from the individual in question on the Galway forum. Stirrer, deluded or both at the same time given that the standard in that Ulster final was higher than in Connacht.

Ailteoir (Galway) - Posts: 873 - 13/05/2024 18:43:07    2544579


Replying To GalloonBaffoon:  "It's good to be able express ones opinion even it doesn't go down well with some.

I know my friend macca999 gets a lot of flak for similar expressions yet like the Galway man he knows more about the game and the teams than some of the blinkered reacting here today.

The only point that westrules raises that I would dispute is his assertive that Ulster teams aren't of the quality pegging to match what he sees as the top tier counties when he comes to the Sam challenge. I believe some like Tyrone, Derry and potentially Donegal are on par with Mayo and his own Galway.

In summing up, I agree with the Galway man for voicing his opinion even though it may not palpable to some, nevertheless it's such a pity there is a lack of maturity by a number of Donegal fans who have been rudely dismissive of those that have a different opinion.

Now, it won't suprise me if my Fermanagh become the target following this posting but I guess that's will further highlight the lack of maturity by the said mountain men!"
It's a bit ironic that you talk about maturity and then finish your post by referring to Donegal people as 'mountain men'.

greenfan (Donegal) - Posts: 531 - 13/05/2024 20:44:12    2544590


Replying To GalloonBaffoon:  "It's good to be able express ones opinion even it doesn't go down well with some.

I know my friend macca999 gets a lot of flak for similar expressions yet like the Galway man he knows more about the game and the teams than some of the blinkered reacting here today.

The only point that westrules raises that I would dispute is his assertive that Ulster teams aren't of the quality pegging to match what he sees as the top tier counties when he comes to the Sam challenge. I believe some like Tyrone, Derry and potentially Donegal are on par with Mayo and his own Galway.

In summing up, I agree with the Galway man for voicing his opinion even though it may not palpable to some, nevertheless it's such a pity there is a lack of maturity by a number of Donegal fans who have been rudely dismissive of those that have a different opinion.

Now, it won't suprise me if my Fermanagh become the target following this posting but I guess that's will further highlight the lack of maturity by the said mountain men!"
Had Fermanagh happened to play in Connacht, they would have had something to show for in terms of medals, and that's not in the slightest meant as a dig. Would love for Fermanagh to have their day in the sun.

SurelyToGod (Donegal) - Posts: 420 - 13/05/2024 21:05:32    2544598


Replying To GalloonBaffoon:  "It's good to be able express ones opinion even it doesn't go down well with some.

I know my friend macca999 gets a lot of flak for similar expressions yet like the Galway man he knows more about the game and the teams than some of the blinkered reacting here today.

The only point that westrules raises that I would dispute is his assertive that Ulster teams aren't of the quality pegging to match what he sees as the top tier counties when he comes to the Sam challenge. I believe some like Tyrone, Derry and potentially Donegal are on par with Mayo and his own Galway.

In summing up, I agree with the Galway man for voicing his opinion even though it may not palpable to some, nevertheless it's such a pity there is a lack of maturity by a number of Donegal fans who have been rudely dismissive of those that have a different opinion.

Now, it won't suprise me if my Fermanagh become the target following this posting but I guess that's will further highlight the lack of maturity by the said mountain men!"
Of course he's entitled to his opinion. As are other posters to consider his opinion idiotic.

Expressing an opinion does not make it a valid one.

A bit of maturity should tell you that.

Al_Maguire (Donegal) - Posts: 256 - 13/05/2024 21:35:10    2544604


A a Leinster man from a poor footballing county I have to say I enjoyed the match. Highly tactical, maybe not easy on the eye, but full of drama, atmosphere, skill, 2 distinguished managers and a packed house in the cauldron that is Clones. I hope an Ulster team has a say on the end game this season, you would be weary of Dublin , Kerry etc

Bainisteoir (National) - Posts: 545 - 13/05/2024 21:49:02    2544609


Replying To Eddie the Exile:  "Atmosphere
Inventive parking"
Atmosphere - it hasn't been built yet

Neutrals - wha?

Inventive parking - I'll give you that one

SaffronDon (Antrim) - Posts: 2445 - 13/05/2024 22:04:05    2544610


Replying To GalloonBaffoon:  "It's good to be able express ones opinion even it doesn't go down well with some.

I know my friend macca999 gets a lot of flak for similar expressions yet like the Galway man he knows more about the game and the teams than some of the blinkered reacting here today.

The only point that westrules raises that I would dispute is his assertive that Ulster teams aren't of the quality pegging to match what he sees as the top tier counties when he comes to the Sam challenge. I believe some like Tyrone, Derry and potentially Donegal are on par with Mayo and his own Galway.

In summing up, I agree with the Galway man for voicing his opinion even though it may not palpable to some, nevertheless it's such a pity there is a lack of maturity by a number of Donegal fans who have been rudely dismissive of those that have a different opinion.

Now, it won't suprise me if my Fermanagh become the target following this posting but I guess that's will further highlight the lack of maturity by the said mountain men!"
This isn't Pyongyang the last time I checked. We're allowed to disagree are we not?
I think there's still a lingering bit of arrogance down the country when it comes to attitudes towards Northern teams. It's true that Galway and Mayo have a proud history and undoubtedly have GAA pedigree. But that doesn't automatically entitle them to posit themselves on a par with the Dublins and Kerrys of this world. Tyrone (4), Armagh (1) and Donegal (1) have all won All-Irelands since either Galway or Mayo managed their last.

I have no doubt that Galway or Mayo would provide a significant challenge to any Ulster team, but by no means are either team unbeatable.

For me, the current rankings are like this.

1. Dublin
2. Kerry = Derry
3. Donegal = Galway
4. Mayo = Tyrone = Armagh

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9360 - 14/05/2024 09:18:23    2544628


Replying To Lockjaw:  "This isn't Pyongyang the last time I checked. We're allowed to disagree are we not?
I think there's still a lingering bit of arrogance down the country when it comes to attitudes towards Northern teams. It's true that Galway and Mayo have a proud history and undoubtedly have GAA pedigree. But that doesn't automatically entitle them to posit themselves on a par with the Dublins and Kerrys of this world. Tyrone (4), Armagh (1) and Donegal (1) have all won All-Irelands since either Galway or Mayo managed their last.

I have no doubt that Galway or Mayo would provide a significant challenge to any Ulster team, but by no means are either team unbeatable.

For me, the current rankings are like this.

1. Dublin
2. Kerry = Derry
3. Donegal = Galway
4. Mayo = Tyrone = Armagh"
Hard to disagree with your post Lockjaw and a big congrats to Donegal.My rankings would have Armagh a little higher.Id have 1.Dubs2.Derry.3.Kerry.4.Donegal.5.Armagh.6.Galway.7.Mayo and8.Tyrone

CiarraiMick (Dublin) - Posts: 3823 - 14/05/2024 09:45:42    2544631


Replying To CiarraiMick:  "Hard to disagree with your post Lockjaw and a big congrats to Donegal.My rankings would have Armagh a little higher.Id have 1.Dubs2.Derry.3.Kerry.4.Donegal.5.Armagh.6.Galway.7.Mayo and8.Tyrone"
That is a good ranking, any of the teams from 2 to 8 could beat each other on a given day. Dublin are favourites as they are so consistent, Kerry have the pedigree but can't seem to hit the heights of 2022 but could get there. The other teams are very good but have it all to prove in terms of a serious All Ireland challenge. Monaghan and Roscommon are two good teams but are in bad form so have fallen out of the top 8 but could turn it around in the All Ireland series. Cavan might cause an upset somewhere, they have been good this year.

Green_Gold (Donegal) - Posts: 1901 - 14/05/2024 10:21:51    2544638


Ulster final was a mighty game, the quality of scores was the main highlight, even when the rain came it didn't effect the kicking. Shows how to beat any defensive system, its hard to defend when multiple players can kick long range scores. Mayo would want to learn from that game but I highly doubt they will..

Armagh were probably the better team, they were getting there scores a bit easier than Donegal, and with a 4 point lead and no goal conceded they should have held out. Kind of something Mayo would do, be the better team and really hyped up but then when it comes near the end of the game, the hyped up come against them in that calm heads are needed to see out the game. When the pressure is on and a team has been really pumped/hyped, it leads to a bit of panic and they they don't know whether to keep going for it or else they go complete opposite and sit back too much.

As for the rankings, I dont think it really matters as Dublin are the team to beat. Dublin are tipping along and will peak later on, they will do enough to win the group and then will push on from there. The panel they have is ridiculous. Kerry might give them a game, they also will time there run, but they might be to reliant on the Cliffords to beat Dublin. As for the rest, I think everyone would fancy themselves to beat each other really, Derry after the league are next best especially after a rest I think they will beat Galway the next day.

tommy132 (Mayo) - Posts: 615 - 14/05/2024 10:27:52    2544641


Replying To CiarraiMick:  "Hard to disagree with your post Lockjaw and a big congrats to Donegal.My rankings would have Armagh a little higher.Id have 1.Dubs2.Derry.3.Kerry.4.Donegal.5.Armagh.6.Galway.7.Mayo and8.Tyrone"
Yea there's no difference in Donegal and Armagh it took a penalty shootout to separate them. In my eyes Kerry and Dublin are a step ahead but were capable of getting to a final if things go our way. Were lucky so far with injuries hopefully it'll stay that way. Any word on what day the Tyrone game is on I have a wedding Saturday week ..

rorysboys (Donegal) - Posts: 2527 - 14/05/2024 10:35:22    2544643


Replying To CiarraiMick:  "Hard to disagree with your post Lockjaw and a big congrats to Donegal.My rankings would have Armagh a little higher.Id have 1.Dubs2.Derry.3.Kerry.4.Donegal.5.Armagh.6.Galway.7.Mayo and8.Tyrone"
If Galway finish the year with all the players that finished the Connacht final (and McDaid back fit as well) I would have them above and make the top 3 a top 4 instead. They are a quality outfit when they have everyone in my opinion.

I'd also have Tyrone ahead of Armagh to be frank but anyone from 4-8 can beat eachother on a given day.

CCFabu (Donegal) - Posts: 125 - 14/05/2024 10:50:45    2544646


Replying To rorysboys:  "Yea there's no difference in Donegal and Armagh it took a penalty shootout to separate them. In my eyes Kerry and Dublin are a step ahead but were capable of getting to a final if things go our way. Were lucky so far with injuries hopefully it'll stay that way. Any word on what day the Tyrone game is on I have a wedding Saturday week .."
I have been told it's on the 25th but haven't seen anything officially confirmed

CCFabu (Donegal) - Posts: 125 - 14/05/2024 10:55:19    2544649


Replying To rorysboys:  "Yea there's no difference in Donegal and Armagh it took a penalty shootout to separate them. In my eyes Kerry and Dublin are a step ahead but were capable of getting to a final if things go our way. Were lucky so far with injuries hopefully it'll stay that way. Any word on what day the Tyrone game is on I have a wedding Saturday week .."
No word on the Tyrone game yet, probably be fixed today. Like yourself hoping its not Saturday but they seem to have all the games this coming weekend on a Saturday. Saturday in Ballybofey would be a nightmare traffic wise. Probably going to be on GAAGO as well

Green_Gold (Donegal) - Posts: 1901 - 14/05/2024 11:04:54    2544654


Replying To CiarraiMick:  "Hard to disagree with your post Lockjaw and a big congrats to Donegal.My rankings would have Armagh a little higher.Id have 1.Dubs2.Derry.3.Kerry.4.Donegal.5.Armagh.6.Galway.7.Mayo and8.Tyrone"
Not sure on Armagh. They're a good team and are fierce competitors. But there is a lack of nous, or a ruthless cutting edge, when it comes to killing games in the white heat of championship. Look, they were unlucky again on Sunday to lose on penalties when anything can happen. But before that, on two occasions, once in the second half and again in extra time, they had the game in their grasp but somehow contrived to let it slip.

Until they start winning those types of games I don't think I'd put them ahead of Mayo, Tyrone or Galway.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9360 - 14/05/2024 11:08:52    2544658


Fellas ranking teams makes me laugh, it doesn't mean anything it's just an opinion, Dublin are the clear favourites, Kerry and Derry will likely be their most serious challengers.
After that there are half a dozen teams or so that are decent and could beat anyone on a given day, it will take a massive performance to beat the Dubs or Kerry in Croker, compared to Donegal for example Dubs/Kerry will have had an easy run in to the quarter finals.
We are Ulster Champions, we have momentum, we have Jim McGuinness and we have a very talented team, (massive game with Tyrone coming next)
Maybe it will take another year or more before we are ready to really challenge for Sam, but it will take a good team to beat us this year.
The green eyed monsters also make me laugh, when you are doing well in Ireland they always appear whatever line you are in, seems to be the nature of the beast just.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 2897 - 14/05/2024 11:34:16    2544670


Replying To CCFabu:  "If Galway finish the year with all the players that finished the Connacht final (and McDaid back fit as well) I would have them above and make the top 3 a top 4 instead. They are a quality outfit when they have everyone in my opinion.

I'd also have Tyrone ahead of Armagh to be frank but anyone from 4-8 can beat eachother on a given day."
Yeah and Galway have that bit of experience having played in an AI final recently enough.
If they can keep Comer fit and get Shane Walsh fully tuned in they will be a handful for any team.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9360 - 14/05/2024 11:40:01    2544674


Replying To CCFabu:  "I have been told it's on the 25th but haven't seen anything officially confirmed"
I heard it's on the Saturday as well, Tyrone will be out for revenge and trying to beat the Ulster Champions, think it will be a great game, home advantage will be a big help and the 16th man to roar them home.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 2897 - 14/05/2024 11:41:07    2544676
