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Donegal GAA thread

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Ulster council still have tickets on sale this morning. So Celtic park was the right choice

rorysboys (Donegal) - Posts: 2527 - 25/04/2024 11:52:04    2540580


Commiserations to the under 20 panel and management last night in what was a cruel way to go out. The decision by the referee to play well over the allotted time and then blow it immediately when Derry got the winning point was rotten really. He didn't do Donegal too many favours throughout with a few harsh enough calls. I think the least Donegal deserved was extra time after showing great character to level the game up. I think both sets of players and managements should be commanded in what were 2 very well drilled sides in my opinion. The ball handling and ball movement was excellent throughout. I say that as I thought both sides were excellent defensively in what was a high quality underage match. I've been critical of SPB in the past but that was a well prepared side last night whom deserved at least extra time. Both teams seemed to find it difficult scoring into the Finn river end. Regarding players who should be playing etc I wouldn't know really. Am I right in thinking most of these lads are underage next year?

panamasam (Australia) - Posts: 2798 - 25/04/2024 11:55:11    2540581


Replying To rorysboys:  "Sp bashing again . Silly statement we fought hard and were very unlucky not to get a draw against a very good Derry team. What would you have done any different."
I thought Donegal handled Derry very well in the first half.Derry were unable to find a way through our very well organised defence.When we turned them over I thought our movement and ball handling was very good.We got some very good scores and left a few behind us.Despite this I didn't feel very confident at half time even though we were 3 ahead.Derry looked to have more power and looked the more likely to get a goal.That goal did come and totally changed the game.We were not able to close them down like we did in the first half and that is not easy against a good team.I think Derry going from 4 down to 4 up in a short time showed what they are capable of.We threw everything at it in the end and could have got extra time.I agree that the ref wasn't great.It was a good effort but I think in fairness Derry were probably a better team.The big takeaway from it all is that there is a lot of teams now with very little between them and on a given day anything could happen.

gunman (Donegal) - Posts: 1095 - 25/04/2024 12:00:40    2540583


Replying To Samsforthehills:  "Id have had a good Glenswilly player in the team before an average Milford one for starters."
I think you should take your blinkers off and support your County Team. Picking players out is not the way to go. Donegal gave a great account of themselves and unlucky not to make it to at least extra time, against a very good Derry team.

Scenicparish (Donegal) - Posts: 383 - 25/04/2024 12:10:44    2540586


Anyone who comments on player selection like that has obviously very little football acumen. The problem with Donegal County underage teams in recent years was the fact that managers picked the 15 best footballers. The best footballers aren't always the best picks.

No one knows the team dynamics, how lads are going in training, if players are being given man marking jobs etc... Player A might be a better footballer or more skillful but maybe a Player B is chosen for a reason. Bringing club loyalty into it is just petty and as someone else said, it's a reason no one wants these jobs.

Bad form to be singling one young lad out when it's obvious who it is. And just to mention, this player was excellent in the other games and fully deserved his place.

ballboy101 (Donegal) - Posts: 205 - 25/04/2024 13:00:49    2540596


Disagree with the notion that playing one young lad instead of another was the winning and losing of that game. Ultimately you have to try and win the game and not leave it in the hands of the referee but especially cruel to be denied by some baffling decisions to be honest.

NPadraigAbu (Donegal) - Posts: 52 - 25/04/2024 13:18:46    2540602


Replying To ballboy101:  "Anyone who comments on player selection like that has obviously very little football acumen. The problem with Donegal County underage teams in recent years was the fact that managers picked the 15 best footballers. The best footballers aren't always the best picks.

No one knows the team dynamics, how lads are going in training, if players are being given man marking jobs etc... Player A might be a better footballer or more skillful but maybe a Player B is chosen for a reason. Bringing club loyalty into it is just petty and as someone else said, it's a reason no one wants these jobs.

Bad form to be singling one young lad out when it's obvious who it is. And just to mention, this player was excellent in the other games and fully deserved his place."
Excellent post

Scenicparish (Donegal) - Posts: 383 - 25/04/2024 16:19:46    2540630


Replying To ballboy101:  "Anyone who comments on player selection like that has obviously very little football acumen. The problem with Donegal County underage teams in recent years was the fact that managers picked the 15 best footballers. The best footballers aren't always the best picks.

No one knows the team dynamics, how lads are going in training, if players are being given man marking jobs etc... Player A might be a better footballer or more skillful but maybe a Player B is chosen for a reason. Bringing club loyalty into it is just petty and as someone else said, it's a reason no one wants these jobs.

Bad form to be singling one young lad out when it's obvious who it is. And just to mention, this player was excellent in the other games and fully deserved his place."
Well said. Bang out of order criticizing young players. Maybe some of the posters criticizing the management team will put themselves forward for the job next year and do a far better job and we'll end up winning everything

greenfan (Donegal) - Posts: 531 - 25/04/2024 16:55:33    2540640


Replying To SurelyToGod:  "Smart money goes on Tyrone for this one. Optimism is bubbling in the Donegal camp at present. Tyrone is the one team that won't care in the slightest.

Short turn-around from the weekend, don't expect a shoot-out. Match-ups are crucial. I expect an extra man-marker to come into the team, and would be delighted if EBG, McColgan, or C. O'Donnell get minutes. Hopefully everyone got through Saturday unscathed. McHugh always comes in for particular close attention v Tyrone, but it's been Conor Meyler with the hatchet for the last few meetings. Given McHugh's form, it's an ominous task for whomever gets the job."
The tyrone full forward line are very dangerous. But wouldn't McCole, Curran and Moore be the right choices for marking McCurry and the two canavans? Moore showed in the league he is a decent man marker.

High_and_wide (Donegal) - Posts: 83 - 25/04/2024 18:52:52    2540654


Replying To High_and_wide:  "The tyrone full forward line are very dangerous. But wouldn't McCole, Curran and Moore be the right choices for marking McCurry and the two canavans? Moore showed in the league he is a decent man marker."
McCole on Darragh, and Curran on McCurry (or vice-versa) certainly, but not sure it's the job for Moore to mark Ruairi.

SurelyToGod (Donegal) - Posts: 420 - 25/04/2024 21:48:11    2540676


Just sharing for anyone who might be interested. I looked back over the last 50-60 years to look at success rates within Ulster. Not only in who has won it most, but also looking looked at Ulster finalists too, as reaching the final is no easy feat most years. then I divided it into 1960 - 1989 and 1990 - 2024, to see the trends.

1960 - 2024 (64 years)
Most Ulster Senior titles
1. Tyrone = 14
2. Down = 11
3. Donegal & Armagh = 10.
4. Derry = 8
5. Cavan = 6
6. Monaghan = 5
7. Antrim & Fermanagh = 0

1960 - 2024 (64 Years)
Most Ulster final appearances
1. Donegal = 26
2. Down = 24
3. Tyrone = 19
4. Armagh = 16
5. Cavan & Derry = 15
6. Monaghan = 9
7. Fermanagh = 3
8. Antrim = 2

1990 - 2024 (34 years)
Most Ulster Senior titles
Tyrone = 10
Donegal & Armagh = 7

Derry = 4
Down, Cavan & Monaghan = 2

1990 - 2024 (34 Years)
Most Ulster final appearances
Donegal = 19
Tyrone = 12
Armagh = 9

Derry = 8
Down = 7
Monaghan = 6
Cavan = 5

In summary, Ulster football has seen a power shift in the last 34 from the previous 30 years, with Down and Cavan being replaced by Tyrone and Donegal as the big two who on average tend to win more Ulster Championship games that others, with Armagh and Derry not far behind. Now Donegal have a lost a lot of finals, but statistically they have been a growing power in Ulster and generally win more Ulster Championship games than most and they are currently in the Top 2 with Tyrone for the last 34 years.

I next want to cross-reference that with underage success at Minor and U20/U21 now to see the relevance of underage success in determining senior success.

Commodore (Donegal) - Posts: 1155 - 26/04/2024 14:55:39    2540772


Reading Donal Reid's comments there, or what he is reported to have said, (that can be two different things)
but anyway I wouldn't be going around saying that I can't see anyone beating us (except maybe Dublin)
We have along way to go and we have achieved two major goals this year pardon the pun,
we have got promotion back to div 1 and we have beaten Derry, 2 major things that Jim would have targeted when he came back in and seen what lay ahead of us.
Yes I think we can win Ulster, but we have be at our best to do it, Tyrone will be a tough nut to crack and after that it's likely Armagh again unless Down pull off a surprise tomorrow.
Things are going great though no doubt about that, there's hope again and a smile back on peoples faces.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 2897 - 26/04/2024 16:15:32    2540790


Replying To Commodore:  "Just sharing for anyone who might be interested. I looked back over the last 50-60 years to look at success rates within Ulster. Not only in who has won it most, but also looking looked at Ulster finalists too, as reaching the final is no easy feat most years. then I divided it into 1960 - 1989 and 1990 - 2024, to see the trends.

1960 - 2024 (64 years)
Most Ulster Senior titles
1. Tyrone = 14
2. Down = 11
3. Donegal & Armagh = 10.
4. Derry = 8
5. Cavan = 6
6. Monaghan = 5
7. Antrim & Fermanagh = 0

1960 - 2024 (64 Years)
Most Ulster final appearances
1. Donegal = 26
2. Down = 24
3. Tyrone = 19
4. Armagh = 16
5. Cavan & Derry = 15
6. Monaghan = 9
7. Fermanagh = 3
8. Antrim = 2

1990 - 2024 (34 years)
Most Ulster Senior titles
Tyrone = 10
Donegal & Armagh = 7

Derry = 4
Down, Cavan & Monaghan = 2

1990 - 2024 (34 Years)
Most Ulster final appearances
Donegal = 19
Tyrone = 12
Armagh = 9

Derry = 8
Down = 7
Monaghan = 6
Cavan = 5

In summary, Ulster football has seen a power shift in the last 34 from the previous 30 years, with Down and Cavan being replaced by Tyrone and Donegal as the big two who on average tend to win more Ulster Championship games that others, with Armagh and Derry not far behind. Now Donegal have a lost a lot of finals, but statistically they have been a growing power in Ulster and generally win more Ulster Championship games than most and they are currently in the Top 2 with Tyrone for the last 34 years.

I next want to cross-reference that with underage success at Minor and U20/U21 now to see the relevance of underage success in determining senior success."
Fair play for taking the time to do this. It's very interesting. Though I'm not going to lie the most striking things is our poor conversion rate in finals. Even since 2011 we've won comfortably when winning, were beaten well enough in 2013. The 15, 16, 20 and 22 and were all winnable and that's disappointing in that we haven't won any of the close finals.
Though it's better to be there that never get there. I would be interested too see underage though off top of my head we've not won too many.

Ulsterchamps_32 (Donegal) - Posts: 763 - 26/04/2024 18:50:14    2540806


Morning folks , after watching armagh and down lastnight , i would say todays game is like a ulster final because i think armagh are a level below us , i fancy us today but i think it will be nip and tuck the whole way , up donegal and goodluck lads

Gaelicislife (Donegal) - Posts: 6 - 28/04/2024 09:41:24    2541116


Up Donegal.

ryan (Donegal) - Posts: 730 - 28/04/2024 10:46:39    2541123


Been a disappointing media circuit in the county this week. Optimism is hard to quell in the region right now, but is there anyone that we would less want to hear from than the man who's gotten chunks in the local sports pages this week? (Bar his "sheep-farmer" nephew, of course). We would rather hear Rorysboys interviewed for his thoughts on the match!

We're blessed in the north-west with loads of writers devoted full-time to the sport, who have plenty insights into the game today. Use them instead.

SurelyToGod (Donegal) - Posts: 420 - 28/04/2024 11:40:42    2541127


Replying To SurelyToGod:  "Been a disappointing media circuit in the county this week. Optimism is hard to quell in the region right now, but is there anyone that we would less want to hear from than the man who's gotten chunks in the local sports pages this week? (Bar his "sheep-farmer" nephew, of course). We would rather hear Rorysboys interviewed for his thoughts on the match!

We're blessed in the north-west with loads of writers devoted full-time to the sport, who have plenty insights into the game today. Use them instead."
Is that the man from the Cross?

peiledoir20 (Donegal) - Posts: 902 - 28/04/2024 13:33:28    2541155


So after today i think jim will have learnt alot , i think he needs to drop paddy and leave him as a sub to impact late, i think we also need to try and get more out of are inside forwards they look at times nearly afraid to shoot , hopefully now with 2 weeks to go ban will b in the mix as his pace will b vital to break lines

Gaelicislife (Donegal) - Posts: 6 - 28/04/2024 17:31:28    2541213


Excellent to get the win. Tyrone a hard nut to crack. Individually they were better but collectively we found a way to win.

Think overall though it will cool chat about Sam itself.

It should be noted winning Ulster used to mean you'd be 3 wins away from the holy grail but now we could still be 6 or 7 games away.

However I think that winning Ulster will actually be essential if we want to sustain any possible chances of said holy grail.

Win and you have top seed thereby avoid Kerry, Dublin and one of Mayo/Galway. Not sure if previous pairings are kept apart in groups as it would be a huge advantage to also avoid Derry and Tyrone too.

You could end up with a group like Donegal, Louth, Roscommon & Cavan. 66% chance of getting either Louth or Clare so would make it odds in to qualify. Easier to top group and avoid a killer prelim qualifier and topping it likely to continue avoiding Kerry or Dublin to semi final.

Lose it and chances of a group of death are high.

shaggykev (Donegal) - Posts: 282 - 28/04/2024 17:32:19    2541214


Replying To shaggykev:  "Excellent to get the win. Tyrone a hard nut to crack. Individually they were better but collectively we found a way to win.

Think overall though it will cool chat about Sam itself.

It should be noted winning Ulster used to mean you'd be 3 wins away from the holy grail but now we could still be 6 or 7 games away.

However I think that winning Ulster will actually be essential if we want to sustain any possible chances of said holy grail.

Win and you have top seed thereby avoid Kerry, Dublin and one of Mayo/Galway. Not sure if previous pairings are kept apart in groups as it would be a huge advantage to also avoid Derry and Tyrone too.

You could end up with a group like Donegal, Louth, Roscommon & Cavan. 66% chance of getting either Louth or Clare so would make it odds in to qualify. Easier to top group and avoid a killer prelim qualifier and topping it likely to continue avoiding Kerry or Dublin to semi final.

Lose it and chances of a group of death are high."
The one take from today is take one match at a time. Forget about Groups, an Ulster Title would do wonders for our season especially where we were this past few years and such a young team.
Jim would have learned a lot about our players today. Tyrone brought a totally different game plan and it took a lot of patience to get over the line.
However we missed a lot of chances, wides and dropping shots short that will surely be addressed in the next 2 weeks.
Patton was a huge miss today and hopefully he will be back for the Ulster Final.

Scenicparish (Donegal) - Posts: 383 - 28/04/2024 18:55:01    2541248
