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Replying To Lockjaw:  "I see Declan Bogue was asked to leave the Ulster press conference by the Press Officer at the request of Jim McGuinness.
I have great time and respect for Jim obviously, but to me he is being extremely petty in this instance. The Cassidy book saga happened over 12 years ago now. Surely time to let bygones be bygones?"
Jim doesn't strike me as someone who would hold a grudge for the sake of it.

Mickey Harte's boycott of RTE still remains and was brought about by something deeply personal. Perhaps it's the same with Jim?

peiledoir20 (Donegal) - Posts: 902 - 18/04/2024 10:18:20    2538778


Yeah you could be right in that maybe there's another private, personal factor in all this.
But if not, it just seems well over the top punishing someone for something that happened over a decade ago when in effect the man was just doing his job.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9359 - 18/04/2024 10:25:29    2538780


Replying To Lockjaw:  "Yeah you could be right in that maybe there's another private, personal factor in all this.
But if not, it just seems well over the top punishing someone for something that happened over a decade ago when in effect the man was just doing his job."
I agree that there is no need to keep it going. I think someone needs to get them together and sort it out privately
At the press conference Declan Bogue is just trying to do his job and he should be allowed do it without any vetos. Jim should let it go.

However, I don't think that he was just trying to do his job in writing the book. He did it for personal gain and in a sneaky way as both he and Cass knew Jim wouldn't permit it. Perhaps there's a lesson there for Declan Bogue to learn too? He's playing the poor victim a bit too much.

He should however be allowed into press conferences. Though Jim doesn't have to engage with him.

Al_Maguire (Donegal) - Posts: 256 - 18/04/2024 10:48:57    2538789


Replying To TheRock2121:  "We have plenty of defenders that Derry need to keep an eye out for. Id say we have more dangerous defenders than Derry do. Moore, Mc Colgan, Ryan, Mogan, Ban, Daire, Shane O Donnell if playing half back. I think we'll be doubling down and going toe to toe with them."
Hi TheRock2121: It's not that long ago you were saying we basically had no defenders. What has suddenly changed?

AudiMan (Donegal) - Posts: 656 - 18/04/2024 10:56:11    2538793


Replying To Al_Maguire:  "I agree that there is no need to keep it going. I think someone needs to get them together and sort it out privately
At the press conference Declan Bogue is just trying to do his job and he should be allowed do it without any vetos. Jim should let it go.

However, I don't think that he was just trying to do his job in writing the book. He did it for personal gain and in a sneaky way as both he and Cass knew Jim wouldn't permit it. Perhaps there's a lesson there for Declan Bogue to learn too? He's playing the poor victim a bit too much.

He should however be allowed into press conferences. Though Jim doesn't have to engage with him."
Yeah but sure anyone who writes a book about anything is seeking to gain from it. If every author stopped writing because of a fear they might upset someone we'd be in a bad place, and I don't just mean within the GAA.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9359 - 18/04/2024 11:14:34    2538799


Replying To Lockjaw:  "I see Declan Bogue was asked to leave the Ulster press conference by the Press Officer at the request of Jim McGuinness.
I have great time and respect for Jim obviously, but to me he is being extremely petty in this instance. The Cassidy book saga happened over 12 years ago now. Surely time to let bygones be bygones?"
I would agree absolutely. 12 yrs ffs. Wise up Jim!

PeterQ92 (Donegal) - Posts: 108 - 18/04/2024 11:26:30    2538802


Replying To Lockjaw:  "Yeah but sure anyone who writes a book about anything is seeking to gain from it. If every author stopped writing because of a fear they might upset someone we'd be in a bad place, and I don't just mean within the GAA."
I'm just clarifying that he wasn't 'just doing his job blindly and innocently under someone elses direction.' He acted in a way that he knew would upset Jim.

You can write books and do your job without acting in a sneaky clandestine way.

Al_Maguire (Donegal) - Posts: 256 - 18/04/2024 11:27:38    2538803


Maybe Jim is doing anything anything he can to build a siege mentality in a short window of time.

StockholmGael (Donegal) - Posts: 131 - 18/04/2024 12:28:15    2538824


Replying To Lockjaw:  "I see Declan Bogue was asked to leave the Ulster press conference by the Press Officer at the request of Jim McGuinness.
I have great time and respect for Jim obviously, but to me he is being extremely petty in this instance. The Cassidy book saga happened over 12 years ago now. Surely time to let bygones be bygones?"
I wouldn't agree with you. Jim was totally within his rights to not have Declan present in the press conference if he undermined him 12 years ago. We don't know what went on between them since then? Maybe Jim didn't meet him since then and this was the first chance to get back at him. You cant just write what you want and not have consequences.

Scenicparish (Donegal) - Posts: 383 - 18/04/2024 12:31:51    2538826


Replying To Al_Maguire:  "I'm just clarifying that he wasn't 'just doing his job blindly and innocently under someone elses direction.' He acted in a way that he knew would upset Jim.

You can write books and do your job without acting in a sneaky clandestine way."
Was it sneaky though? Was he even aware of the so-called contract players had signed up to?

"Kevin I'm writing a book about each Ulster county's 2011 Championship season and looking for a player from each county to provide insight. Would you like to cover Donegal's campaign?"

I'm sure Cassidy didn't do it under duress. So I'm still not sure how/why Bogue is the bad guy here?

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9359 - 18/04/2024 12:32:18    2538828


Replying To PeterQ92:  "I would agree absolutely. 12 yrs ffs. Wise up Jim!"
Agree the man was doing his job, if Jim was impeded in doing his job I don't think he would take it well. Two days out from game I would rather be hearing about the game. At least this time tomorrow we'll have the 26 players named. So well how our injured players are at. Can't wait I feel we'll win . See yous all in Celtic park

rorysboys (Donegal) - Posts: 2527 - 18/04/2024 13:27:59    2538841


Replying To Scenicparish:  "I wouldn't agree with you. Jim was totally within his rights to not have Declan present in the press conference if he undermined him 12 years ago. We don't know what went on between them since then? Maybe Jim didn't meet him since then and this was the first chance to get back at him. You cant just write what you want and not have consequences."
But what was it that he wrote that was SO offensive?
OK so a player divulged some inside info but it was hardly the nuclear codes he gave up. We still went on to win the All Ireland in 2012 regardless so it hardly totally derailed Jim's masterplan for Donegal.

But, as you say, maybe there's more to it & that's fair enough. Maybe there's more to the story than what's in the public domain.

But if not, my own take on it would be that life is too short to be carrying around grudges like that.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9359 - 18/04/2024 13:38:47    2538844


Jim didn't make Bogue go public and go on various podcasts about it. I think Jim has met Bogue during this stint and simply ignored him.

But, two days before the match and all we are hearing about is Declan Bogue. Maybe that's the way Jim wants it.

SouthOfTheGap (Donegal) - Posts: 647 - 18/04/2024 14:03:55    2538851


Replying To PeterQ92:  "McKinless is injured"
I hope you are right, but all I can see online is a broken nose about three weeks ago. I'm sure that wouldn't rule him out.

SouthOfTheGap (Donegal) - Posts: 647 - 18/04/2024 14:06:56    2538852


Replying To Lockjaw:  "Was it sneaky though? Was he even aware of the so-called contract players had signed up to?

"Kevin I'm writing a book about each Ulster county's 2011 Championship season and looking for a player from each county to provide insight. Would you like to cover Donegal's campaign?"

I'm sure Cassidy didn't do it under duress. So I'm still not sure how/why Bogue is the bad guy here?"
If you read my original post again instead of pushing me down a rabbit hole - I'm not saying Bogue is 'the' bad guy.

I said he had an active part (not a passive 'doing his job' part) to play in the situation - and I would find it unbelieveable that he didn't know that Jim didn't know.

He's surely not that naive a lad. There was plenty of times when he could have put it out there what he was doing. He didn't.

As I also said - it would be great to get the thing resolved and I think Jim is wrong to ban him from press conferences.

Al_Maguire (Donegal) - Posts: 256 - 18/04/2024 14:25:52    2538856


Replying To Al_Maguire:  "If you read my original post again instead of pushing me down a rabbit hole - I'm not saying Bogue is 'the' bad guy.

I said he had an active part (not a passive 'doing his job' part) to play in the situation - and I would find it unbelieveable that he didn't know that Jim didn't know.

He's surely not that naive a lad. There was plenty of times when he could have put it out there what he was doing. He didn't.

As I also said - it would be great to get the thing resolved and I think Jim is wrong to ban him from press conferences."
Ah look it's possible that Jim is deliberately stirring the pot a bit. Who knows.
Anyway - more important things to be worrying about, like the game on Saturday. I really think we can do a number on them. The day that any Donegal team is afraid of a Derry team will be a bad one. We'll respect them surely, but a Donegal win up there wouldn't shock me at all, despite what some pundits are saying nationally.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9359 - 18/04/2024 14:30:48    2538859


Replying To SouthOfTheGap:  "Jim didn't make Bogue go public and go on various podcasts about it. I think Jim has met Bogue during this stint and simply ignored him.

But, two days before the match and all we are hearing about is Declan Bogue. Maybe that's the way Jim wants it."
But he was in effect, impeded from doing his job so he had every rigth to complain about it. The likes of Newstalk would never let this story go because they know Jim is GAA box office. I'd say they couldn't wait to get Bogue on to chat about it.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9359 - 18/04/2024 14:32:45    2538860


DB was one of the very few to get inside Donegal's defensive shield in 2011/12. Often wondered why JMcG was the only manager kept in the dark about this project, I know of another who knew and did not have an issue with it. Still trying to figure what the agenda was apart from boosting book sales.

Curlew66 (Roscommon) - Posts: 550 - 18/04/2024 14:37:47    2538861


I trust Jim 100%, if he doesn't want Bogue there then he has a good reason and that's enough for me.
On the game itself I think this is going to be a defensive game, Derry will want us to press them and then hit us at speed on the break, I think Jim will have us sitting back so it will likely be a low scoring war of attrition.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 2897 - 18/04/2024 14:58:17    2538863


Replying To SouthOfTheGap:  "I hope you are right, but all I can see online is a broken nose about three weeks ago. I'm sure that wouldn't rule him out."
He came on at HT in league final and limped off 20mins later holding his groin. Am told he hasn't trained since.

PeterQ92 (Donegal) - Posts: 108 - 18/04/2024 15:05:50    2538865
