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I think they were always Killoe men. From what I heard years ago, was their father had a fall out with someone in Killoe when they were young. He swore they wouldn't play for Killoe as long as he was alive. Not 100% sure on that though. They possibly might of went to Garrowhill school when they were younger which would have meant playing football with Clonguish. We had a few down the years who lived in Clonguish but went to school in Drumlish and played with The Gaels. We also had a few lads who lived and went to school in Newtown but played with the Gaels. One of them was the great Rico Flynn! The same went the other way with David Faughnan and Collie Clarke living in Drumlish but going to school and playing football with Clonguish. I think the Farrells in Colmcille are also in Clonbroney parish. Spinx (Longford) - Posts: 1347 - 30/11/2022 13:22:25 2449147 Link 0 |
Is this happening? That's a huge blow to Granard if he is. Is he living in Mullingar/Westmeath or why is he going to Loman's? Other than them being in the mix for a county title most years. iluvspuds (Longford) - Posts: 160 - 30/11/2022 14:51:08 2449163 Link 0 |
More chance of winning the Euromillions I'd say. New account set up just to post idle speculation. A man like that who has given great service to club and county deserves better than someone with nothing better to do make up crap on an internet forum
liosbreac6265 (Longford) - Posts: 256 - 30/11/2022 17:15:26 2449181 Link 1 |
Correct, always been from Killoe parish and went to school in clonguish. Killoe was a very divided club in the 60s and early 70swith a lot of infighting. Building of a single school for the the whole parish was the catalyst for change and have stayed in the senior ranks since 77 which in itself is a great achievement.
catchturnscore (Longford) - Posts: 151 - 30/11/2022 19:41:21 2449193 Link 0 |
I'd say there isn't the slightest chance in hell of that happening.
LongfordgaaAbú (Longford) - Posts: 594 - 01/12/2022 09:59:49 2449208 Link 0 |
.... thanks in no small part to some luck against Ardagh in a relegation playoff in 2004 :-) Would have been a number of Killoe lads down the years who went to school in Newtown who hurled with Clonguish and played football with Killoe. That was the case until very recently, so not uncommon to have cross border associations. Killoe club was in bits by the end of the sixties, gutted by emigration and lots of infighting between two ends of the parish over location of the football field and other things. Took a few dedicated men to keep from folding in the late 1960's. The school came along at the end of 1971 and was a big catalyst as you rightly point out. LongfordgaaAbú (Longford) - Posts: 594 - 01/12/2022 13:50:57 2449233 Link 0 |
Straying away from the history of Killoe and the supposed fake news story about Gallagher........does anyone know the reason why the Intermediate champions get a second year if they want at Intermediate? Are we the only county that does this? Spinx (Longford) - Posts: 1347 - 01/12/2022 14:11:20 2449239 Link 0 |
Players have always played with other parishes than they grew up in, depending on where they went to school, closest village or church etc. The McCormacks are Killoe through and through. No doubt. I'd have more of an issue with clubs poaching players from weaker neighbouring clubs as happened a few teams down the years including in the 60s.
Rhyne_Stonecowboy (Longford) - Posts: 52 - 01/12/2022 19:05:54 2449283 Link 0 |
Good question. I understood that clubs can opt to stay but if they win it again the next year they have to go up, but I don't know if that is a rule or at discretion of CB. Looking at intermediate winners this century... Ballymahon 2022 - Going up 2023?? Killashee 2021 - Went up 2022 Killashee 2020 - Stayed Fr. Manning Gaels 2019 - Went up 2020 Rathcline 2018 - Went up 2019 Rathcline 2017 - Stayed Killashee 2016 - Went up 2017 Rathcline 2015 - Went up 2016 Carrickedmond 2014 - Went up 2015 Ardagh 2013 - Went up 2014 Granard 2012 - Went up 2013 Killashee 2011 - Went up 2012 Carrickedmond 2010 - Went up 2011 Cashel 2009 - Went up 2010 Cashel 2008 - Stayed Mullinalaghta 2007 - Went up 2008 Ardagh 2006 - Went up 2007 Rathcline 2005 - Went up 2006 Ballymore 2004 - Went up 2005 Killashee 2003 - Went up 2004 Granard 2002 - Went up 2003 Carrickedmond 2001 - Went up 2002 Mullinalaghta 2000 - Went up 2001 Cashel 1999 - Went up 2000 The story of who didn't get relegated to intermediate in recent years (and why) is even more baffling. LongfordgaaAbú (Longford) - Posts: 594 - 01/12/2022 19:28:40 2449285 Link 0 |
Is it fake? It's spreading like wildfire up here that it's true. I only came on here to have a look to see if any locals had any more information
AlaRad10 (Westmeath) - Posts: 13 - 01/12/2022 20:52:31 2449292 Link 0 |
Which teams did that happen with? Don't beat about the bush! The decision to go up is a bye-law and a good one at that especially if a winning team is particularly young and could benefit from one more year at that level instead of going straight up for hammerings, likewise if they are old and are going to lose a lot of players. We saw what happened this year with Killashee but as they had won it twice they had to be promoted liosbreac6265 (Longford) - Posts: 256 - 02/12/2022 10:19:00 2449308 Link 0 |
The story of Gallagher is just growing legs at the moment as does every small rumour!I doubt it is true but stranger things has happened! Garmin (Longford) - Posts: 98 - 02/12/2022 10:19:07 2449309 Link 0 |
Kilashee have lost a big chunk of them teams to emmigration and i think that they really need everyone. Small talk of one or two more of their players heading down under and if that happens they will really struggle in intermediate.
ball1 (Roscommon) - Posts: 29 - 02/12/2022 11:17:26 2449318 Link 0 |
Poaching players from weaker clubs, has happened regularly since the 60's Ballymahon from Forgney, Slashers from Grattens, Clonguish from Drumlish to name a few. Killoe from Conollys, I'm not sure. B&G (Longford) - Posts: 370 - 02/12/2022 12:40:24 2449326 Link 0 |
Ballymahon from Forgney - I agree Slashers from Grattans - I agree Clonguish from Drumlish - The only player in recent times who moved between clubs here was Eric Flynn in the mid 90's, moved from Clonguish to Drumlish. Who did Clonguish poach from Drumlish? Oddball (Roscommon) - Posts: 944 - 02/12/2022 13:27:03 2449333 Link 0 |
No one was ever poached from Drumlish or any other club for that matter. More rubbish on this site that belongs in the bin with the Gallagher rumour!
liosbreac6265 (Longford) - Posts: 256 - 02/12/2022 14:26:04 2449340 Link 0 |
killashee had no choice to go up after winning in 2020. relegation and promotion were frozen with covid. interesting that cashel 08 and rathcline 17 are the only two teams to be allowed stay down. both had significant county board influence when this happened. I don't think it is a given you can stay down in intermediate it depends how how much pull you have in the county board
DISCOPANTS (Longford) - Posts: 15 - 02/12/2022 16:41:10 2449358 Link 0 |
Apologies Liosbreac I was merely asking a question not stating it was true but I had heard the rumour at the u21 final. I'm just someone trying to engage in a bit of local gaa discourse and I don't understand your poor attitude towards new members on the forum.
ballymore1967 (Longford) - Posts: 65 - 02/12/2022 21:52:14 2449377 Link 0 |
I see Longford GAA Stats has an excellent Instagram page now. Well worth checking out. Mull93 (Longford) - Posts: 119 - 03/12/2022 10:36:54 2449394 Link 0 |
I heard its a bye law. I think all bye laws should be made available on the website. I don't know why they are not..... or maybe it's an obvious reason! Anyway in the interests of transparency, in this day and age I think they should be up on the website. There is a real possibility that Killashee could win Intermediate again in 2023. If that were to happen then are we in the same position again where they decide to stay, rightfully so, at Intermediate or is it he case that they will have to go to Senior again. The real issue seems to be that that there are too many teams at Senior and as a result this creates a gap in standard between the two levels that is difficult to bridge without a restructuring of the championships. Mull93 (Longford) - Posts: 119 - 03/12/2022 10:45:13 2449395 Link 0 |