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What's with all the children on here?? We have one lad commenting on stuff got to do with other clubs, then another fella trying to convince this fella that he's from an area that he says he's not from. To be honest knowing both places, I would rather say I'm from Newtown than Drumlish so I don't know why Spinx is saying he's from Drumlish if he's not!! And why has this got your hair up on your back Rhynestonecowboy? Oddball (Roscommon) - Posts: 944 - 17/11/2022 10:44:24 2447880 Link 0 |
All a bit silly to hold a grudge for long over a bit of pushing and shoving!!
Oddball (Roscommon) - Posts: 944 - 17/11/2022 11:21:05 2447886 Link 0 |
Does anyone know if leader cup will be played or whats the story?Just out of interest Gaaforlife2023 (Longford) - Posts: 640 - 17/11/2022 11:38:34 2447893 Link 0 |
Mullinalaghta got a walkover from Colmcille. Spinx (Longford) - Posts: 1347 - 17/11/2022 12:07:42 2447906 Link 0 |
lol spinx said it ages ago hes just a troll that is one off the funniest i ever heard if he is telling the truth. Time to build a bridge 25 years grudging a push lol!!!! slasher9 (Longford) - Posts: 252 - 17/11/2022 12:36:12 2447911 Link 0 |
You'll be glad to know Oddball, I'm finished with answering questions about my personal life to that fool. Only one child on this forum and I'm sure he'll be back spouting rubbish to try and get another reaction, but I will not be firing back. It takes a bigger man to walk away and that's what I'll be doing. Spinx (Longford) - Posts: 1347 - 17/11/2022 12:36:16 2447912 Link 2 |
I know the last thing Longford needs is to lose another club but would it make sense for Killashee to amalgamate with Cashel at senior level? They have been amalgamated at underage since about 1998. I haven't heard anything out of Killashee but if things haven't improved player wise since last year, then surely they should consider it. They might actually make a strong Intermediate team out of the 2 clubs. Spinx (Longford) - Posts: 1347 - 17/11/2022 16:37:24 2447952 Link 0 |
A team who won 2 intermediates in the last 3 years joining up with another intermediate team doesn't sound too pleasing to other clubs One year lads gone on j1s and a few lads emmigrating but every club has to deal with that ball1 (Roscommon) - Posts: 29 - 17/11/2022 17:07:09 2447961 Link 0 |
I think Spinx needs to calm down and take a deep breath. He's embarrassing himself now. Rhyne_Stonecowboy (Longford) - Posts: 52 - 17/11/2022 17:24:47 2447964 Link 0 |
Kilashee won intermediate in 2020 2021 and cashel hammered "your" team last year lol why would they need to amalgamate to be strong for that. I shouldnt feed the troll!!
slasher9 (Longford) - Posts: 252 - 17/11/2022 18:48:20 2447973 Link 0 |
How about Drumlish and Killoe amalgamating. There seems to be a lot of love between the clubs judging by all these posts. Might be a chance for Drumlish to compete at Senior level consistently. Maybe amalgamations are the way. Works in Kerry with Junior and Intermediate players able to compete in Seior championship. B&G (Longford) - Posts: 370 - 17/11/2022 19:31:41 2447976 Link 0 |
Its all getting abit silly now lads!! im all for the craic but lets not let it get to far!! Spinx is a decent Longford GAA follower, and regardless of where he is from its only a bit of craic!! I dont agree on the Kilashee and Cashel comment at all, both clubs are strong intermediate contenders at the moment! every club has to deal with players not commiting and emigration, lets not lose more clubs!! its a struggle as it is! the intermediate championship of 2022 was pretty decent with each team bar Legan with a great change of winning it! lets leave the past in the past, 1997 is a long time ago lads!! Garmin (Longford) - Posts: 98 - 18/11/2022 09:53:42 2448004 Link 0 |
You are being tongue in cheek but this is a good idea in my opinion. Something has to change drastically if we are to improve Longford football, nothing has worked for almost 140 years so why not follow the lead of the most successful GAA county! Carrickedmond/Kenagh did this in the 70s and were unlucky to run into the great Clonguish team of that era as well as a strong Slashers side. Exposing the young players of the junior and intermediate clubs to senior football is the only way to develop them
liosbreac6265 (Longford) - Posts: 256 - 18/11/2022 10:11:13 2448006 Link 0 |
Back in the 90's for a few years we had 6 intermediate and 6 junior teams. One from each grade amalgamated to play in a Senior B Championship with the winner of that going on to play in the Senior Championship. Spinx (Longford) - Posts: 1347 - 18/11/2022 13:23:20 2448054 Link 0 |
A max of 3 teams coming together, with no more than 2 Intermediate teams being part of it could work very well and be competitive. The 90s teams were farcical because of the restriction on their makeup. The Intermediate and junior championships would have to be a shorter format due to all the games. Like a lot of things nothing will come of it!
liosbreac6265 (Longford) - Posts: 256 - 18/11/2022 14:16:45 2448063 Link 0 |
I agree nit like they went far in leinster too many walk overs in longford.
Gaaforlife2023 (Longford) - Posts: 640 - 19/11/2022 13:21:18 2448157 Link 0 |
Junior championship at minute is not fit for purpose
Gaaforlife2023 (Longford) - Posts: 640 - 19/11/2022 13:26:51 2448159 Link 1 |
Colmcille looked for postponement, St Columbas unwilling to defer the final . Game was awarded to St Columbas by CCCC
Therein2010 (Longford) - Posts: 55 - 19/11/2022 15:26:28 2448162 Link 0 |
We weren't unwilling; it's just that we weren't asked.
TurnipAyter (Longford) - Posts: 161 - 21/11/2022 09:08:43 2448266 Link 0 |
Did Colmcille seek a postponement and County Board said no, so Colmcille then conceded the game?
LongfordgaaAbú (Longford) - Posts: 594 - 21/11/2022 19:05:35 2448365 Link 0 |