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Has anyone got a list of managers for the coming season? I'm not convinced by our appointment but he probably can't do much worse than the last lad we had in charge. My worry is that Sheridan did nothing with Granard, had a great chance of winning an intermediate with Ardagh Moydow and blew it. Then he was part of the management team of the first Abbey team in over 20 years not to make at least a senior quarter final.

Spinx (Longford) - Posts: 1346 - 06/01/2024 12:02:35    2518604


RIP Sean Donnelly, a legend.

I see Cosmos Gilmore replaced James Glancy who has stepped down as selector, and no replacement announced yet for Gareth Johnston. We might need a separate thread just to keep track of selectors!

LongfordgaaAbú (Longford) - Posts: 587 - 06/01/2024 12:27:45    2518609


Replying To Spinx:  "Has anyone got a list of managers for the coming season? I'm not convinced by our appointment but he probably can't do much worse than the last lad we had in charge. My worry is that Sheridan did nothing with Granard, had a great chance of winning an intermediate with Ardagh Moydow and blew it. Then he was part of the management team of the first Abbey team in over 20 years not to make at least a senior quarter final."
Everyone from drumlish i spoken to is very happy with the new management just like everyone from there i spoke to told me paddy columb was NOT retiring. How could you get it so wrong and him togged out today haha your some man Spinx!! Good win against a very young westmeath team none of these results mean a thing until league
Very sad about sean donnelly a slashers, longford and mels legend he could not make an arcitect out of me anyway!! RIP

slasher9 (Longford) - Posts: 252 - 06/01/2024 22:54:36    2518723


Replying To slasher9:  "Everyone from drumlish i spoken to is very happy with the new management just like everyone from there i spoke to told me paddy columb was NOT retiring. How could you get it so wrong and him togged out today haha your some man Spinx!! Good win against a very young westmeath team none of these results mean a thing until league
Very sad about sean donnelly a slashers, longford and mels legend he could not make an arcitect out of me anyway!! RIP"
You must not have spoken to many people in Drumlish or ballinamuck so!! Paddy was having doubts about going back when I was talking to him. He was getting married and he felt he had given as much as he could to the County. He was leaning very much towards it going back. There was also 2 other players who felt the same but have gone back in for 1 more year with them. The fact that Paddy was not playing today shows you that it was a late decision on his part to give it one more go. He has not been back training that long with them. Let's see now what you come back with Slasher9 as you seem to be very obsessed with me for some reason lol.

Spinx (Longford) - Posts: 1346 - 07/01/2024 00:38:30    2518738


Replying To Spinx:  "You must not have spoken to many people in Drumlish or ballinamuck so!! Paddy was having doubts about going back when I was talking to him. He was getting married and he felt he had given as much as he could to the County. He was leaning very much towards it going back. There was also 2 other players who felt the same but have gone back in for 1 more year with them. The fact that Paddy was not playing today shows you that it was a late decision on his part to give it one more go. He has not been back training that long with them. Let's see now what you come back with Slasher9 as you seem to be very obsessed with me for some reason lol."
I'd say if he knew you were going to splash it all over hoganstand just to win an online argument he wouldn't have told you half as much.

Jack_Sparrow (Westmeath) - Posts: 1031 - 07/01/2024 09:58:17    2518764


Replying To Jack_Sparrow:  "I'd say if he knew you were going to splash it all over hoganstand just to win an online argument he wouldn't have told you half as much."
Good man Jack. Hard luck yesterday. It was well known within Gales circles and wider areas that Paddy was contemplating retirement from intercounty football. Just to inform you, it's happened before with players contemplating retirement to then have a change of heart over the break. I also just want to prepare you, it will probably happen again in the future with other players.

Spinx (Longford) - Posts: 1346 - 07/01/2024 11:00:16    2518773


Replying To Jack_Sparrow:  "I'd say if he knew you were going to splash it all over hoganstand just to win an online argument he wouldn't have told you half as much."
I would not be Spinxs biggest fan on here but I had heard the Collum, Gallagher and Barry O'Farrell were thinking about retiring. But all 3 are back for another year. There does be a lot of talk about lads not coming back who decide to change their mind after having a bit of a break. I suppose after a long year of football and serving the county for years it's easier to say you won't be back instead of taking a few weeks break to have a think about it. I know myself from my playing days, I've packed it in several times before starting to miss it and going back in!!

Frank74 (Longford) - Posts: 203 - 07/01/2024 11:06:39    2518780


I heard Paddy, Darren Gallagher and Daniel Mimnagh were considering retirement at the end of last year. I didn't hear anything about Barry O'Farrell retiring. The 4th name I heard and it looks to be true is that Peter Foy was finishing up.

Spinx (Longford) - Posts: 1346 - 07/01/2024 13:23:52    2518795


Replying To Spinx:  "You must not have spoken to many people in Drumlish or ballinamuck so!! Paddy was having doubts about going back when I was talking to him. He was getting married and he felt he had given as much as he could to the County. He was leaning very much towards it going back. There was also 2 other players who felt the same but have gone back in for 1 more year with them. The fact that Paddy was not playing today shows you that it was a late decision on his part to give it one more go. He has not been back training that long with them. Let's see now what you come back with Slasher9 as you seem to be very obsessed with me for some reason lol."
It was an o'byrne cup match he has sat out plenty of them over the years to give others gametime! Youre act fools no one

slasher9 (Longford) - Posts: 252 - 07/01/2024 20:25:37    2518899


Replying To slasher9:  "It was an o'byrne cup match he has sat out plenty of them over the years to give others gametime! Youre act fools no one"
God love you Slasher9!

Spinx (Longford) - Posts: 1346 - 07/01/2024 21:11:27    2518913


Replying To Spinx:  "Has anyone got a list of managers for the coming season? I'm not convinced by our appointment but he probably can't do much worse than the last lad we had in charge. My worry is that Sheridan did nothing with Granard, had a great chance of winning an intermediate with Ardagh Moydow and blew it. Then he was part of the management team of the first Abbey team in over 20 years not to make at least a senior quarter final."
Not even a ball Kicked yet and Mr. Gill your blaming a manager? Maybe if the likes of you got your finger out of your rear end and done something on the pitch instead of hiding on big days out ye wouldnt be in the situation ye are in.

Longfordman16 (Longford) - Posts: 3 - 08/01/2024 08:54:28    2518944


Replying To Longfordman16:  "Not even a ball Kicked yet and Mr. Gill your blaming a manager? Maybe if the likes of you got your finger out of your rear end and done something on the pitch instead of hiding on big days out ye wouldnt be in the situation ye are in."
Haha you are talking to the wrong man here!!

Spinx (Longford) - Posts: 1346 - 08/01/2024 13:42:52    2519036


Replying To Spinx:  "Haha you are talking to the wrong man here!!"
Mm im sure, same guy that slated previous managment that got ye to intermediate finals and league finals, but you and other players decide to put the blame on managers but if im right as a neutral looking in against Ballymahon in the inter final 2 years ago ye blew it as players not managment, so instead of slating anyone that comes into your club to take ye over, stop being a keyboard warrior and trying to run a good club with a great history down into the ground.

Longfordman16 (Longford) - Posts: 3 - 09/01/2024 09:02:17    2519173


Replying To Longfordman16:  "Mm im sure, same guy that slated previous managment that got ye to intermediate finals and league finals, but you and other players decide to put the blame on managers but if im right as a neutral looking in against Ballymahon in the inter final 2 years ago ye blew it as players not managment, so instead of slating anyone that comes into your club to take ye over, stop being a keyboard warrior and trying to run a good club with a great history down into the ground."
Again, you are wrong!
My playing days are finished and have not kicked a ball in 5 years now for the Gaels.
I had no association with previous management team or this current one.
I am now a supporter of the club looking on from the terrace.
II like anyone else can voice their opinions on previous and current managements within their clubs.

Spinx (Longford) - Posts: 1346 - 09/01/2024 10:36:08    2519192


Replying To Spinx:  "Has anyone got a list of managers for the coming season? I'm not convinced by our appointment but he probably can't do much worse than the last lad we had in charge. My worry is that Sheridan did nothing with Granard, had a great chance of winning an intermediate with Ardagh Moydow and blew it. Then he was part of the management team of the first Abbey team in over 20 years not to make at least a senior quarter final."
Enda Macken and Gareth Johnston joint managers of Dromard.

maximus02 (Longford) - Posts: 211 - 09/01/2024 13:20:39    2519234


Replying To maximus02:  "Enda Macken and Gareth Johnston joint managers of Dromard."
If this works out, Dromard would be serious contenders for the championship.
If a difference of opinion happens as what supposedly went on with Johnston and Christie, it could all fall apart!
Interesting to see we have done the same and brought back John Twaddle as a joint manager with Liam Belton this year instead of been the coach. I'm assuming he will still take on the coaching duties as well as having a bigger say on team selection.

Frank74 (Longford) - Posts: 203 - 09/01/2024 14:44:56    2519251


Lads, I'm just after looking back over the history of winners of the Longford Championship and I just wanted to get peoples take on the lack of championships for town/big village teams.

In Roscommon we have Roscommon Gaels who have gone 19 years without a title, Castlereagh 14 years and Boyle 96 years!!

In Longford you have Longford Slashers 10 years (not really a big drought!), Ballymahon 21 years (only 1 title), Mostrim 31 years (3 titles), Granard 41 years and Rathcline 47 years (only 1 title).

For Mostrim and Granard to go 31 and 41 years without a title is astounding.
Also, for clubs like Ballymahon and Rathcline only having won 1 title each is a strange one considering the size of Ballymahon and Lanesboro is a decnt size village/town.

Looking in from the outside discounting Slashers, all these other teams are bordering other counties.
Have players in the past thrown in their lot with clubs across the border or are there other reasons for the lack of success?

I just would be interested in Longford peoples take on this.

Oddball (Roscommon) - Posts: 943 - 09/01/2024 15:01:16    2519261


Replying To Oddball:  "Lads, I'm just after looking back over the history of winners of the Longford Championship and I just wanted to get peoples take on the lack of championships for town/big village teams.

In Roscommon we have Roscommon Gaels who have gone 19 years without a title, Castlereagh 14 years and Boyle 96 years!!

In Longford you have Longford Slashers 10 years (not really a big drought!), Ballymahon 21 years (only 1 title), Mostrim 31 years (3 titles), Granard 41 years and Rathcline 47 years (only 1 title).

For Mostrim and Granard to go 31 and 41 years without a title is astounding.
Also, for clubs like Ballymahon and Rathcline only having won 1 title each is a strange one considering the size of Ballymahon and Lanesboro is a decnt size village/town.

Looking in from the outside discounting Slashers, all these other teams are bordering other counties.
Have players in the past thrown in their lot with clubs across the border or are there other reasons for the lack of success?

I just would be interested in Longford peoples take on this."
Hard to say really. If you look next door to Westmeath, the big towns tend to dominate. Loman's in Mullingar and Garrycastle in Athlone have dominated.

Cavan Gaels have tailed off in the last few years but have had a lot of success over the last 30 years.

I think the common feature of any successful team is having a good underage structure and whenever a good crop come along that they are managed in the right way. In Longford, the Northern Gaels outfit for 10years or so were very dominant and this translated into Columba's and Abbey contesting a number of Co Finals for years.

Killoe have been a constant in the underage ranks since the turn of the millennium which has yielded 6 or 7 senior titles.

I think the underage structure has to be right and good coaching practice implemented. I think the big towns like Ballymahon, Lanesboro need to harness the numbers that they have and build from there. If we can get more contributing from different clubs then it will boost our Co team.

backtoback2 (Longford) - Posts: 42 - 09/01/2024 16:16:50    2519286


Replying To Oddball:  "Lads, I'm just after looking back over the history of winners of the Longford Championship and I just wanted to get peoples take on the lack of championships for town/big village teams.

In Roscommon we have Roscommon Gaels who have gone 19 years without a title, Castlereagh 14 years and Boyle 96 years!!

In Longford you have Longford Slashers 10 years (not really a big drought!), Ballymahon 21 years (only 1 title), Mostrim 31 years (3 titles), Granard 41 years and Rathcline 47 years (only 1 title).

For Mostrim and Granard to go 31 and 41 years without a title is astounding.
Also, for clubs like Ballymahon and Rathcline only having won 1 title each is a strange one considering the size of Ballymahon and Lanesboro is a decnt size village/town.

Looking in from the outside discounting Slashers, all these other teams are bordering other counties.
Have players in the past thrown in their lot with clubs across the border or are there other reasons for the lack of success?

I just would be interested in Longford peoples take on this."
It's the opposite case in Leitrim. The 5 biggest towns Carrick, Manorhamilton, Kinlough, Ballinamore, Mohill, and Annaduff (a parish with 2 villages) have won 16 of the last 20 championships. With only Kiltubrid (2005) and Aughawillan (2014,2016,2018) the only "smaller parish" winners in that time.
The only true rural parish clubs left in Senior are Aughawillan and Gortletteragh as neither of these clubs have a village or town.

This trend does not look to change any time soon either. A report conducted by the Leitrim County board showed that 70% of boys in Leitrim fall in the catchment area of 9 out of the 23 clubs and 20% in Carrick-on-Shannnon. These 9 clubs are big town/village clubs and are all along National Roads (N4,N15,N16) that bring you from Longford to Sligo. It seems people relocating are choosing to live in areas nearest to the main thoroughfare to Dublin.

Leitrimforliam (Leitrim) - Posts: 326 - 09/01/2024 16:37:29    2519289


Replying To maximus02:  "Enda Macken and Gareth Johnston joint managers of Dromard."
Colmcille the only team without a manager, leaving it late.

LongfordSpectator (Longford) - Posts: 9 - 09/01/2024 16:46:44    2519293
