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Leitrim GAA thread

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Replying To ahsure.:  "I don't think we know the full facts of MG jumping ship but the optics do not look great unfortunately from his and Galway standpoint.

Reading above a lot of capable candidates in the mix now to take over in Leitrim, so that is a positive at least. Hopefully ye get something wrapped up very soon and start planning for Div3."
While the optics don't look great nobody knows why MG pulled out. Personally I do rate the man highly for his achievements with Mullinaghta winning a Leinster and Cavan an Ulster Title in both cases absolute rank outsiders. I can't really blame the CB for laying their faith in him to take over after a year as selector as he was the absolute best canditate and let's be realistic beggers can't be choosers. Talk of Colm O Rourke, Declan Bonner and others jetting in taking over would not be good for Leitrim as they are simply not in touch with basement football or Leitrim nor are they local enough either but MG is/was. MG is no fool is well grounded and I never thought he was one to reneage on a deal so whatever happened after his appointment is a mystery to many. Im thankful for old school characters like Colm O Rourke for coming out and giving his version of the story of his dismissal in Meath (right or wrong) if we had more of that we'd have less mysteries and possibly less County boards willing to mess managers around.

Inatfullforward (Longford) - Posts: 106 - 25/10/2024 16:58:16    2576920


Well done Glencar Manor who trounced Castlerea in the Connacht mirror championship tonight.

joeman123 (Leitrim) - Posts: 501 - 25/10/2024 21:20:40    2576948
