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Leitrim GAA thread

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Replying To Thejampot:  "You obviously don't know what they done to give a stupid response like that or you from mohill"
No I understand what you're referring to. Similarly to what Mohill did earlier this year - St Mary's conceded a division 1 league game last Saturday the night before playing and winning the reserve league with their second team. Well within their right to do so and if they hadn't I would consider them naive as the senior game was a dead rubber.

Calling for points deductions or fines for behaviour which doesn't break rules is daft. It's not new information that many clubs have overlapping panels across several teams - should players be expected to play several games in the same weekend or should their clubs do their best to protect player welfare when the opportunity presents itself? Obvious choice.

Ponies11 (Leitrim) - Posts: 3 - 26/07/2023 16:03:51    2497110


Replying To TheCartownBus2:  "Spot on. Teams should be free to find their own level. The idea that somehow an intermediate or junior championship will be stronger if only first teams are involved is nonsense to be perfectly honest. As has been already said this will only deter decent players from strong clubs who can't get on their first team from playing altogether."
After the weekend's action this is only more clear.
Carrick dominated the reserve team structure - would make no sense for those players to miss out on challenging championship football to preserve the pride of clubs struggling to field competitive outfits.

Ponies11 (Leitrim) - Posts: 3 - 26/07/2023 16:26:37    2497124


Replying To Ponies11:  "No I understand what you're referring to. Similarly to what Mohill did earlier this year - St Mary's conceded a division 1 league game last Saturday the night before playing and winning the reserve league with their second team. Well within their right to do so and if they hadn't I would consider them naive as the senior game was a dead rubber.

Calling for points deductions or fines for behaviour which doesn't break rules is daft. It's not new information that many clubs have overlapping panels across several teams - should players be expected to play several games in the same weekend or should their clubs do their best to protect player welfare when the opportunity presents itself? Obvious choice."
So your saying mohill only done it for player welfare reasons. Oh well then that ok so ( BUll$₩¥@# )

Thejampot (Leitrim) - Posts: 336 - 26/07/2023 16:27:43    2497126


Replying To Ponies11:  "After the weekend's action this is only more clear.
Carrick dominated the reserve team structure - would make no sense for those players to miss out on challenging championship football to preserve the pride of clubs struggling to field competitive outfits."
Have to agree with you here, I was originally against the idea of second teams competing in junior A with first teams when mohill second teams bet glenfarne well in a final a few years ago, but since then I've realised that second teams should have every right to compete with first teams. The reality is Mary's and mohills and possibly ballinamores second team could easily play and be competitive in division 3 and it's good for developing young players who might not get much time with their first team, not everyone can be a Jordan Reynolds or Paul keaney. At the end of the day the counties standard of football is determined by the stronger teams. This notion of removing second teams from competitions with first teams is nonsense and will only weaken the standard of football across intermediate and junior.

Hatchetman76 (Leitrim) - Posts: 19 - 26/07/2023 16:43:07    2497135


Replying To LeitrimManiac2000:  "Sorry if i've missed this but any view on when the championship draws for Senior and inter championship take place, take it after leagues wrap up?

Anyone feeling brave and calling winners/relegations at this early stage?

I'll get the ball rolling
- a Carrick double? Fenagh?
- Liked Leitrim Village as an outsider the last couple of years but seem to be going back instead of forward from when they tightened Mohill for long periods, any truth to them being down a few heads? team like that needs full outfit Bruen and Flynn a loss for league but Moreton would be a huge loss to the thin forward line if there's truth in it, adds speed and range, thought Andy might call for a run out at one stage

- Annaduf likely to be knocking on the door but door may be jammed again, Carrigallen outsiders, moving well in league and could do the junior, inter jump? why not but could as easily be relegated again
- hard to see past Melvin Gaels

- Cloone's year"
Are Carrick or Fenagh the favourites in the view of most people?
Don't think Leitrim Gaels are attacking enough to go all the way. Mohill have an abundance of talent that could hit form QF and beat anyone in county from there to final.

LeitrimLover94 (Leitrim) - Posts: 22 - 26/07/2023 23:24:06    2497190


Replying To Ponies11:  "After the weekend's action this is only more clear.
Carrick dominated the reserve team structure - would make no sense for those players to miss out on challenging championship football to preserve the pride of clubs struggling to field competitive outfits."
What about the reputation of their own club? Do club members not care about that anymore? I know the club I'm from would only conceed unless they absolutely had to (i.e. couldn't field a team for genuine reasons). It's a fairly big **** you to the small rural clubs struggling to put teams out week in week out.

Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 1012 - 27/07/2023 07:27:47    2497201


Replying To Creidim...:  "I understand your logic. They were able to field one of the best teams in both grades for enough games to make both finals. You can argue that the ends justify the means. They were also able to win their U20 division with no players from Eslin and Cloone -- hugely impressive given that these U20 players backboned both junior teams. I think a number of rural clubs had to weigh up releasing their U20 players to play U20 matches 2 and 3 days before their own adult teams played. However, Mohill certainly bent the rules to their advantage by conceding the aforementioned Reserve D1 game to field a (stronger) Reserve D3 team. If there is no rule on fielding in the higher grade first, as another poster mentioned is the case in Dublin), then I will certainly ensure my club puts forward a motion to this effect at the end of this season.

I note with interest that St. Mary's conceded last Saturday's league game to Aughnasheelin, which was, to be fair, a dead rubber for both sides; apparently to play a challenge match against Galway opposition. On the same day, Mohill had to play their strongest team to beat SOH and ensure their Div 1 status. Numerous Mohill Div 1 players then played the junior final on Sunday afternoon vs. St. Mary's. Based on the unexpectedly wide margin of victory for Mary's, I imagine that Mary's rested their junior players where they could for their challenge, and you can see a degree of karma in the result for Mohill.

On the one hand, the mentality of both Mohill and Mary's doing what makes the best outcome for their club more possible is impressive, you can see why they have such success. But are these actions fair? Is there any point me referencing the spirit of the game?"
I can confirm that Carrick did not infact play a challenge game against any team last weekend, let alone a Galway opposition. And I'm led to believe that Aughnashellin for going to concede the game regardless. Not disputing you other points but that is a fact.

leitrimlad15 (Leitrim) - Posts: 108 - 27/07/2023 14:04:25    2497300


Looking forward to a good league final tomorrow,would be great to see Fenagh with some silverware.

lecture250 (Leitrim) - Posts: 130 - 28/07/2023 12:32:59    2497428


Replying To lecture250:  "Looking forward to a good league final tomorrow,would be great to see Fenagh with some silverware."
agreed, their second team looked very handy in the reserve final win last weekend, some good work going over over there and a league double will set them up perfectly for a good championship

gaelsboy (Leitrim) - Posts: 560 - 28/07/2023 15:53:42    2497486


Congratulations to Fenagh, Allen Gaels and Drumkeerin on their league wins , a great boost to them all ahead of their respective championship campaigns. Biggest game in the senior next weekend should be Fenagh and Leitrim Gaels, I'd expect Carrick, Mohill, Ballinamore and Aughawillan to come through the other games. (Leitrim) - Posts: 427 - 29/07/2023 22:16:55    2497637


Replying To Ponies11:  "To suggest that Mohill should not contest 2 reserve league finals because they conceded games is laughable. They have won well in most games at both grades and to be in a position to be able to concede games and still make finals is a criticism of the reserve team leagues format as has been addressed in this thread already.
Teams should be free to find their own level and if that were the case then conceding games would have cost them that opportunity.
Unfair on other clubs - if you want to contest finals then qualify for them."
Would that be KARMA .!!

Thejampot (Leitrim) - Posts: 336 - 29/07/2023 23:16:12    2497642


It's gas. It's the Eve of the AI Football final, and guess what topic is top of the discussion list on HS? Leitrim GAA. Ireland certainly does know how to do irony!

And, Up da Dubs for tomorrow.

foreveryoung (USA) - Posts: 2083 - 30/07/2023 06:43:33    2497649


Replying To leitrimlad15:  "Quick Fire Votes - Top 5

Biggest Issues Hindering Leitrim Football
1. County Population
2. No divisional competition to allow Intermediate/Junior players to gain Senior Experience
3. County Funding
4. Management (Historic, not targeted at current management)
5. Lack of club league games
6. Underage Development Structure
7. Underage Development Management
8. Structure Within Clubs
9. Underage S&C
10. Lack of Commitment from current players
11. Lack of Commitment from 'non-committed' players
12. Standard of Refereeing in Leitrim
13. Other

i.e. mine is;

12, 2, 11, 8, 5"
Fermanagh have a smaller playing population to us yet are light years ahead.

Buzzcagney62 (Leitrim) - Posts: 217 - 30/07/2023 09:49:42    2497658


Carrick have a lot of work to do if they are to retain the cup.

williesboy (Leitrim) - Posts: 411 - 30/07/2023 11:14:02    2497670


Poor game last night but great to see Fenagh win, I have been at a few finals over the last few weeks and you would have to question the officials that are overseeing the games, some of the off the ball stuff that linesmen in particular are turning a blind eye too is ridiculous and puts our referees under extra pressure.

lecture250 (Leitrim) - Posts: 130 - 30/07/2023 12:55:52    2497685


Replying To Thejampot:  "Would that be KARMA .!!"
There won't be a cow milked in Cloone till at least tomorrow! :D

Creidim... (Leitrim) - Posts: 45 - 30/07/2023 13:48:47    2497691


Replying To williesboy:  "Carrick have a lot of work to do if they are to retain the cup."
Agreed. Might be no harm though as it will focus them as well as taking the favourites tag away. Fenagh will carry that mantle now and will be interesting to see how the change in mindset will affect them. The possibility of Ryan O' Rourke being fit will increase the expectation on them. They have tonnes of talent but it'd be nothing without an excellent underage system. An example to other clubs of a similar size as to what can be achieved.

ThePowerhouse (Leitrim) - Posts: 139 - 31/07/2023 10:41:02    2497942


I think mohill are still favourites,after that Carrick Fenagh Leitrim Willie's SOH manor are not far behind them,if the draws are not kind to some of the so called favourites you could see one gone in the quarter finals,injuries will have a big part to play,Carrick seem to have a big panel of balance players that can carry losses,as for the rest if they lose key players they have no replacements of the same qualities

Redlad6 (Leitrim) - Posts: 30 - 31/07/2023 14:52:45    2498069


Replying To Buzzcagney62:  "
Replying To leitrimlad15:  "Quick Fire Votes - Top 5

Biggest Issues Hindering Leitrim Football
1. County Population
2. No divisional competition to allow Intermediate/Junior players to gain Senior Experience
3. County Funding
4. Management (Historic, not targeted at current management)
5. Lack of club league games
6. Underage Development Structure
7. Underage Development Management
8. Structure Within Clubs
9. Underage S&C
10. Lack of Commitment from current players
11. Lack of Commitment from 'non-committed' players
12. Standard of Refereeing in Leitrim
13. Other

i.e. mine is;

12, 2, 11, 8, 5"
Fermanagh have a smaller playing population to us yet are light years ahead."
Items 6 &7 are critical. It's frightening how may past Leitrim underage and senior players have distain for some of the current and previous coaching/development/games officers.

Get underage sorted and the rest will follow.

I know lads who were dismissed from u15/16 panels and then asked to return to play u20 or even senior football for Leitrim a few years later.

How many other young men were kicked of County panels for drinking or messing? (Basically for being young).

I'd imagine the stress and upset these young men went through was tough.

Leitrim2024 (Leitrim) - Posts: 61 - 31/07/2023 17:05:21    2498158


Replying To Buzzcagney62:  "
Replying To leitrimlad15:  "Quick Fire Votes - Top 5

Biggest Issues Hindering Leitrim Football
1. County Population
2. No divisional competition to allow Intermediate/Junior players to gain Senior Experience
3. County Funding
4. Management (Historic, not targeted at current management)
5. Lack of club league games
6. Underage Development Structure
7. Underage Development Management
8. Structure Within Clubs
9. Underage S&C
10. Lack of Commitment from current players
11. Lack of Commitment from 'non-committed' players
12. Standard of Refereeing in Leitrim
13. Other

i.e. mine is;

12, 2, 11, 8, 5"
Fermanagh have a smaller playing population to us yet are light years ahead."
Items 6 &7 are critical. It's frightening how may past Leitrim underage and senior players have distain for some of the current and previous coaching/development/games officers.

Get underage sorted and the rest will follow.

I know lads who were dismissed from u15/16 panels and then asked to return to play u20 or even senior football for Leitrim a few years later.

How many other young men were kicked of County panels for drinking or messing? (Basically for being young).

I'd imagine the stress and upset these young men went through was tough.

Leitrim2024 (Leitrim) - Posts: 61 - 31/07/2023 17:56:24    2498189
