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I have seen a number of Fermanagh and Leitrim championship games over the past couple of years. The are like night and day in regards to pace and intensity. Fermanagh have only eight senior teams and most games are very competitive. Yep or three good games a year in Leitrim if your lucky.
Backheel (Leitrim) - Posts: 188 - 15/05/2023 18:15:25 2478795 Link 0 |
Joyce knows what it takes to win though; he has 2 All-Irelands to his name. How many has Andy?
drumalee11 (USA) - Posts: 341 - 16/05/2023 08:58:16 2478845 Link 0 |
One can only hope !!
Thejampot (Leitrim) - Posts: 352 - 16/05/2023 09:07:40 2478846 Link 1 |
Hence why I said 'One of the smallest picks'. The top 3/4 teams in Leitrim are a match for the top teams in Fermanagh it has to be said. But that's a debate for a different day. But yes there is no doubt that Leitrim should be doing a lot better than we are hence why so many people have doubts over our current management team. But we must be realistic. I think its very fair to say that each of them 26 players I named along with Michael McWeeney and a few more would easily get into the Leitrim squad and many would be starting. So the reality is that Moran and Sloan are having to pick players who are 3rd or 4th choice in their positions if we had everyone available. Think of how that effects our levels of S&C and our standards at training etc. We do seem to have got our act together a small bit with regards to the amount of Games Development Officers etc. that we have but I would not really rate those in charge of the overall coaching structures in the county. On this I think we have taken a step back since James Glancy was in charge. Its an area that can be easily addressed by the county board if they want to make tough decisions. 2022 - St Marys - Alan Flynn 2021 - Ballinamore - Dom Corrigan 2020 - Mohill - Liam Keenan 2019 - Manor - Shane Ward/Kieran Fox 2018 - Aughawillan - The McCormacks 2017 - Mohill - Pauric Davis 2016 - Aughawillan - The McCormack 2015 - Mohill - Pauric Davis 2014 - Aughawillan - Sean Pearson/Gary Donoghue This just shows the lack of home grown coaches in Leitrim. A quick glance as to who are over some of our Senior club teams this year: Mohill - Eamon O'Hara (Sligo) St Mary's - Alan Flynn (Galway) Fenagh - The McCormacks (Longford) Aughawillan - Cathal Murphy (Fermanagh) So we have lost up on 30 players in the last few years from the senior Inter-county set up and we are not producing coaches that our own clubs regard as a high enough standard to manage them. Our facilities are they up to scratch? Major money needs to be spent on the pitch in Pairc Sean. That's before you consider some of the toilet facilities etc. that are on offer. Floodlights or even a a half decent sound system seem way out of bounds for this county board. Annaduff has been an absolute farce this year and not one word said about it. Pitches are tragic. Ballinamore is easily the best club grounds and could host county grounds but has been reseeded and is out of use. But also needs better parking options etc. The Ladies have been treated appallingly when it comes to pitches and had a run in with Andy Moran when trying to use the Gym facilities in Annaduff last year and there has been bad blood since. Even the issue that is going to effect a lot of communities in the next few years hasn't been addressed by the County board. Will clubs survive - Eslin, Ballinaglera, Drumreilly, St Osnats and one or two more are teetering on the brink but there doesn't seem to be any forward planning or help being done. A lot of hard questions need to be asked. The Observer it can be sure won't be doing it as they are just a mouth piece for the county board. Leitrim1234 (Leitrim) - Posts: 337 - 16/05/2023 11:47:15 2478923 Link 2 |
Just on underage football and GDA's, we are now in the middle of May and club players aged 16 and 17 years of age have no football this year, these are our senior players in a short few years and they are being seriously let down by the county board. GDA's need to be in secondary schools every week where large numbers of players from different clubs can be accessed, its no coincidence that Sligo underage county teams are thriving when their secondary schools teams are thriving too. We seem to be happy for our schools to be contesting Grade D & E finals while Sligo are winning A & B finals. The kids that scored the winning point in the U20 Connacht final played for Summerhill School. Our whole process needs to start at underage in a much more hands on way in schools. Academy squads need to be increased in size. The lad who's light and shy at 15 could be the top man at 17 but could potentially be missed if he's not included in some way in an academy. Extended training squad for example. We are pumping huge money into our senior squad maybe rightly so but in a lot of cases the horse has bolted for a lot of those players. we need to redirect funds into underage or we're on a hiding to nothing and we'll be having this conversation about our seniors for years to come. meathbasedfan (Leitrim) - Posts: 150 - 16/05/2023 14:34:55 2478991 Link 1 |
I agree with all of that. The GDA's themselves need direction and an overall plan from the County Board or the Main Coaching officer in the county. We probably need to target the main population bases in the county when it comes to Secondary Schools - Carrick, Ballinamore, Mohill and Manor to start with - Introduce intensive coaching, S&C and nutrition advice for these 3 schools and then roll it out to the other smaller secondary schools. However, we need to focus on getting our homegrown coaches throughout the county trained up to a certain level so that every child or adult playing football is getting modern and up-to-date coaching on a consistent basis. That is an achievable goal as we have such a low amount of playing numbers compared to most counties. What it does take is the will, vision and money to make it happen. St Mary's really seem to be getting it right with what they are doing at the moment which will be a huge benefit to our county team but it also looks like they are going to dominate at all levels and age grades due to their population and now increased know-how of what they are doing which can't be great for the competition aspect of the GAA. On the emigration aspect Ballinaglera released a letter regarding rural depopulation and planning laws etc. a few years back. It was brilliant. Leitrim Gaa and all its stakeholders need to become united and lobby all sides of the political spectrum in relation to planning laws and the lack of investment in counties such as Leitrim. If the right infrastructure/initiatives were in place, rural areas such as Leitrim could begin to thrive again due to working from home measures etc. But young people are not going to stick around unless they have a reason to do so. Anyway apart from the hole our Inter-County team is in our Club Leagues are starting on SUNDAY - A Sunday, Jesus wept. Every other county is trying to move away from Sunday games as it is so unpopular with players and in Leitrim we put numerous rounds of our league on Sunday. Be interesting to see if any more players decide to focus on their clubs instead on the Inter-County team? Leitrim1234 (Leitrim) - Posts: 337 - 16/05/2023 15:48:29 2479018 Link 0 |
All very valid arguments made by the last few posters instead of the usual point scoring. It's an absolute disgrace that we have no competitive games for 16-17 year olds yet this season. Doesn't look like this will happen until into June when these players will then be sitting junior cert exams. Does anyone have an ounce of common sense when it comes to logic involved with Leitrim GAA. Champotime18 (Leitrim) - Posts: 442 - 17/05/2023 13:12:38 2479241 Link 0 |
Impossible to believe that there has been no minor games this year for clubs! Back in my day league started in march and we were allowed the county players for it, like small wonder young lads drop away at that age when instead they could be working part time and socialize at the weekends
gaelsboy (Leitrim) - Posts: 601 - 18/05/2023 13:46:48 2479425 Link 0 |
The team that I would select against Fermanagh if all available Champotime18 (Leitrim) - Posts: 442 - 18/05/2023 13:49:56 2479426 Link 0 |
I just dropped in on this chat as I thought you might be chatting about all matters fermanagh lol.. anyway I see your chat bout minors .. if you think your county board u17 fixtures are bad .. those of wisdom in our county board have zero fixtures for u17s until end of august early September!!!! Every year we say please wise up and every year they stand firm .. I mean the whole summer … training training training and zero competitive fixtures … Anyway here's to a good game sat eve !!
KeshGFC (Fermanagh) - Posts: 339 - 18/05/2023 14:09:51 2479432 Link 0 |
I agree with pace required in the half back line. Crying out for that all year.
3rdmidfielder (Australia) - Posts: 373 - 18/05/2023 16:39:25 2479466 Link 0 |
Looks like Andy is going to the young lads a go the next day. https://www.leitrimobserver.ie/news/home/1173340/moran-cant-fault-effort-but-searches-for-clinical-leitrim-edge.html?
martinjoe (Mayo) - Posts: 529 - 18/05/2023 17:37:37 2479488 Link 0 |
With the league started last night and the rest of the games tomorrow, who is managing what teams. sparkie (Leitrim) - Posts: 80 - 20/05/2023 11:04:03 2479754 Link 0 |
Not confident about today I'd be quite fearful to be honest. Our season has fallen apart, this is the last chance to salvage something out of it. Fermanagh stung by drawing last weekend will not be complacent and will want to guarantee qualification this evening. We've problems all over the pitch and we're seriously lacking in confidence, hard to see anything but a Fermanagh win unfortunately. A season that promised so much is in danger of been over by half 7 this evening. Wishing the lads all the best JimmyNail (Leitrim) - Posts: 270 - 20/05/2023 11:38:25 2479758 Link 1 |
The league is our all ireland and everything around preparation and training should be geared towards it. Connacht and the TC are secondary. Finish the national league, let the lads back to their clubs for the club league and give the TC a rattle. Promotion would generate momentum in terms of getting fellas back onto the panel. We have to be at our peak for the league instead of building towards a hiding from our neighbours in Connacht. We have it arseways.
ThePowerhouse (Leitrim) - Posts: 174 - 20/05/2023 14:05:29 2479770 Link 0 |
Horrible stuff this evening. Football in this county is at its lowest ebb. timeforachange (Leitrim) - Posts: 88 - 20/05/2023 19:37:20 2479815 Link 2 |
Andy must walk now. Only in Leitrim would ya get away with losing to NYC.. If we r serious about our football we can't be a place 4 lads 2 learn d trade. I'm sure he's a sound man but his results r terrible. All the lads lost to injury don't say much 4 his training methods either. Zucker (Leitrim) - Posts: 156 - 20/05/2023 22:46:55 2479861 Link 0 |
Looks like us so called prophets of Doom were correct. Big changes required at every level. Very frustrating. I won't comment on the performance yesterday because, I don't want to upset the feelings of the players or members of the county board #bekind. 3rdmidfielder (Australia) - Posts: 373 - 21/05/2023 08:25:02 2479874 Link 1 |
And slated for it by the fan boys but anyone who knows their football knows it was the wrong appointment from Day 1. We better hope and pray that the likes of Padraic Davis might be interested when the job comes up again (and if it doesn't after the Wexford game, the management team should be removed). It's time to plough our own furrow.
Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 1174 - 21/05/2023 09:59:04 2479895 Link 1 |
Must be the only club or county team in the country who don't have a short kick out. Lump everything down the middle and generally give up possession. No chance with doing that. Think it's best for all concerned if Andy moves in after this campaign. SeanMacDiarmada (Leitrim) - Posts: 411 - 21/05/2023 10:37:18 2479906 Link 2 |