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Bogue all at sea for the first goal. Cue the backlash for having an opinion.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2781 - 17/02/2024 15:17:02    2526487


Replying To FoolsGold:  "Bogue all at sea for the first goal. Cue the backlash for having an opinion."
I actually think it wasn't his fault, he was positioned correctly but the ball was needlessly brought into a tackle by an outfield player and turned over which saw led to the goal. Was no doubt a huge turning point in the game.

Competitive first half but quality wasn't great bar the odd super score. Gap was clear to be seen in the second half but that's as poor as I've seen Fermanagh play in a while and you won't get away with it playing top teams like Donegal. Learning curve for a young team. I think we desperately need McGurn back in FF.

Luckily for us, Donegal away was never going to be a decider in the league and we need to turn focus to upcoming games. They're a great group and I've no doubt they'll bounce back. Cork losing again today makes next week's match incredibly important and we need to make sure we don't fall to a defeat.

Bailah (Fermanagh) - Posts: 45 - 17/02/2024 20:00:34    2526540


Replying To FoolsGold:  "Bogue all at sea for the first goal. Cue the backlash for having an opinion."
Why was McNally not used??? Take away Donegal goals, then the scoreboard would have been more appealing. Was good first half but in the second half dispossession became too much of a feature. Too many mistakes. Cullens were strangled. Anyway, it was always going to be tough. Cork being beaten next weekend is a must!

TurnipHead. (Fermanagh) - Posts: 248 - 17/02/2024 21:59:28    2526567


As anticipated huge jump up in standards last weekend in Letterkenny, pity to ship a heavy defeat as Donegal showed their class second half hopefully the margin wont prove costly if final league standings goes to scoring difference.
When you see Kildares display against Armagh gives a more accurate account of where we might be at now.

At half time im sure Donnelly and most supporters like myself would have been happy enough with the way game was going, although warning signs there as Donegal had hit 8 wides. Sean Cassidy showed well but its obvious that needs more help around him

The first goal opened the floodgates and think way game quickly unfolded showed a lack of experience leaders across pitch as mistakes left it at Donegals clincal mercy. I still dont like the sweeper keeper role but its the trend in county football currently so i will have to accept it despite the problems it can cause,certainly think McCaffery and Largo Ellis were tired following their sigerson game on Wednesday. Lack of scoring threat area that will have caused real concern as Kelm isnt a natural shooting score getter plus will be well marked so others need to step up.

Cork are in the last chance saloon and have no doubt will come out at championship style pace, so Fermanagh are going to need to match this intensity in what is a massive game for both counties. Brian Hurley and Sherlock are huge scoring threats, hopefully the defence uses the tight confines of Ederney to limit their influence.

macca999 (Fermanagh) - Posts: 1136 - 22/02/2024 17:21:27    2527601


alright I'll throw my views on the match in Ederney up for yiz to knock. I'll await the personal insults also but so be it.
Sooooo anyway still not sure how we lost that match and how we lost the total control of that game that we had for so long.
I was impressed with the first 40 mins in terms of controlling the game. We looked like we could patiently carve a good shooting position each time we attacked. Cork looked fairly toothless each time they approached our defensive structure unless we coughed up frees.
Now how many frees did we cough up before we learned we had a fussy ref with a leinency to give away frees ? I think we never copped that on. Hurley was anonymous during open play and ended up top scorer cause we kept handing them handy scores. I mean he didnt have ONE difficult free to convert...all handy scores

Our defence looked very solid until the cork management called on them to run at us, then suddenly it looked like they could score a bag full of goals. Both goal keepers pulled off some great saves and it was a credit to them

Cork was also able to shut down our kick out strategy pretty easily. There were a few "over the top" kick out opportunities that werent taken and we could have exposed them

anyway my positives
I felt we learned alot from the letterkenny match for 50 or 60 minutes. Possession was not coughed up cheaply nearly as much til the last 10 mins or so.
16 points was also a great scoreline to put up for a team like us that normally dont shoot the lights out
We have two genuine good keeper options
We have 3 reasonable scoring threats up front just need 70 mins from each
Our defensive structure looks light its very sound with the task of dealing with runners to be addressed

things to work on
Get Kelm on the ball closer to goal, hes a finisher and doesnt need to be picking it up and knackering himself 60 metres out
Need to run the bench earlier as they had 5 changes made before we made 1 and it looked like fresh legs against tired legs in closing 10 mins in our defence
Decision making in final third.. too many times cassidy got a pop pass with defender all over him, lads taking pots from 40m on wing and 50m into wind
work on options b c and d for kickouts, we were sussed after 10 or 15 mins

anyway i left mightily impressed with the attitude and application, we deserved to take that match and a shout out to young McShea, what a shift again and some great turnovers in particular

KeshGFC (Fermanagh) - Posts: 339 - 26/02/2024 13:00:05    2528309


A lot of ragged play and disastrous 2nd half sums up how Fermanagh is being managed.

AuldGussie (Fermanagh) - Posts: 95 - 26/02/2024 22:00:52    2528506


Replying To AuldGussie:  "A lot of ragged play and disastrous 2nd half sums up how Fermanagh is being managed."
It's unfair to single out the management for all the problems but they must accept responsibility to some extent for the 2nd demise. Unlike macca, the Kesh & Cavan posters who have recently targeted specific team members, I will refrain from such negativity. Anyway, I assume management are not looking forward to any major turn around fortune in his team's meeting with the orchard men this weekend. I guess there will be a much better attendance being at Brewster Park compared with a slightly disappointing turnout down at Ederney. Anyhow, I'll be hoping that management addresses Fermanagh's shortcomings so that whatever the outcome their team will come away with more positives than negatives.

BigToeJoe (Fermanagh) - Posts: 192 - 28/02/2024 21:47:20    2528857


A tough defeat to take in Ederney on Sunday, after getting in a great position to be undone by a late goal, though warning signs were there second half as Cork created chances numerous chances running through us which were well thwarted by McNally. Last year Fermanagh got late goals to steal wins against Antrim and Down,last wkd on receiving end thats the way it can go.

First half was very good, though again the scoreboard didnt reflect our ascendency at half time which cameback to haunt us while our indiscipline kept Cork in it, although some questionable frees given to Cork.
Second half Cork through caution to the wind as knew needed result and it paid dividends, again our bench wasnt used much and maybe the freshness of the Cork subs helped clinch the win.

Decky McCusker was excellent while good displays from McGullion, McShea and McDade, Garvan Jones was more in the game which hopefully will continue and Cassidy needs that support.

Disappointing result leaves Division 2 finely poised and only one home game left with a tough visit of Armagh on Saturday, so no time to feel sorry for ourselves. Most supporters be looking to the Louth and Cavan games as best chances to get the points to survive though as toppling Armagh be a big ask but Donnelly will feel its not beyond them.
Armagh as always will bring physicality and huge support, hopefully Fermanagh supporters turnout in numbers so its not like home game for the Orchard(technically this their first actual away game in NFL). Seems like only Johnny Cassidy will return back from the injury table, he certainly will be a help to the defence,possibly him and McMahon could be options at sweeper to help deal with runners.

With Louth away to Donegal, it looks like that game on St Patricks Day will be huge factor in the battle to survive, Cork will fancy beating a Kildare team who seem destined for relegation, then looking ahead we be hoping Cavan have nothing to play for in the final game in Breffni like last year. No doubt be few twists and turns yet.

Lets hope we can spring a surprise in Brewster Saturday!

macca999 (Fermanagh) - Posts: 1136 - 29/02/2024 17:33:59    2528964


Replying To BigToeJoe:  "It's unfair to single out the management for all the problems but they must accept responsibility to some extent for the 2nd demise. Unlike macca, the Kesh & Cavan posters who have recently targeted specific team members, I will refrain from such negativity. Anyway, I assume management are not looking forward to any major turn around fortune in his team's meeting with the orchard men this weekend. I guess there will be a much better attendance being at Brewster Park compared with a slightly disappointing turnout down at Ederney. Anyhow, I'll be hoping that management addresses Fermanagh's shortcomings so that whatever the outcome their team will come away with more positives than negatives."
Good man Joe
Don't let the absence of me actually criticising someone stop ye from giving out about me criticising someone
Let the vaguery continue

KeshGFC (Fermanagh) - Posts: 339 - 29/02/2024 23:09:50    2528999


Replying To macca999:  "A tough defeat to take in Ederney on Sunday, after getting in a great position to be undone by a late goal, though warning signs were there second half as Cork created chances numerous chances running through us which were well thwarted by McNally. Last year Fermanagh got late goals to steal wins against Antrim and Down,last wkd on receiving end thats the way it can go.

First half was very good, though again the scoreboard didnt reflect our ascendency at half time which cameback to haunt us while our indiscipline kept Cork in it, although some questionable frees given to Cork.
Second half Cork through caution to the wind as knew needed result and it paid dividends, again our bench wasnt used much and maybe the freshness of the Cork subs helped clinch the win.

Decky McCusker was excellent while good displays from McGullion, McShea and McDade, Garvan Jones was more in the game which hopefully will continue and Cassidy needs that support.

Disappointing result leaves Division 2 finely poised and only one home game left with a tough visit of Armagh on Saturday, so no time to feel sorry for ourselves. Most supporters be looking to the Louth and Cavan games as best chances to get the points to survive though as toppling Armagh be a big ask but Donnelly will feel its not beyond them.
Armagh as always will bring physicality and huge support, hopefully Fermanagh supporters turnout in numbers so its not like home game for the Orchard(technically this their first actual away game in NFL). Seems like only Johnny Cassidy will return back from the injury table, he certainly will be a help to the defence,possibly him and McMahon could be options at sweeper to help deal with runners.

With Louth away to Donegal, it looks like that game on St Patricks Day will be huge factor in the battle to survive, Cork will fancy beating a Kildare team who seem destined for relegation, then looking ahead we be hoping Cavan have nothing to play for in the final game in Breffni like last year. No doubt be few twists and turns yet.

Lets hope we can spring a surprise in Brewster Saturday!"
Hmm, I hate to be a downer, but I'm not feeling too optimistic about our chances in Brewster on Saturday. After losing to bottom of the league table Cork, who failed to get a point until Sunday, and who were unlucky not to chalk up even a bigger scoreline with the ball coming off the crossbar twice, your Fermanagh winning hope seems wishful thinking stretched beyond rational. Maybe you're more clever than the rest of us but on reading your litany of waffling posts that pollute this thread, that assumption can be easily dismissed. All I can say, buy yourself one of club's half time tickets as that might be the only surprise you might get come Saturday night!

barneytown (Fermanagh) - Posts: 293 - 01/03/2024 11:48:36    2529042


Replying To AuldGussie:  "A lot of ragged play and disastrous 2nd half sums up how Fermanagh is being managed."
how do you see the Armagh game going? Hope you give them a good rattle anyway.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 2897 - 01/03/2024 12:21:42    2529052


Just a quick post: best of luck in the remainder of the league lads, hope you stay up. It's going to be tight.

Young_gael (Meath) - Posts: 595 - 01/03/2024 12:57:07    2529057


Is the game being switched from Brewster

cuchulainn35 (Armagh) - Posts: 1684 - 01/03/2024 13:17:03    2529060


Replying To cuchulainn35:  "Is the game being switched from Brewster"
to where??

macca999 (Fermanagh) - Posts: 1136 - 01/03/2024 15:32:43    2529089


Replying To cuchulainn35:  "Is the game being switched from Brewster"
Switch on the under pitch heating .. it'll be grand

KeshGFC (Fermanagh) - Posts: 339 - 01/03/2024 16:04:21    2529095


Allianz League Div 2 - Fermanagh v Armagh
Following pitch inspection Brewster Park is unplayable today. Further inspections to take place this evening & tomorrow to determine if game will be played tomorrow Sunday 3rd. Fermanagh GAA will keep you updated.

Coa_gael (Fermanagh) - Posts: 1185 - 02/03/2024 13:22:27    2529211


Allianz League Div 2 - Fermanagh v Armagh at Brewster Park @3pm. Please note: The game will not be broadcasted or livestreamed!

Coa_gael (Fermanagh) - Posts: 1185 - 03/03/2024 09:14:13    2529360


Allianz Leagues Football League Div 2 Rd 5
FT score - Fermanagh 0-11 Armagh 0-15

Team for Fermanagh - Ross Bogue, Lee Cullen, Che Cullen, Cian McManus, Declan McCusker (0-2), Shane McGullion, James McMahon (0-1), Brandon Horan, Joe McDade (0-1), Conor McGee (0-1). Conor McShea (0-1), Fionan O'Brien, Tiarnan Bogue, Garvan Jones (0-1, 0-1f), Ultán Kelm (0-1f).
Subs introduced - Josh Largo Elis for Cian McManus, Ronan McCaffrey for James McMahon, Sean Cassidy (0-1f) for Tiarnan Bogue, John Reihill for Ultán Kelm, Callum Jones (0-1) for Conor McGee.

1 Donegal 5 4 1 0 90 59 9
2 Armagh 5 4 1 0 83 52 9
3 Cavan 5 3 1 1 75 70 7
4 Meath 5 2 2 1 59 66 6
5 Cork 5 2 0 3 79 89 4
6 Fermanagh 5 1 1 3 63 78 3
7 Louth 5 1 0 4 71 78 2
8 Kildare 5 0 0 5 59 87 0

Looking dicey for Fermanagh!

Coa_gael (Fermanagh) - Posts: 1185 - 03/03/2024 18:24:54    2529499


A great crowd in Brewster today, mostly Armagh but don't think anyone there would say felt entertained, its not fault just of the teams, it's more a reflection of how GAA is played now generally with long lifeless passages of keep ball that deflate all sense of atmosphere and occasion.

Armagh won by 4 but I think they could have stepped up at anyone point to run away plus missed 2/3 guilt edged goal chances.

Fermanagh struggled to win ball in midfield as Armagh pressed the short kick out, Bogue was lucky early not to have given a goal away.

Strange Sean Cassidy not starting as had done okay so far and we don't have many scoring options.

James McMahon did very well on his return while McCusker was good and McShea did some good things.

The frustrating thing was even in last few minutes trailing by 4 points Fermanagh still played keep ball with sideways passing and kicking ball back to Bogue, was as if happy to lose by 4 which I'd hope wasn't the case, at least have a proper go and if lose so be it, didn't seem like they through kitchen sink at it.

Massive game in louth St Patrick's day now

macca999 (Fermanagh) - Posts: 1136 - 03/03/2024 21:32:15    2529579


Replying To macca999:  "A great crowd in Brewster today, mostly Armagh but don't think anyone there would say felt entertained, its not fault just of the teams, it's more a reflection of how GAA is played now generally with long lifeless passages of keep ball that deflate all sense of atmosphere and occasion.

Armagh won by 4 but I think they could have stepped up at anyone point to run away plus missed 2/3 guilt edged goal chances.

Fermanagh struggled to win ball in midfield as Armagh pressed the short kick out, Bogue was lucky early not to have given a goal away.

Strange Sean Cassidy not starting as had done okay so far and we don't have many scoring options.

James McMahon did very well on his return while McCusker was good and McShea did some good things.

The frustrating thing was even in last few minutes trailing by 4 points Fermanagh still played keep ball with sideways passing and kicking ball back to Bogue, was as if happy to lose by 4 which I'd hope wasn't the case, at least have a proper go and if lose so be it, didn't seem like they through kitchen sink at it.

Massive game in louth St Patrick's day now"
I agree with that assessment...dullest to watch...Fermanagh should have went for it and been more ambitious and should have thrown the kitchen sink at it, just like Cork did last week...what had they to lose??

SkeaLad (Fermanagh) - Posts: 513 - 03/03/2024 21:45:45    2529583
