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GaaAllTheWay macca999 (Fermanagh) - Posts: 1152 - 10/01/2022 21:35:23 2394474 Link 0 |
I agree macca it's good to see Roslea getting the opportunity to showcase at what is considered the best club owned facilities with the hosting of the intercounty Dr McKenna Cup game between Fermanagh and Derry on Saturday at 1.30pm. In respect of a favourable outcome for ourselves I wouldn't be too optimistic as our county team weren't able to make any significant impact against what I would term Monaghan's night shift term of youngsters and don't think the Derrygonnelly absentees would have made any great difference to the outcomes. On Sunday next at the Armagh county grounds at 3.45pm we'll see if the Derrygonnelly team is worthy or not of an Ulster club championship title. They have the capability but will they defeat Kilcoo? It's 50/50 I think. Bye the way macca, I was glad to read of your resurrection as your views although strange at times does hep to generate discussion, whether negative or otherwise. BigToeJoe (Fermanagh) - Posts: 197 - 11/01/2022 11:43:23 2394506 Link 0 |
Harps will have now to prove if they are as really good as being said but I would have my doubts. On another story and I see the former Derrylin management have gone to manage a division 3 club who are at junior championship level. A strange move indeed. They must think Derrylin are going no where in div 1. However, there is no tears from the county minors about the departure of their unsuccessful brief boss. Now to the McKenna game with Derry I hope for a better performance particular in the backs and the goalkeeping. cillnaile. (Fermanagh) - Posts: 1007 - 12/01/2022 10:25:53 2394593 Link 0 |
Roslea facilities are absolutely fantastic for a Fermanagh club side and it's good to see some gate fee's for county games going to the clubs, I would have to argue that the facilities down in Ederney may edge them out
Nishamrock (Fermanagh) - Posts: 28 - 12/01/2022 10:47:31 2394597 Link 0 |
Shamrock, yes Ederny have great facilities too but Roslea are entirely club owned unlike Ederney's where part of which is the community association there, from what I have heard. In any either case it is is great to have them available.
BigToeJoe (Fermanagh) - Posts: 197 - 12/01/2022 11:22:06 2394603 Link 0 |
We need more clubs like Roslea, Ederney and Harps upgrading their facilities. Tempo has done a great job with their new pitch. It was mentioned earlier in the thread, but every club must have its gym facilities for our county team to compete. Itown1234 (Fermanagh) - Posts: 49 - 12/01/2022 11:23:30 2394605 Link 0 |
Whether Derrygonnelly win or lose at the weekend I think it proves that Fermanagh club football isn't as bad as people think. This is a common thread that comes from people not only from outside our county but within. I would fancy the top 3/4 clubs in Fermanagh to put it up against any club team in Ulster on their day. sidelinecut40 (Fermanagh) - Posts: 85 - 13/01/2022 09:05:10 2394688 Link 0 |
I concur with your thinking and believe too much space is given to macca, his views and his ongoing capers rather than concentrating on football. I wish the county team, D'gonnelly all the best at the weekend. I also wish Derrylin who have been affected by abrupt management departure a new beginning in there new league division one journey.
AuldGussie (Fermanagh) - Posts: 96 - 13/01/2022 10:19:23 2394705 Link 0 |
Agreed, I am definitely not a Derrygonnelly fan. Saying that I wish them all the best as I want nothing but respect for Fermanagh and to show the rest of Ulster Fermanagh football can be as strong as any other county.
Itown1234 (Fermanagh) - Posts: 49 - 13/01/2022 12:51:32 2394733 Link 0 |
macca999 you said last week --------- I think keeper very slow to get the kickouts going, while in the second half we couldn't buy ball from own kickout for 15 minutes, not solely GK responsibility but certainly a factor and will cost matches going forward if not sharper. macca999 (Fermanagh) - Posts: 926 - 09/01/2022 17:51:11 ------------- Well macca999 was the goalkeeper this afternoon??? That's you over and over again blame the GK and not the 14 other team members! I thought we performed reasonably today and our 1 goal and 10pts was a respectable result to Derry 17 points. The only criticism was our defence was not robust enough but it's still early days in the season. Wired2theMoon (Fermanagh) - Posts: 40 - 15/01/2022 19:33:55 2395099 Link 0 |
Best of luck to Derrygonnely tomorrow and I hope they win, it would be great for football in Fermanagh, some good games on TG4 tomorrow. Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 3098 - 15/01/2022 19:59:03 2395106 Link 0 |
Wired2theMoon, i would stand by my comment from the Monaghan game, the keeper was faster to set-up his kick outs yesterday and the defence tried a tactic of line of 6 and 3 break each way to work short kickouts which had some success, although the amount of times players went backwards with the ball was frustrating to watch at times. macca999 (Fermanagh) - Posts: 1152 - 16/01/2022 11:56:22 2395135 Link 0 |
A poor showing for Fermanagh senior club football today when Derrygonnelly were outclassed by a clinical and sharper Kilcoo team who won by a huge margin with the result being 3-12 (21pts) to 3 pts. There is nothing more to say. cillnaile. (Fermanagh) - Posts: 1007 - 16/01/2022 18:23:35 2395188 Link 0 |
3-10 to 3 points, an awful heavy defeat, still though they done well getting to the final, hope Kilcoo can win the All Ireland club title now for Ulster.
Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 3098 - 16/01/2022 19:08:31 2395197 Link 0 |
A baffling and disappointing approach to the game from Derrygonnelly and even more disappointing that they didn't opt to push themselves further up and impose themselves on Kilcoo after conceding the first goal. They are a much better side with much better players than they showed yesterday. It's just unfortunate most of the rest of the country didn't get to see it. Congratulations to them though on their fantastic run, they should be proud of what they have done this year and over the past number of years and how they have represented Fermanagh. RedRum (Fermanagh) - Posts: 278 - 17/01/2022 13:27:18 2395293 Link 0 |
Sad to see Eoin Donnelly retire, great servant to Fermanagh football and will be missed alot, especially his experience in very young panel currently have. macca999 (Fermanagh) - Posts: 1152 - 21/01/2022 20:46:07 2395915 Link 0 |
National Football League Division 3 Round 1 erneboy (Fermanagh) - Posts: 1401 - 29/01/2022 20:38:59 2397064 Link 0 |
Fermanagh have had many a bad performance but definitely this ranks as one of the worst. macca999 (Fermanagh) - Posts: 1152 - 29/01/2022 21:41:29 2397080 Link 0 |
macca you are very quick to say it's div 4 for Fermanagh and equate the management to that of the O'Neill era. It wasn't the best day for our team but it wasn't exactly the best day either for the Dubs but that doesn't equate to their manager being ridiculed as useless and their team dropping div. You talk of psychological issues but where is the evidence as our team are fit, committed and equipped with the best support management and backroom staff can deliver within reason? I acknowledge they some glaring errors were made but I thought their kickouts were mostly successful and indeed the backs give a good performances. I believe, like the Dubs, their will learn more from yesterday's game than if they were to bear Antrim by several points. Unlike you macca I have faith in the Donnelly management and the players and the young crop inspire me. So macca, less criticism and more encouragement in my mind would be more helpful than you scepticism.
cillnaile. (Fermanagh) - Posts: 1007 - 30/01/2022 11:07:19 2397121 Link 0 |
Cinnaile, at no point did i mention the O Neill era or criticise the management, Donnelly is working with very limited resources, a young naive team and not many leaders to help them especially when games need experience. macca999 (Fermanagh) - Posts: 1152 - 30/01/2022 19:58:06 2397291 Link 0 |