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Galway Football thread

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Replying To TheBishop:  "If it as transpires Mickey Graham is in with Galway and left Leitrim because he got a better offer then he's gone up in my estimation.

He's an ambitious man and taking the Leitrim job for a man who's won an Ulster final is not going to enhance his reputation."
His reputation is shot at this stage.

Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 1012 - 24/10/2024 10:03:34    2576660


Replying To WanPintWin:  "I'll be honest, it doesn't sit great with me. Committing to Leitrim and then leaving before a ball is even kicked can definitely leave a sour taste. Particularly when taking up a role shortly after with another county.
Comparing the counties as like-for-like as 'neither will win an All-Ireland' is a bit disingenuous though. Galway definitely have the potential to win an All-Ireland with this group. Last year is clear evidence of that. We had plenty opportunities to win the final, but didn't take them.
Whether we do get over the line or not remains to be seen, but the opportunity is there. Armagh wouldn't have been many people's choice at the start of this year."
I think you're chance to win an All Ireland is gone to be honest. Joyce trying to put together a backroom tean that will stop Galway slipping too far back.
Last year was the chance when some other counties were building or underperformed. Galway won't have the opportunity to overachieve as much next year.

JimB1991 (Donegal) - Posts: 5 - 24/10/2024 11:20:15    2576680


Really looking forward to Corofin Moycullen on Sunday. No doubt it will be tight 2 very strong and athletic teams with great squad depth. Corofin bought in Tony Gill the last day & Moycullen Neil Mulcahy just an example of the strength ofg both teams. Obviously if cooke connelly were not fit and injured it would have a huge impact but I do fancy Moycullen and their shrewd transfer to get over the line. Kelly was a huge loss for moycullen last year and i feel they can get their 3rd frank fox in 5 years. It has been well documented that for both of their successes that corofin had been bet by another team so thyey will want to put the record straight. Jusat out of interest does any one know if Daithi Burke is back onside with corofin since turlough hurling is over.

Eire89 (Galway) - Posts: 295 - 24/10/2024 11:39:10    2576683


On the M Graham situation.. Everyone seems to be jumping to conclusions and making derogatory comments against the man himself and against Galway football based on speculation and conjecture. THhere may or may not be merit in that debate if it as confirmed.

anotheralias (Galway) - Posts: 950 - 24/10/2024 11:52:11    2576686


Maigh Cuillin have a big edge in speed and fitness. Corofin will want to slow the game right down and control it - exactly what they did with Salthill. It was so slow & boring it was like watching paint dry. That's what will suit them very nicely. If the likes of Owen Gallaher, Sean Kelly or David Wynee use their speed, it's impossible to stop them.

Gearoid1998ffowaed (Galway) - Posts: 128 - 24/10/2024 13:35:27    2576708


Replying To JimB1991:  "I think you're chance to win an All Ireland is gone to be honest. Joyce trying to put together a backroom tean that will stop Galway slipping too far back.
Last year was the chance when some other counties were building or underperformed. Galway won't have the opportunity to overachieve as much next year."
Welcome back Bdonegal1991. What did you make of the Donegal club championship? How do you think Eunan's will get on in Ulster?

WanPintWin (Galway) - Posts: 2170 - 24/10/2024 13:54:35    2576712


Some strange posts from some Leitrim quarters on here. Perhaps a deal of copium around the situation. Whatever transpired is between Leitrim county board and the man himself will explain who should take the portion of the blame. Who knows at this stage if the claim about players stepping away and unfulfilled promises is true, but they'll be easy to verify in January when the first national league squad come out. This was afterall someone who had worked with the county for the previous year, so everyone was in fair understanding of the characters involved.

What this doesn't reflect on in any which way is Galway. Man leaves job and subsequently gets another job, as has been human life for centuries. Galway county board has been broke for the last decade, lost an All Ireland winning manager in 2019 under a previous regime due to unwillingness to pay for specialist backroom staff. With that aforementioned manager back on board, it has two of the most expensive team in the country (plus high profile underage) to run. The idea that Galway of all counties is paying a huge sum to tempt away a coach who was in little to no demand last year is fanciful to say the least

PressureKick (UK) - Posts: 238 - 24/10/2024 18:00:47    2576754


Delighted to see Dave Morris in the Galway camp. Delighted with Mickey Graham as well. Two great additions in my book. Both have the credentials, no doubt about it. A lot to look forward to imo.

togoutlads (Galway) - Posts: 966 - 24/10/2024 20:07:48    2576764


Re Mickey Graham, parking the Leitrim controversy and the fact that he is an outsider again....

Is he any good?

Does he have a defined style?

I know he was involved with teams that weren't expected to win and over achieved so he probably played a defensive style....... But has he anything else in his locker?

Mayonman (Galway) - Posts: 1887 - 24/10/2024 20:30:45    2576765


Everyone happy with the Dave Morris appointment?

Galway456 (Galway) - Posts: 109 - 24/10/2024 20:59:45    2576768


Just saw David Morris is added to the backroom team asking with Graham.

I am much more positive about this now.

Morris is very highly regarded

Mayonman (Galway) - Posts: 1887 - 24/10/2024 21:04:34    2576771


Dave Morris a great addition. Delighted with that

Flemenstar200 (Galway) - Posts: 58 - 24/10/2024 21:05:20    2576772


Replying To Square_B:  "His reputation is shot at this stage."
He's hardly worried about ye boys..

Belclare7 (Galway) - Posts: 103 - 24/10/2024 21:11:01    2576774


Mickey Graham confirmed as coach. And also Dave Morris of Corofin is on board as well. Which might turn out to be much more important.

Marooned (Galway) - Posts: 2282 - 24/10/2024 21:30:00    2576776


Replying To anotheralias:  "On the M Graham situation.. Everyone seems to be jumping to conclusions and making derogatory comments against the man himself and against Galway football based on speculation and conjecture. THhere may or may not be merit in that debate if it as confirmed."
Tell us what you think now that the news has been confirmed.... no longer 'speculation' or 'conjecture'.....

Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 1012 - 24/10/2024 21:57:50    2576778


Think Dave Morris a very good addition I just wonder what role all Joyce backroom team have where does Mikey graham fit in think it looks bad al round that appointment or more so the way it was done surely all of mickey graham Divilly scan o domhaill Dave Morris can't all be coaches or in reality have very little say I've no doubt Dave would not have come in unless he had a defined role and more importantly a role that benefits the squad hopefully now they will actually have proper trial games and not just pick same players who have being on squad last number of years

Kickitout (Galway) - Posts: 944 - 24/10/2024 22:45:23    2576785


Replying To Kickitout:  "Think Dave Morris a very good addition I just wonder what role all Joyce backroom team have where does Mikey graham fit in think it looks bad al round that appointment or more so the way it was done surely all of mickey graham Divilly scan o domhaill Dave Morris can't all be coaches or in reality have very little say I've no doubt Dave would not have come in unless he had a defined role and more importantly a role that benefits the squad hopefully now they will actually have proper trial games and not just pick same players who have being on squad last number of years"
Morris appointment improves Galway's management team a lot. Agreed on Graham and he probably wasn't needed with Morris brought in.n.

Drax_the_destroyer (UK) - Posts: 228 - 24/10/2024 23:34:51    2576790


Replying To WanPintWin:  "Welcome back Bdonegal1991. What did you make of the Donegal club championship? How do you think Eunan's will get on in Ulster?"
I could be wrong but I have a sense that Bdonegal1991 /JimB1991 is well acquainted with the Mayo championship!!!!

Trucker1 (Galway) - Posts: 396 - 25/10/2024 07:04:58    2576799


Replying To onthebog:  "Mickey G was appointed with Leitrim - 06 Aug.
Cian O Neill officially goes to Kerry - 06 Sep.
Mickey G departed Leitrim - 08 October for circumstances beyond his control. Yet 2 weeks later he is in Joyces backroom team......
Looks like someone came calling while appointed as Leitrim manager with a more attractive proposal!! If so, bad form on both parties."
Cian O Neill did pretty much the same thing to Galway as Mickey G did to Leitrim. Kerry was more attractive to Cian, and Galway was more attractive to Mickey.
That's life - get over it.

hopballref (Galway) - Posts: 414 - 25/10/2024 07:41:39    2576801


Replying To Drax_the_destroyer:  "Morris appointment improves Galway's management team a lot. Agreed on Graham and he probably wasn't needed with Morris brought in.n."
Speculating here but I'd be thinking Graham will be head coach in effect directly replacing Cian O Neill. He is a hugely experienced guy and former manager and I think he will bring a lot and has experience that others on the back room team don't have. Morris role id expect to be analysis both internal and external, building on the high performance environment and helping improve the speed of our transition (which Corofin are master of ). I think they are great appointments and align well.

Trucker1 (Galway) - Posts: 396 - 25/10/2024 09:30:10    2576814
