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Galway Football thread

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Replying To togoutlads:  "Eamonn Sweeney doesn't put a tooth in it in a 2 page write up about Joyce's Galway in the Indo today. A Galway that's lost it's identity, a team that moves the ball at a 'glacial pace', no cut to our attack, our abysmal record vs Mayo under Joyce, the like of spark or life in our players, the excuse that we're heavy training yet seeing months on end of similar performances, poor use of Shane Walsh in cameos only etc etc He's not wrong. Some massive spark has to ignite."
Had it ever dawned on anyone that we are not as good as we think we are, and maybe that's why Mayo now love playing us in Salthill.

All top teams have core leaders of 5-6 players approx. Who are Galway's? Unfortunately, we're now a team of "sub-fancy dans".

Really (Galway) - Posts: 619 - 29/01/2024 16:09:50    2523055


Have we gone back to the tactical naivety of Galway under Alan Mulholland?

What was our strategy yesterday - McStay on radio after waying Galway won the toss and chose to go with the breeze yet there didnt seem to eb any urgency in the first half? I dont buy the heavy legs - hard training the week before, its Div 1 opener again the mexicans, usually Heaney is well up for those games.

Only bright spark (selfishly speaking) was to see the two lads from Cois Fharraige contributing to the scoreboard, everyone else got close enough to the goals only to handpass it back and work it from close to goals back to midfield.

The_DOC (Galway) - Posts: 734 - 29/01/2024 16:24:45    2523057


Replying To Really:  "Had it ever dawned on anyone that we are not as good as we think we are, and maybe that's why Mayo now love playing us in Salthill.

All top teams have core leaders of 5-6 players approx. Who are Galway's? Unfortunately, we're now a team of "sub-fancy dans"."
It seems that Galway's main leaders / better players are either injured, have opted out, have not been selected or are not playing well at the moment i.e. Flaherty, Kelly, Silke, Glynn, McDaid, Comer, Cooke, Gallagher, McLaughlin, Culhane, Daly, Tierney and Finnerty. Without those players either playing or playing well one can see what a shallow panel it really is.

tommy k (Galway) - Posts: 3470 - 29/01/2024 16:30:20    2523060


Replying To Really:  "Had it ever dawned on anyone that we are not as good as we think we are, and maybe that's why Mayo now love playing us in Salthill.

All top teams have core leaders of 5-6 players approx. Who are Galway's? Unfortunately, we're now a team of "sub-fancy dans"."
same leaders we had 10 years ago. do not see any leaders in the younger crop

cocopop (Roscommon) - Posts: 35 - 29/01/2024 16:32:49    2523061


Replying To tommy k:  "It seems that Galway's main leaders / better players are either injured, have opted out, have not been selected or are not playing well at the moment i.e. Flaherty, Kelly, Silke, Glynn, McDaid, Comer, Cooke, Gallagher, McLaughlin, Culhane, Daly, Tierney and Finnerty. Without those players either playing or playing well one can see what a shallow panel it really is."
Forgot to mention Hernon also.

tommy k (Galway) - Posts: 3470 - 29/01/2024 16:52:50    2523074


Replying To tommy k:  "Gleeson is a solid enough shot-stopper although that first Mayo goal should have been saved especially from such a tight angle near the end-line. The real problem is how slow / laborious he is kicking out the ball or even getting the ball to kick it out. He seems to be caught in the hips. Surely there are better, quicker, more accurate goalies out there."
In fairness to Conor, from my view he tried to go quick yesterday in the first half. Anytime he had a kickout he left the tee on the 21 for the next one, but on a number of occasions Aidan O'Shea lifted it and threw it back into the net, slowing the next restart down and Mayo resetting out the field as Aido had gotten them the extra second or two. That is simply super game intelligence by Aidan O'Shea. Mayo were also brilliant on the black card time, our lads played into it and had some stupid tackles that allowed the physio on to give their player treatment, probably taking 3 or 4 minutes out of the clock, that is all due to planning and rehearsals.

GDL (Galway) - Posts: 763 - 29/01/2024 16:57:56    2523078


Really can't get over the negativity on here after a game of football in winter. Will ye relax lads, if we are still have heavy legged and ponderous in April I will start to worry.

Great stat on last night top 4 in league last year didn't make last 4 in the championship, yesterday has no bearing on the season ahead. Yes performance was poor in front of our own and against our great rivals but who cares, it'll be long forgotten come the heat of championship.

ahsure. (Galway) - Posts: 1631 - 29/01/2024 17:02:17    2523082


Galway just don't seem to understand the modern game is built on pace in half back line real pace and Galway team yesterday zero pace u need 4 wing backs so after 50 mins u bring in 2 as fast as players u take off my 4 when all fit , Jack Glynn / molloy
Cathal sweeney/ mchugh
Then u need 2 big athletic men in midfield Maher / conroy mcdaid tierney and then u need forwards in forwards not wing backs up there it's a bad sign after 5 years in charge in a county of the size of Galway's I'f we have not 6 / 8 half decent forwards as I said before not manufactured one forwards ,, if same team goes out next week v Ross I'd expect at least 8 point hammering agsin ,, play 6 forwards at least try it

Kickitout (Galway) - Posts: 921 - 29/01/2024 17:10:28    2523088


Mad stuff playing both Darcy and Daly as forwards. Where is own Gallagher he would be a better half forwards and a better midfielder then mchugh ? Time is up for Joyce he should have finished up last year. getting hammered by ros and mayo is depressing stuff

brisbane (Galway) - Posts: 675 - 29/01/2024 17:19:59    2523094


Replying To ahsure.:  "Really can't get over the negativity on here after a game of football in winter. Will ye relax lads, if we are still have heavy legged and ponderous in April I will start to worry.

Great stat on last night top 4 in league last year didn't make last 4 in the championship, yesterday has no bearing on the season ahead. Yes performance was poor in front of our own and against our great rivals but who cares, it'll be long forgotten come the heat of championship."
The heat of the Championship where Galway were found wanting more than once last summer?

FallenStar (Galway) - Posts: 421 - 29/01/2024 17:26:52    2523099


Replying To ahsure.:  "Really can't get over the negativity on here after a game of football in winter. Will ye relax lads, if we are still have heavy legged and ponderous in April I will start to worry.

Great stat on last night top 4 in league last year didn't make last 4 in the championship, yesterday has no bearing on the season ahead. Yes performance was poor in front of our own and against our great rivals but who cares, it'll be long forgotten come the heat of championship."
Yes losing to mayo in the league last year didn't matter when we lost to mayo in the heat of championship. Record defeat to roscommon last week didn't matter. Sure all these losses don't matter, trust the plan because we won sam in 01

brisbane (Galway) - Posts: 675 - 29/01/2024 17:27:13    2523100


Replying To FallenStar:  "The heat of the Championship where Galway were found wanting more than once last summer?"
Exactly, after doing well in the league. Reaffirms my point, the league has no bearing on reality.

ahsure. (Galway) - Posts: 1631 - 29/01/2024 17:55:18    2523110


Replying To brisbane:  "Yes losing to mayo in the league last year didn't matter when we lost to mayo in the heat of championship. Record defeat to roscommon last week didn't matter. Sure all these losses don't matter, trust the plan because we won sam in 01"
Last week definitely did not matter and neither did yesterday. I don't get your point about 01 either.

ahsure. (Galway) - Posts: 1631 - 29/01/2024 17:58:05    2523111


Replying To brisbane:  "Mad stuff playing both Darcy and Daly as forwards. Where is own Gallagher he would be a better half forwards and a better midfielder then mchugh ? Time is up for Joyce he should have finished up last year. getting hammered by ros and mayo is depressing stuff"
Gallagher is gone off the panel. Probably should have got more game time that he did when he was there but either way he's gone now.

Marooned (Galway) - Posts: 2261 - 29/01/2024 19:04:10    2523137


Someone mentioned that O'Shea for Mayo was much faster to the ball than Fitzgerald. O'Shea is 33 now and will be 34 in June so there is no way he should be faster than a man much younger than him. Surely there are better fullbacks in the county although in fairness he wasn't the only one who didn't perform yesterday. PJ is certainly under pressure now and can't see it getting any better for him anytime soon.

tommy k (Galway) - Posts: 3470 - 29/01/2024 19:18:38    2523142


Replying To tommy k:  "Someone mentioned that O'Shea for Mayo was much faster to the ball than Fitzgerald. O'Shea is 33 now and will be 34 in June so there is no way he should be faster than a man much younger than him. Surely there are better fullbacks in the county although in fairness he wasn't the only one who didn't perform yesterday. PJ is certainly under pressure now and can't see it getting any better for him anytime soon."
When was he much faster to the ball than Fitzgerald. Some crazy stuff being posted here, drop John Daly, Mulkerrin and Molloy not up to it(both back after serious injury).
It not even February

smallfrank (Galway) - Posts: 429 - 29/01/2024 20:23:52    2523155


Replying To smallfrank:  "When was he much faster to the ball than Fitzgerald. Some crazy stuff being posted here, drop John Daly, Mulkerrin and Molloy not up to it(both back after serious injury).
It not even February"
Agree - getting vexed or excited at this time of year is ok if you're from Belmullet or Ballina, but not if you're from Belcare or Ballyconneely.

PierreBezuhov (UK) - Posts: 226 - 29/01/2024 20:33:12    2523158


The minute I saw the team lineup last week I knew we were in trouble and I posted here saying so. I could go through the team and say who should be starting or not but I will spare you the hassle for if PJ and his crew can't see it whats the point. He is in over his head and he has been from day one. We got lucky to reach and AI final 2 years ago and with the help of McDaid and Walsh performances we should have won. I'm afraid that we're a long way off from bringing Sam back to Galway

Brandyh (Galway) - Posts: 25 - 29/01/2024 20:47:39    2523162


The posts/comments on this forum are so negative and mainly rubbish that they are doing nothing except harm to the best interests of Galway football. I hope the players who are regularly the subject of uninformed and ignorant criticism by people who seem to rarely attend matches, are not reading this stuff as it wouldn't do them any good at all. It is only January for God's sake. Teams that are going well now may be found seriously wanting when the competition gets to the business end. In the meantime please refrain from denigrating individual players but try to be encouraging and positive like good supporters should be.

FatLadySinging (Galway) - Posts: 91 - 29/01/2024 20:52:23    2523163


Regarding Conor Gleason's kick outs I do think they are slow but I do also think it's what management are looking for they are looking for him to go long and with defensive structures that are in place it takes time to get up the pitch into position, what scares me is we looked at 6/7s no patterns to our play no game plan what so ever where mayo were sharper better off the shoulder and made some really dangerous runs at pace, we can only get better we will need to get better Roscommon game is a must win game,

Fox.1n.7he.b0x (Galway) - Posts: 120 - 29/01/2024 20:58:08    2523165
