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Carraroe well bet that's them gone from intermediate, spiddal will be relegated along with lettermore. At least I didn't see spiddal players leaving b4 final whistle like the islanders
Sportsfanatic90 (Westmeath) - Posts: 227 - 27/08/2023 17:49:38 2502468 Link 0 |
You're wrong. Carroroe are still in the intermediate championship
Donaldtrump (Galway) - Posts: 252 - 27/08/2023 18:27:34 2502473 Link 0 |
Alan Glynn must know a bit about football.Annaghdown are certainly playing more consistently since he started coaching them.
Alwaysencourage (Galway) - Posts: 392 - 27/08/2023 19:21:31 2502486 Link 0 |
Who were betting on Carraroe? they were not highly fancied for intermediate title but in with a good chance.
backtooldwall (Galway) - Posts: 140 - 27/08/2023 19:41:31 2502490 Link 0 |
Dunmore will be winning a county title in next 5 years, we r building a very strong young team. We ll surprise a few people this year yet.
Dunmore10 (Galway) - Posts: 153 - 27/08/2023 19:57:03 2502493 Link 0 |
I think spiddal have lost a few really good players, Farthing, Finin, kelly, thats going to hurt them as they are quality players, Leitir moir have alot of good players but they are not pulling together by the looks of it. Carraroe still in the intermediate if they beat williamstown, if they loose that then they could be heading to junior.
jj19 (Galway) - Posts: 448 - 27/08/2023 20:34:47 2502500 Link 0 |
Don't know if they will did really well yesterday but I wouldn't be getting carried away, a lot would depend on if ye can hold onto your manager i would suggest a lot of big clubs will come calling he has done serious work there so far,
Fox.1n.7he.b0x (Galway) - Posts: 137 - 27/08/2023 20:35:02 2502501 Link 0 |
Our manager is doing well but it's the work that's goin on underage is wats driving the whole thing. We are going in right direction and it's our aim to win it in next 5 years. Nothin wrong with a bit of ambition
Dunmore10 (Galway) - Posts: 153 - 27/08/2023 21:12:32 2502511 Link 0 |
There are alot of clubs aiming to win in next 5 years and every club is doing good work at underage level.
Alwaysencourage (Galway) - Posts: 392 - 27/08/2023 21:36:06 2502513 Link 1 |
It's been noticeable alright the much improved underage teams that Dunmore have had in recent years. Any club that wants to compete on any sort of consistent basis has to get their underage structures right. Fair play to Dunmore
galwayman2 (Galway) - Posts: 1302 - 27/08/2023 21:37:46 2502514 Link 0 |
Can someone post the link to see where each group stands after the weekend? I can't find it anywhere Gearoid1998ffowaed (Galway) - Posts: 140 - 28/08/2023 01:31:49 2502533 Link 0 |
Almost all clubs are doing great work at underage but it is not like dunmore are dominating at under age, from memory a north board title at under 19 level a few years back, and your dead right to have ambition but what ever he is doing is working and id be doing whatever it takes to hold him as lots of clubs have managers who haven't a clue what they are doing,
Fox.1n.7he.b0x (Galway) - Posts: 137 - 28/08/2023 08:11:58 2502541 Link 0 |
A county intermediate title is it?
PierreBezuhov (UK) - Posts: 233 - 28/08/2023 09:21:09 2502557 Link 0 |
I agree
Dunmore10 (Galway) - Posts: 153 - 28/08/2023 09:52:14 2502562 Link 0 |
We won that last year and a connacht title, were you asleep for that or what!
Dunmore10 (Galway) - Posts: 153 - 28/08/2023 09:53:11 2502563 Link 1 |
Senior tables: https://www.finalwhistle.ie/gaelic/galway-sfc/
galway19 (Galway) - Posts: 828 - 28/08/2023 10:05:23 2502565 Link 1 |
i don't think that sort of comment does anything for proper discussion of the merits of sport, it may be a bit naive to expect a senior title just as a result of putting extra effort into underage structures, it also needs a strong supply of better than average talent coming through at about the same time. This needs good leadership and coaching and and a steady supply of sideline and playing talent to keep it going for a period in order to make a breakthrough which will challenge belief for all teams if they don't attain success early on.I wish every club the best they can achieve from their player development efforts.
backtooldwall (Galway) - Posts: 140 - 28/08/2023 10:25:28 2502569 Link 0 |
Great to see Dunmore getting the underage structures right. Dunmore Community school did ok too during the year. Hopefully, Galway benefit from this progress and we get a few talented forwards. I'd like to see Tuam and Ballinasloe up their progress too.
Really (Galway) - Posts: 623 - 28/08/2023 12:58:27 2502619 Link 0 |
They beat leitir mor and an spideal - 2 teams that most likely will be fighting relegation. Lets hold off annointing Mr.Glynn as the chosen 1. Yes he won a minor all ireland but aside from that, his results over his full tenure were absolute reprehensible. When was the last time an all ireland winning galway manager went for the u20/u21 job and didnt get it immediately after their term ended..... MapleSyrup (Galway) - Posts: 165 - 28/08/2023 13:15:03 2502625 Link 2 |
Ballinasloe are gone now as regards being a production line for Galway teams. They're just not producing players anymore. Tuam still producing lads though. galwayman2 (Galway) - Posts: 1302 - 28/08/2023 15:02:21 2502649 Link 0 |