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Galway Football thread

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Replying To candlewax:  "do you know aido personally?"
Just over the border from Caherlistrane..

Really (Galway) - Posts: 623 - 27/06/2023 11:22:54    2489933


Replying To togoutlads:  "Peter Cooke will become more and more effective for Galway but some posters have touched on the fact that he gives too much ball away and they're right. He needs to get sharper on laying it off and more work needed on spotting the defenders over the shoulder that snipe away the ball from him. A small but fundamental thing he has to change is protecting the ball properly, he still holds the ball out and up in the air, wheeling it around his opponent like you'd see a tall kid doing to a small one in a juvenile game. That doesn't work at this level, the ball is guaranteed to get smashed away or robbed clean if it's being held out unprotected. Happening all year but our coaches didn't seem to spot it. Cost us some key turnover scores. Cooke still obviously a super addition though. Better use of the ball and more line breaking powerful running and he'll open up more chances.
Another one, we're still being outfielded in every damn game. Did ye see the front cover of the Indo yesterday, 3 Mayo man launched into the air for a high ball and 3 Galway men looking up at them, one of them on the deck. Our lack of aerial challenge and power is pathetic and a known weakness in Galway from all other major teams. Galway men still can't jump!! What are we going to do about it? Is James McLoughlin ever going to come in, Conor Raftery, anyone else? Conroy is a 25 min option inside, not a 75 min midfielder. Time just won't allow him to do that next year. Unless CON fixes this, the rest won't! Stuck in a group-think rut!"
I'd love to see the kickout stats from yesterday. We definitely got the higher percentages so it's a stupid time to make this point. Agree re conroy, can't be expected to start next year

allstars23 (Galway) - Posts: 49 - 27/06/2023 11:25:36    2489935


Replying To mayo_123:  "is this the same sean kelly that facked getting hit by a monaghan man when he taught the cameras wern't watching
trying to get a man sent off . The sooner the GAA stamp out (pardon the pun) that kind of thing the better"
Stop Aidan O Shea should have gottenany an Oscar for all the acting he has done on the pitch.ROD was in the wrong just accept it was a nasty thing to do.

Alwaysencourage (Galway) - Posts: 385 - 27/06/2023 11:28:28    2489936


Replying To cavan.galway:  "CCCC have taken a look and no action will be taken. THE Mayo love-in from the GAAis a real thing"
Sure their supporters go anywhere and everywhere to support them.Money making machine for the GAA

Alwaysencourage (Galway) - Posts: 385 - 27/06/2023 11:32:40    2489938


Replying To cavan.galway:  "this gave me a good giggle this morning. we have been hearing about this awful midfield for years, we absolutely dominating all kick - outs and its still the midfielders fault we lost yesterday. give your head a wobble."
Correct, I heard the kickout stats. We dominated. We had ample possession to win that game, but the forwards, forwardplay, forwardline rarely looked like doing enough. It was the same pattern in every game we played since the League final at the start of April, bar the Connacht Final, where we met a div4 side, that allowed our forwards the scope of flattering to deceive for one night only. And Walsh even managed to look decidedly unsatisfactory that day too.

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3985 - 27/06/2023 11:32:41    2489939


Replying To baire:  "He'll get his reward on the pitch, sooner rather than later I'd say!"
Hopefully he'll get it next weekend.

Ailteoir (Galway) - Posts: 889 - 27/06/2023 11:32:47    2489940


Replying To candlewax:  "agree with your point about goading, screaming in mahers face is a terrible look at the end, only one thing worse than a bad loser and that's a bad winner"
Yes he seems to be a bit of a thug alright but I noticed a good bit of that thuggery element in Mayo teams for many years now - Boyle was another one. Perhaps it has something to do with 72 years of failure!

tommy k (Galway) - Posts: 3470 - 27/06/2023 11:40:47    2489945


Replying To togoutlads:  "Peter Cooke will become more and more effective for Galway but some posters have touched on the fact that he gives too much ball away and they're right. He needs to get sharper on laying it off and more work needed on spotting the defenders over the shoulder that snipe away the ball from him. A small but fundamental thing he has to change is protecting the ball properly, he still holds the ball out and up in the air, wheeling it around his opponent like you'd see a tall kid doing to a small one in a juvenile game. That doesn't work at this level, the ball is guaranteed to get smashed away or robbed clean if it's being held out unprotected. Happening all year but our coaches didn't seem to spot it. Cost us some key turnover scores. Cooke still obviously a super addition though. Better use of the ball and more line breaking powerful running and he'll open up more chances.
Another one, we're still being outfielded in every damn game. Did ye see the front cover of the Indo yesterday, 3 Mayo man launched into the air for a high ball and 3 Galway men looking up at them, one of them on the deck. Our lack of aerial challenge and power is pathetic and a known weakness in Galway from all other major teams. Galway men still can't jump!! What are we going to do about it? Is James McLoughlin ever going to come in, Conor Raftery, anyone else? Conroy is a 25 min option inside, not a 75 min midfielder. Time just won't allow him to do that next year. Unless CON fixes this, the rest won't! Stuck in a group-think rut!"
Can't blame the midfield this time. Galway dominated both their own and Mayo's kick outs. Galway had more than enough possession to win the game twice over. They just didn't take their chances.

Marooned (Galway) - Posts: 2341 - 27/06/2023 11:43:20    2489950


Replying To tommy k:  "So you condone what O'Donoghue did? That says it all really and sums up the bad-minded nature of Mayo footballers - shame on the GAA for turning a blind eye to blatant thuggery."
Not condoning injuring a player, what ROD did was mane, but Galway could do with a few lads like him. Galway need a Paul Galvin, Noel O Leary type player. We are blessed with Comer's power and strength, but after that, we have too many nice guys. Johnny McGrath (who had an excellent year) is our smallest player but had the most aggression in him on Sunday.

Too many nice guys in maroon on Sunday - Finnerty, Ian Burke, Shane Walsh, Tomo

All the above are excellent footballers but surely we have a more few teak tough footballers in the county who can ruffle a few feathers and also play some ball?

Always liked Eoin Kerins mentality when marking top forwards.

GalwaysFinest (Galway) - Posts: 193 - 27/06/2023 11:46:57    2489954


Replying To GalwaysFinest:  "Not condoning injuring a player, what ROD did was mane, but Galway could do with a few lads like him. Galway need a Paul Galvin, Noel O Leary type player. We are blessed with Comer's power and strength, but after that, we have too many nice guys. Johnny McGrath (who had an excellent year) is our smallest player but had the most aggression in him on Sunday.

Too many nice guys in maroon on Sunday - Finnerty, Ian Burke, Shane Walsh, Tomo

All the above are excellent footballers but surely we have a more few teak tough footballers in the county who can ruffle a few feathers and also play some ball?

Always liked Eoin Kerins mentality when marking top forwards."
Yeah, you always need a bit of dirtiness. Was a major achilles for us for years where we used to just get bullied around on the pitch. You won't win anything with nice guys !

TobeaRossie (Roscommon) - Posts: 158 - 27/06/2023 12:08:20    2489971


Replying To Alwaysencourage:  "Stop Aidan O Shea should have gottenany an Oscar for all the acting he has done on the pitch.ROD was in the wrong just accept it was a nasty thing to do."
You missed the point. People are saying Sean Kelly must have been in pain so ROD must have done it. The same Kelly who tried to get a Monaghan player sent off. Did ROD do something? Probably. Did he go for the ankle? I don't know. He won't be punished. How could he? To finish, ROD gets some abuse off the ball and he did again on Sunday. Even for that incident, Kelly and the other Galway player both targeted him and the ball up the other end of the pitch. So reap what you sow to a certain degree.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8271 - 27/06/2023 12:12:20    2489977


Replying To Pope_Benedict:  "Correct, I heard the kickout stats. We dominated. We had ample possession to win that game, but the forwards, forwardplay, forwardline rarely looked like doing enough. It was the same pattern in every game we played since the League final at the start of April, bar the Connacht Final, where we met a div4 side, that allowed our forwards the scope of flattering to deceive for one night only. And Walsh even managed to look decidedly unsatisfactory that day too."
The forward play was bad in the final last year. Var Walshs freakish performance we offered nothing.

smallfrank (Galway) - Posts: 456 - 27/06/2023 12:14:12    2489982


Just a few thoughts on how the team performed (or not performed as the case may be) this year. To me they looked a tired team that were "over-trained" if that is possible. It appeared that the longer the season was going on the worse they were getting as strange as that may sound. They were really stuck to the "system" and "game-plan" and there was very little spontaneity or playing off the cuff - someone mentioned that Cian O'Neill kept barking instructions from the sideline so they must have been anxious if they didn't obey him! There was also a lack of pace particularly from some of the midfielders / forwards e.g. Conroy, Cooke, Tierney etc. and others were not on form all year or in most recent games e.g. Walsh, Burke, Heaney, Finnerty, Daly. We seemed to rely on 2 players mainly i.e. Kelly and Comer (when he wasn't injured which was not that often) although honorable shout outs also to McGrath, Maher and Cooke (when he wasn't giving away important turnovers leading to critical scores conceded at the other end at least!). For those Cooke turnovers I thought all the opposition players could have been fouled in their half of the pitch before the scores were conceded. Also someone mentioned earlier that surely there must be a better or more reliable free-taker in the county - yes there is and his name is Barry McHugh and he could have taken the frees from the left side of the pitch and Tierney could have taken the right side ones. Some people may say he doesn't contribute much from play but Walsh or Burke didn't contribute much from play this year either yet it didn't stop them being picked regularly! Also everyone mentions how the injured players like Kelly and Comer were a loss when not operating at full strength or off the pitch but to me Dylan McHugh was the biggest loss as he was the driving force of the halfback line and made things happen further up the field. PJ stated afterwards that "it was no-ones fault but our own" which is a bit of a cop-out as to me it was mainly management's fault for sticking to a tired / rigid game-plan with no effective coaching of the forwards and picking clearly injured players no matter how "important" they were!

tommy k (Galway) - Posts: 3470 - 27/06/2023 12:16:21    2489986


Replying To GalwaysFinest:  "Not condoning injuring a player, what ROD did was mane, but Galway could do with a few lads like him. Galway need a Paul Galvin, Noel O Leary type player. We are blessed with Comer's power and strength, but after that, we have too many nice guys. Johnny McGrath (who had an excellent year) is our smallest player but had the most aggression in him on Sunday.

Too many nice guys in maroon on Sunday - Finnerty, Ian Burke, Shane Walsh, Tomo

All the above are excellent footballers but surely we have a more few teak tough footballers in the county who can ruffle a few feathers and also play some ball?

Always liked Eoin Kerins mentality when marking top forwards."
I understand what you are trying to say but there is a difference between "teak tough" footballers and downright thuggery. Eoghan Kerin for instance would never target an injured player in the ankle where he knows he is injured like O'Donoghue did!

tommy k (Galway) - Posts: 3470 - 27/06/2023 12:24:03    2489995


Replying To TheFlaker:  "You missed the point. People are saying Sean Kelly must have been in pain so ROD must have done it. The same Kelly who tried to get a Monaghan player sent off. Did ROD do something? Probably. Did he go for the ankle? I don't know. He won't be punished. How could he? To finish, ROD gets some abuse off the ball and he did again on Sunday. Even for that incident, Kelly and the other Galway player both targeted him and the ball up the other end of the pitch. So reap what you sow to a certain degree."
embarrassing response, maybe we've picked it up wrong and it was actually kelly who kicked o'donoghue's ankle. kelly should be banned for next years championship

cavan.galway (Galway) - Posts: 222 - 27/06/2023 12:32:39    2490000


Replying To TobeaRossie:  "Yeah, you always need a bit of dirtiness. Was a major achilles for us for years where we used to just get bullied around on the pitch. You won't win anything with nice guys !"
You can stand up for yourself but stamping and kicking players is rotten.

Alwaysencourage (Galway) - Posts: 385 - 27/06/2023 12:33:44    2490001
