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Galway Hurling thread

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We outscored them from play in the 2nd half 1-08 to 0-05, 3pts coming from a sub that we didn't pick up and those handy frees Byrnes got!! We had a great opportunity to win that game in the 2nd half......and the sicking thing is, We would have beaten Kilkenny in the All Ireland Final!!!!
I'm sick of limrik....that's 3 times '18, '20 and '22 where we left it behind us.

katser (Galway) - Posts: 2310 - 04/07/2022 08:01:14    2429541


Well done on Henry Shefflin for driving Galway Hurling forward this year. Huge improvements. Had a settled 15 all year (that performed). Hopefully next year this will develop into a 20 man team. McInerney was a huge loss there yesterday so luck wasnt always on our side. Only criticism I would have on management (1 of the selectors) is a slight bias for 1 or 2 players from his club. But the same players have been huge servants to Galway so I dont want to get too critical there.

Hopefully Cody stays another year as Kilkenny will want Shefflin if there is a vacancy.

clare_sparrow (Galway) - Posts: 433 - 04/07/2022 08:57:31    2429549


Replying To katser:  "We outscored them from play in the 2nd half 1-08 to 0-05, 3pts coming from a sub that we didn't pick up and those handy frees Byrnes got!! We had a great opportunity to win that game in the 2nd half......and the sicking thing is, We would have beaten Kilkenny in the All Ireland Final!!!!
I'm sick of limrik....that's 3 times '18, '20 and '22 where we left it behind us."
What is this sick about. Kilkenny, Cork and Tipp have beating us all for decades and you never seem to be sick of any of them. The fact is Katser good teams edge close matches. KK won 8 All Ireland Finals from '22 to '69, two by four points, four by a point and two more by a goal each. Each time the other teams must have felt they might have won, but those great KK sides had that bit of extra edge when it mattered.

Oldtourman (Limerick) - Posts: 4364 - 04/07/2022 10:12:50    2429569


Tough luck on Galway. Ye gave it everything, but it wasn't quite enough. Limerick are an extremely composed and experienced outfit. Galway are in transition.

I knew that Galway would come with a puck
of the ball of Limerick. Pity a lot of Galway fans didn't have as much belief. Anyway, the year shows that there's life after Joe, and life with Henry. He'd a fighting spirit in ye that I haven't seen in a few years. Stick with him, he could get ye there.

And support the footballers now. I'd like to see Galway go all the way, even though I think that Dublin and Kerry are a good bit ahead of everyone else. Still, beat Derry and ye'll only have to meet one of them in the final. It can be done.

foreveryoung (USA) - Posts: 2002 - 04/07/2022 12:42:35    2429616


Replying To katser:  "We outscored them from play in the 2nd half 1-08 to 0-05, 3pts coming from a sub that we didn't pick up and those handy frees Byrnes got!! We had a great opportunity to win that game in the 2nd half......and the sicking thing is, We would have beaten Kilkenny in the All Ireland Final!!!!
I'm sick of limrik....that's 3 times '18, '20 and '22 where we left it behind us."
I don't think anything was 'left behind' in 20 in all fairness. While we lost canning and C mannion to injury during the game I felt Limerick were in control and lead throughout. And would have won more easily if they hadn't overplayed and gone for goals when handy points were on.

mr305 (Galway) - Posts: 46 - 04/07/2022 13:23:12    2429629


Replying To foreveryoung:  "Tough luck on Galway. Ye gave it everything, but it wasn't quite enough. Limerick are an extremely composed and experienced outfit. Galway are in transition.

I knew that Galway would come with a puck
of the ball of Limerick. Pity a lot of Galway fans didn't have as much belief. Anyway, the year shows that there's life after Joe, and life with Henry. He'd a fighting spirit in ye that I haven't seen in a few years. Stick with him, he could get ye there.

And support the footballers now. I'd like to see Galway go all the way, even though I think that Dublin and Kerry are a good bit ahead of everyone else. Still, beat Derry and ye'll only have to meet one of them in the final. It can be done."
I wouldn't necessarily class this team as in transition. Realistically only Burke and Coen are at the age profile of retirement being a consideration.

I think fighting spirit has not been an issue in a long time either. Last year they didn't give up against Waterford after being hammered at half time and nearly saved themselves. A good showing against Limerick in 2020 SF also.

mr305 (Galway) - Posts: 46 - 04/07/2022 13:30:19    2429630


Replying To AnCrúiscínLán:  "Galway are a team more suited to "masters" hurling. Limerick are class..They could be annihilated!!"
Ba chóir dúit náire a bheith ort, más Gaillimheach thú!

baire (Galway) - Posts: 1849 - 04/07/2022 13:39:34    2429632


Replying To foreveryoung:  "Tough luck on Galway. Ye gave it everything, but it wasn't quite enough. Limerick are an extremely composed and experienced outfit. Galway are in transition.

I knew that Galway would come with a puck
of the ball of Limerick. Pity a lot of Galway fans didn't have as much belief. Anyway, the year shows that there's life after Joe, and life with Henry. He'd a fighting spirit in ye that I haven't seen in a few years. Stick with him, he could get ye there.

And support the footballers now. I'd like to see Galway go all the way, even though I think that Dublin and Kerry are a good bit ahead of everyone else. Still, beat Derry and ye'll only have to meet one of them in the final. It can be done."
Why would Galway supporters need advice from the likes of you?

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3586 - 04/07/2022 13:46:57    2429636


Replying To Pope_Benedict:  "Why would Galway supporters need advice from the likes of you?"
Not all Galway supporters do. I was just taking a handful, including yourself Pope, into consideration when writing my post, with my fine advice. God knows you need it, especially when it comes to hurling matters.

But focus on the football now.

foreveryoung (USA) - Posts: 2002 - 04/07/2022 14:35:59    2429654


Replying To baire:  "Ba chóir dúit náire a bheith ort, más Gaillimheach thú!"
I'd forgotten he'd typed that. He's on the championship discussion going on about how bad a game it was and he doesn't do "moral victories". Real axe to grind there. Thanks for pointing this comment out. Another in the long list of Hoganstand WUMs who I need to learn to ignore.

festinog (Galway) - Posts: 3102 - 04/07/2022 14:55:25    2429667


Replying To foreveryoung:  "Not all Galway supporters do. I was just taking a handful, including yourself Pope, into consideration when writing my post, with my fine advice. God knows you need it, especially when it comes to hurling matters.

But focus on the football now."
Why would I need advice from the likes of you?

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3586 - 04/07/2022 18:35:01    2429728


Replying To clare_sparrow:  "Well done on Henry Shefflin for driving Galway Hurling forward this year. Huge improvements. Had a settled 15 all year (that performed). Hopefully next year this will develop into a 20 man team. McInerney was a huge loss there yesterday so luck wasnt always on our side. Only criticism I would have on management (1 of the selectors) is a slight bias for 1 or 2 players from his club. But the same players have been huge servants to Galway so I dont want to get too critical there.

Hopefully Cody stays another year as Kilkenny will want Shefflin if there is a vacancy."
Why would there be a vacancy, did you not see Kilkenny at the weekend?

Stool Pigeon (Galway) - Posts: 882 - 05/07/2022 07:13:28    2429764


Replying To foreveryoung:  "Tough luck on Galway. Ye gave it everything, but it wasn't quite enough. Limerick are an extremely composed and experienced outfit. Galway are in transition.

I knew that Galway would come with a puck
of the ball of Limerick. Pity a lot of Galway fans didn't have as much belief. Anyway, the year shows that there's life after Joe, and life with Henry. He'd a fighting spirit in ye that I haven't seen in a few years. Stick with him, he could get ye there.

And support the footballers now. I'd like to see Galway go all the way, even though I think that Dublin and Kerry are a good bit ahead of everyone else. Still, beat Derry and ye'll only have to meet one of them in the final. It can be done."
Do you believe your own lies? in the other thread you said you predicted a 5 point Limerick win! A goal is 3 points...

tiobraid (Tipperary) - Posts: 4119 - 05/07/2022 10:30:03    2429796


Replying To clare_sparrow:  "Well done on Henry Shefflin for driving Galway Hurling forward this year. Huge improvements. Had a settled 15 all year (that performed). Hopefully next year this will develop into a 20 man team. McInerney was a huge loss there yesterday so luck wasnt always on our side. Only criticism I would have on management (1 of the selectors) is a slight bias for 1 or 2 players from his club. But the same players have been huge servants to Galway so I dont want to get too critical there.

Hopefully Cody stays another year as Kilkenny will want Shefflin if there is a vacancy."
Who? Kevin Lally from Pearses or Damien Joyce from Cappataggle? Neither have a player on the team. More hot air nonsense. We have some collection in this county.

TanCanRan (Galway) - Posts: 183 - 05/07/2022 14:33:10    2429895


Replying To TanCanRan:  "Who? Kevin Lally from Pearses or Damien Joyce from Cappataggle? Neither have a player on the team. More hot air nonsense. We have some collection in this county."
I didn't see any Cappy or Pearses lads playing?

katser (Galway) - Posts: 2310 - 05/07/2022 15:32:27    2429916


Replying To katser:  "I didn't see any Cappy or Pearses lads playing?"
Is that not what I said?

TanCanRan (Galway) - Posts: 183 - 05/07/2022 19:40:15    2429978


As the dust settles after Sundays match, I would like to congratulate the Galway hurling team on a great performance. They were very unlucky not to win. The team has a very settled back 6 with a few very promising maroon shoots from midfield up. Time to pull the plug on one or two older lads as they are just not upto the cut and trust of knockout championship hurling. Galway supporters should be proud of they're team this year.

Armchairreporter (Galway) - Posts: 76 - 06/07/2022 08:25:29    2429994


Replying To Armchairreporter:  "As the dust settles after Sundays match, I would like to congratulate the Galway hurling team on a great performance. They were very unlucky not to win. The team has a very settled back 6 with a few very promising maroon shoots from midfield up. Time to pull the plug on one or two older lads as they are just not upto the cut and trust of knockout championship hurling. Galway supporters should be proud of they're team this year."
Yes indeed ACR. You are dead right. Take the positives from last Sunday and look forward to better days. Last Sunday saw a big performance from Galway and with these very good Minors of a few years coming through the strength of the side should be augmented and further success at the highest level achieved.

Oldtourman (Limerick) - Posts: 4364 - 06/07/2022 09:25:08    2429996


Replying To Armchairreporter:  "As the dust settles after Sundays match, I would like to congratulate the Galway hurling team on a great performance. They were very unlucky not to win. The team has a very settled back 6 with a few very promising maroon shoots from midfield up. Time to pull the plug on one or two older lads as they are just not upto the cut and trust of knockout championship hurling. Galway supporters should be proud of they're team this year."
Would rather not get into a debate as we'd be here all day but IMHO the younger subs that were brought on are not up to it either and what was on the field is the best we have available.

CillTormoir (Galway) - Posts: 496 - 06/07/2022 09:29:02    2429997


Replying To CillTormoir:  "Would rather not get into a debate as we'd be here all day but IMHO the younger subs that were brought on are not up to it either and what was on the field is the best we have available."
Yes but the younger subs should improve as their S and C gets better and they get more exposure to top level hurling. Vert few lads burst on the scene like Joe Canning.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 12737 - 06/07/2022 09:59:27    2430009
