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Agree with this 100%. Proposal B had a lot of merit about it but there were too many flaws in it imo. Whether or not we get a decent change again is up for debate I suppose. MesAmis (Dublin) - Posts: 13791 - 23/10/2021 14:15:40 2386958 Link 1 |
Laughable stuff, the whole thing is farcical . Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2191 - 23/10/2021 14:19:06 2386959 Link 1 |
No they are pro democracy. The majority voted for this.
Rebel2020 (Cork) - Posts: 92 - 23/10/2021 14:19:38 2386960 Link 3 |
They voted against a proposal which had the same inequality. Division 4 champions shouldn't get preference over Division 1 counties. Armagh, Galway, Roscommon have fought hard to be up there and shouldn't be punished for that.
Rolo2010 (Donegal) - Posts: 746 - 23/10/2021 14:26:06 2386961 Link 1 |
Not enough voted it. A player strike would tear the GAA apart and the players will come out on the wrong side.
Rolo2010 (Donegal) - Posts: 746 - 23/10/2021 14:27:23 2386963 Link 0 |
If Waterford /Tipp get a good draw in Munster (ie avoid Kerry) then they be one game away from a Rd 4 Qualifier..which is one game before AI QFs. So they could lose every game in league Div 4 , then beat any of the non Kerry teams in one of Munster semifinal and there they are in a preliminary QF (ie Rd 4 Qual) The knockers of proposal B did not want a Div 4 team that were on form reaching a preliminary QF so instead they vote for a system that allows it on geography!!! bennybunny (Cork) - Posts: 3917 - 23/10/2021 14:29:53 2386964 Link 1 |
It just doesn't pass a "does this make sense" test. Honestly I think whatever change we go with for me it has to be one that we can stand behind for years to come. The Premier League is probably the most engaging sporting competition in the world now. It hasn't needed any real change to it's format since 1995. Why? It just makes sense. Honestly that just needs to be the focus. Get a format that makes sense and people will buy into it. I guess my concern would be that sensible thought always gets pushed out by naked self interest when these things are being beaten out. Whammo86 (Antrim) - Posts: 4416 - 23/10/2021 14:31:54 2386965 Link 1 |
Full of empty space. The attendances at Leinster games pre-pandemic were declining rapidly. They will reduce to a trickle now jimski (Kildare) - Posts: 381 - 23/10/2021 14:32:04 2386966 Link 1 |
A great day for hurling which, lets face it, the Ulster counties have no interest in jimski (Kildare) - Posts: 381 - 23/10/2021 14:33:26 2386968 Link 1 |
Common sense post.
sponger (Wicklow) - Posts: 2916 - 23/10/2021 14:35:46 2386969 Link 0 |
I'm so relieved that this was voted down. Given "some" of the brains in the Task Force, I still don't understand how this was the best they could come up with. If you assume they are smart but yet this is what was on offer - how do you explain it - they were "lazy" ? omahant (USA) - Posts: 3118 - 23/10/2021 14:41:31 2386970 Link 1 |
Hi SF won the Last election but FF and the blue shirts came together to create the government, I wasn't happy about that but I didn't threaten to strike. It's a shoddy system but it's alls we got. KingdomBoy1 (Kerry) - Posts: 14092 - 23/10/2021 14:42:17 2386971 Link 1 |
GAA already been torn apart. Mass exodus of players in weaker counties
Rebel2020 (Cork) - Posts: 92 - 23/10/2021 14:43:06 2386972 Link 1 |
All I'll say here is think it's important to note that most or all of those who spoke against the motion said they're in favour of change. It's just that they thought Proposal B wouldn't be the best way to implement it. Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2755 - 23/10/2021 14:53:05 2386974 Link 0 |
And your idea of player strike will make that worse.
Rolo2010 (Donegal) - Posts: 746 - 23/10/2021 14:53:22 2386975 Link 0 |
Was a lot right about Proposal B but this was the correct call to not pass it with all its flaws. It now gives Gaa HQ the opportunity to fix those flaws and return to a later Congress with a more suitable proposal B for all. Gaa_lover (USA) - Posts: 3546 - 23/10/2021 14:53:32 2386976 Link 0 |
That's not how the electoral system works. Coming first doesn't mean you win it. Most people voted for the parties which formed the government.
Rolo2010 (Donegal) - Posts: 746 - 23/10/2021 14:54:43 2386977 Link 1 |
Colm Parkinson and others need to that this defeat on the chin and cop themselves on.
Gaa_lover (USA) - Posts: 3546 - 23/10/2021 14:56:41 2386979 Link 0 |
Agreed . Its dead in the water.
Rebel2020 (Cork) - Posts: 92 - 23/10/2021 15:02:10 2386980 Link 1 |
The Fermanagh delegate said to pass the proposal would ruin the dreams and aspirations of Fermanagh people. That's what we are dealing with here. A county that hasn't had a sniff of winning a provincial title in 130 years wants to keep the charade going. Yet Ulster counties will continue to moan about how hard a path they have to win the AI. On todays vote good enough for them. marmalade_farmer (Leitrim) - Posts: 94 - 23/10/2021 15:06:16 2386981 Link 3 |