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If provincial are played first will the Ulster counties complain that their championship took too much out of them? Also on structure 2 its going to be though on teams who'll have 4 away games in div1 meaning teams will have to win their home games, also what incentive is there for teams that win their first 4 games to put out strong teams for the last 3 games? KingdomBoy1 (Kerry) - Posts: 14092 - 28/09/2021 16:16:11 2383388 Link 0 |
Not really as long as provincials have nothing to do with All-Ireland. Some teams might want to concentrate on provincials, others All-Ireland is their gold.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2249 - 28/09/2021 16:51:07 2383398 Link 3 |
Well 3 if the GAA want to run another cup for teams beat in first round.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2249 - 28/09/2021 16:53:18 2383399 Link 1 |
Well if we do go to this league system for the All Ireland I hope the Donegal county board cop themselves on and play all the home games in Ballybofey, I can't see the point of busting yourself in the Spring to win an Ulster, the Anglo Celt will end up like the McKenna Cup. Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 3094 - 28/09/2021 18:07:11 2383413 Link 0 |
Ah fair enough, did you get a look at brollys suggested revamp? I like it better than suggestion 2 IMO.
KingdomBoy1 (Kerry) - Posts: 14092 - 28/09/2021 19:33:59 2383430 Link 0 |
It's interesting that he's not overly keen on the idea of lower division teams playing for Sam. He makes a lot of other good points.
Whammo86 (Antrim) - Posts: 4416 - 28/09/2021 20:26:26 2383436 Link 3 |
After leagues are wrapped up, what about 8 groups of 4 teams made up of 1 from each Division. 3 games with top 2 going on to All- Ireland . Bottom 2 go into different championship . This way every team is guaranteed 4 matches.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2249 - 28/09/2021 20:34:36 2383437 Link 2 |
So? Provincial format is stale and keeping it is hurting football in a lot of counties. GAA should do what is best for every county not just Ulster.
Rolo2010 (Donegal) - Posts: 746 - 28/09/2021 21:16:56 2383445 Link 0 |
Provincial championshipswill basically become pre season competitions. Managers will play they extended panelists and the many thousands that currently attend provincial championships games will become hundreds. Its a mess and I'd hope they revert back to the 2017 format now that Dublin are back in the pack. Gaa_lover (USA) - Posts: 3542 - 29/09/2021 13:10:13 2383507 Link 1 |
The feedback coming from those interviews is that teams want to play more championship fixtures at their own level. I don't see the point in the second tier competition shield style competition. That set up always strikes me as the sort of competition you'd set up for juveniles. Whammo86 (Antrim) - Posts: 4416 - 29/09/2021 13:17:59 2383511 Link 2 |
A lot of good points alright but still favors the League based All Ireland format. I still don't see how eliminating 22 counties from the All Ireland championship without a single knock out game makes sense. It seems its completely hopeless - "you're not going to win - so don't even try". I want to see more games - not less. brianb (Kildare) - Posts: 400 - 29/09/2021 17:09:03 2383569 Link 0 |
That's the point I was making, the Ulster Championship will replace the McKenna Cup as a meaningless pre season competition, apart from trying out new players etc it will be irrelevant.
Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 3094 - 29/09/2021 20:55:10 2383585 Link 0 |
I guess it's just that the league is the championship's group stage. It's why I just think it'd be much better to do that. 2 groups of 8 per tier just makes so much sense to me. Whammo86 (Antrim) - Posts: 4416 - 29/09/2021 21:02:57 2383587 Link 1 |
Div 1and 2 in first bowl Div 3 and 4 in second bowl One from fist bowl plays one from second bowl Winner gets through to top tier Games could be played as a bumper weekend all over the country to kick start the champo 16 one off knock out games to decide who plays for Sam and who plays for second tier Leaves 4 groups of 4 for each competition 3 games per team with top 2 qualifying for knockout quarter final Good knock out games at start of championship and gud knock out fair at the end It's a very fair system as well bernardmessi (Dublin) - Posts: 182 - 29/09/2021 21:49:28 2383592 Link 0 |
More from off the ball this morning..! Ban (Westmeath) - Posts: 1467 - 30/09/2021 09:31:02 2383627 Link 0 |
Why would players care about the second tier though? It doesn't produce further advancement.
Whammo86 (Antrim) - Posts: 4416 - 30/09/2021 09:50:15 2383638 Link 3 |
The main selling point of swapping the provincials & league seems to a more reliable fixture calendar & playing teams of your own level during the Summer. Manners5 (Westmeath) - Posts: 20 - 30/09/2021 10:44:23 2383671 Link 0 |
I think if we're going to go for a second tier it should be a second tier. The prize for winning is promotion to the top tier. The way you become a top tier county by consistent good performance against other tier 2 counties over the year. Similarly you become a tier two county by consistently bad performances against other tier 1 counties over the year. The ideas of running a shield type competition with nothing really at stake might be good for player development but will never have the same knock-out edge where something meaningful is at stake. Proposal B would become a lot more palatable to me if you introduce a middle tier competition as well and drop the parachuting of Division 3 & 4 teams into the knockout. The All Ireland 1/4 finals would be: Senior - Top 5 in DIv 1 & Top 3 in Div 2 Intermediate - 6/7/8 Div 1 + 4/5/6 Div 2 & 1 Div 3A & Div 3B Junior - All other teams (last 16) Then the next years league will have had the usual promotion / relegation but with the 6th place team replaced by the winners of the tier just below. So Div 1 - Top 5 & Top 2 Div 2 & Intermediate Winner Div 2 - 6/7/8 Div 1 + 3/4/5 Div 2 & 1 Div 3A & 1 Div 3B + Junior Winner - Intermediate winner Div 3A & 3B - All other teams I'd still prefer the provincial champions to get a path into the main competition - it could be done by changing the seeding - e.g. allow any unqualified provincial winners in (via a playoff if necessary) at the expense of 3rd Place team in Div 2 but that could likely lead to uncertainty in the calendar. brianb (Kildare) - Posts: 400 - 30/09/2021 10:54:25 2383678 Link 0 |
3 grades All Ireland SFC with promotion/relegation. 12 teams Premier Senior in 2 groups of 6 10 teams Senior A in 2 groups of 5 10 teams Senior B in 2 groups of 5. Keep Provincials as stand alone knock out played before the I series. Have a warm up Jan/Feb tournament either based on Provinces or random geographic groups. However as that's not on the Congress agenda... Proposal B with tweaks.... Top 4 D1 to Qtr Finals, teams 5 and 6 D1, 1 to 4 incl D2 and winners D3 and 4 play a preliminary round. Tailteann Cup to be limited to teams 2 to 6 incl D3 and teams 2 to 4 incl D4. Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2091 - 30/09/2021 11:49:14 2383698 Link 0 |
I think 5 from 8 division 1 teams making the playoffs is too soft of a standard. I also agree that the 4 division structure is bad for teams development. Is why I'd favour the old NFL style competition of 2 tiers of 2 groups of 8. I think you'd only want 2 or at a push 3 from each section moving forward to the playoffs. I think the 4 provinces of 8 was only solving the calendar issue and wasn't very good at getting teams playing more matches at their own level. It didn't address quality issues between provinces either. From the sounds of things there's little support for it. Whammo86 (Antrim) - Posts: 4416 - 30/09/2021 12:09:49 2383704 Link 2 |