National Forum

Kerry Lads And Tattoos

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Replying To CC2020:  "Giving it everything is commendable RD but he wasn't up to standard. I felt he was one of the most over rated players nationally.

Give me a wiry 11/12 stone Kevin Foley any day. He wouldn't be caught for pace and would get around the pitch stopping a forward from playing.

I wouldn't have Burke near a county team. He had a rugby build."
He didn't look like a footballer at all. Far too much bulk. He had very little pace.

avonali (Dublin) - Posts: 1990 - 07/08/2021 17:17:11    2368543


Replying To Galway9801:  "I've no opinions on tattoos lol, I don't have or want one, but if you wanna cover yourself in head to toe with ink, good luck to you.
I do have an anecdote though, a guy I know once appeared in a newspaper, to talk about how being heavily tattooed affects people's perceptions of him.
Now this guy was something else, he borrowed money from friends without paying back, he once started a job and left halfway through the first day, without informing his boss, moved into houses avd left the day before rent was due, blocking the landlords number lol,a thief, and one of the biggest liars you'd ever hope to meet (or hope to not meet).

Now he gave a big sob story to the paper, making himself out to be a stand up guy not being given a fair shake by "the man", because of peoples prejudice against tattoos, and by god did the paper lap it up. Oh yeah he was the victim, beaten down by the big bad world,or so you'd believe if you read the piece, so long as you never met the guy.

Not much to do with tattoos I guess,plenty of great people out there with em, but just goes to show, never believe a word a journalist tells you."
Hope you got your twenty back Galway lol.

CiarraiMick (Dublin) - Posts: 3851 - 07/08/2021 17:18:29    2368544


Replying To CiarraiMick:  "Hope you got your twenty back Galway lol."
Haha, luckily I was never caught out by him,he grew up 6 doors down from me, I knew what he was like from an early age

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1942 - 07/08/2021 17:28:46    2368547


Replying To CC2020:  "I'm a big fan of Meath footballers from O'Rourke, Flynn, Giles, Geraghty etc. But it's my opinion that Mickey Burke was one of the worst to represent ye. He was way too slow for inter county and took an acre of ground to turn on. He got his place 2003-2017 ish. But he wouldn't be in an asses roar if Meath were decent at the time."
Burke was an effective player. He covered some ground. He was good when marking a roving forward as when he went out the field he was very hard running and was great at linking the play.
2 of his prominent tattoo's were of his parents.

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1402 - 07/08/2021 18:13:00    2368552


Replying To AfricanGael:  "It's far more intolerant to run the caller down for exercising his right to express his opinions freely, than it is for him expressing his views regarding tattoos.

Of course in reality, neither of the above can be described as intolerant.

While the man could certainly be described as being opinionated, he couldn't be described as being intolerant, otherwise we are all guilty of intolerance purely on the basis of having an opinion which someone else doesn't agree with.

There is nothing in the Constitution or in the statute book which says he must like tattoos or like people with tattoos or anything else for that matter, however it is his qualified Constitutional right to express his opinions freely subject to the limitations as set out in the Constitution and that is exactly what he did.

So while people are entitled to disagree with his views they are not entitled to disrespect his Constitutional right to express his views, otherwise they are the intolerant ones, and not him."
Everyone equally has a constitutional right to disagree with his views on tattoos AG!

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14144 - 07/08/2021 18:16:52    2368555


Replying To Viking66:  "Everyone equally has a constitutional right to disagree with his views on tattoos AG!"
And nobody said otherwise, but the question was about intolerance.

AfricanGael (UK) - Posts: 1947 - 07/08/2021 20:06:36    2368591


I saw a cracking Dublin tattoo. The 3 castles on a shield, high between the shoulders, exactly where they were on the back of his geansaí (2005 or so).

Suas Sios (None) - Posts: 1558 - 07/08/2021 20:44:13    2368605


Replying To AfricanGael:  "And nobody said otherwise, but the question was about intolerance."
He is intolerant of tattoos. Other people disagree that view. Dont think anyones constitutional rights have been affected:-)

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14144 - 07/08/2021 22:45:57    2368671


Replying To Suas Sios:  "I saw a cracking Dublin tattoo. The 3 castles on a shield, high between the shoulders, exactly where they were on the back of his geansaí (2005 or so)."

DUBJOHN (Dublin) - Posts: 939 - 08/08/2021 20:58:04    2368938


Replying To DUBJOHN:  "???"
Have a look at your old Dublin shirts. There was one that had the badge on the back below the collar. This guy got the tattoo in that same position on his back.

Suas Sios (None) - Posts: 1558 - 08/08/2021 21:40:04    2368955


They're knocking 50% off the 4-in-row tattoos :D

realdub (Dublin) - Posts: 8678 - 10/08/2021 19:48:40    2369640


Replying To realdub:  "They're knocking 50% off the 4-in-row tattoos :D"
Don't fret if you got a 4 in row tattoo, you'll only have to pay for a 1 when the 14 in a row comes around. ;-).

AfricanGael (UK) - Posts: 1947 - 10/08/2021 20:10:25    2369644


Replying To AfricanGael:  "Don't fret if you got a 4 in row tattoo, you'll only have to pay for a 1 when the 14 in a row comes around. ;-)."
Saturday will be interesting, I'm allowing myself to hope that the blue wave might be halted (no offence to the dubs, I just wanna see someone new win it)....., but...., they could easily go out there and win by 10.

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1942 - 10/08/2021 20:41:26    2369651


Replying To AfricanGael:  "Don't fret if you got a 4 in row tattoo, you'll only have to pay for a 1 when the 14 in a row comes around. ;-)."
There will be another Darby moment long before then!

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14144 - 10/08/2021 20:57:57    2369659


Replying To AfricanGael:  "Don't fret if you got a 4 in row tattoo, you'll only have to pay for a 1 when the 14 in a row comes around. ;-)."

realdub (Dublin) - Posts: 8678 - 11/08/2021 01:30:11    2369703


Replying To realdub:  "They're knocking 50% off the 4-in-row tattoos :D"
We have 2 fours in a row, so we'd get a 2 for 1, Noice.

KingdomBoy1 (Kerry) - Posts: 14092 - 11/08/2021 11:13:50    2369759


Replying To KingdomBoy1:  "We have 2 fours in a row, so we'd get a 2 for 1, Noice."

realdub (Dublin) - Posts: 8678 - 11/08/2021 20:47:06    2369967


Hi, you're talking about tattoos and how I wanted to)))) I can't read too much about it !)

JulianMackay (USA) - Posts: 2 - 12/08/2021 11:01:57    2370055


Replying To royaldunne:  "He wasn't the most gifted player. But by Jasus he gave it everything he had, a real workhorse. Every team needs that type of player, I was in tullamore when the crack of him breaking his leg rang round the ground. To come back from that and he is still playing hurling for Meath shows his dedication to the county. We've had players of better quality who never did as much as Mickey. For that he will always be a legend to many."

A sound man.

GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7704 - 14/08/2021 12:31:39    2370661
