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Thinking back the 2014 Kerry win was a bit robotic and process driven, blanket defence, no attacking display, sneak an all Ireland' playing the %s probably the worst final of the decade, that maybe was the genesis of process play maybe. I guess if it worked for them then it's gone on from there and become part of their footballing culture. TheUsername (Dublin) - Posts: 4477 - 22/06/2021 11:25:34 2352565 Link 4 |
Catch22, Dubh_linn and now you can add superbluedub to that list. AfricanGael (UK) - Posts: 1947 - 22/06/2021 12:06:04 2352581 Link 3 |
Yeah glad you enjoyed Tirchonaill but agree about trolls etc. As Avonali said we should nt have to throw insults and I stepped over the line myself with a comment too. We are all protective of our own (and nothing wrong with that) but also we should be fair minded too. I like to think that I am mostly and I call out my own county or players when they wrong too. Of course we have to fight our corner too but that should be done without have to resort to insults. Most on here are truly passionate about their beliefs etc but some are wums nó doubt looking to provoke a nasty reaction. Anyway the championship begins this weekend and weather looks good so for the moment enjoy.
CiarraiMick (Dublin) - Posts: 3851 - 22/06/2021 12:47:48 2352591 Link 1 |
Didn't take you long to get to Dublin from the USA. Did you "catch" a flight over or take the boat?
KY4SAM2015 (Kerry) - Posts: 898 - 22/06/2021 13:01:37 2352595 Link 4 |
I've only the 4 accounts folks but yeer barking up the wrong tee there.
catch22 (USA) - Posts: 2148 - 22/06/2021 13:06:40 2352597 Link 2 |
You need to do something very very clever and put " one off " them in "Africa", no one would ever notice you then. ;D
TheUsername (Dublin) - Posts: 4477 - 22/06/2021 13:22:24 2352599 Link 1 |
Hang on a minute. Aren't you me sure ?
catch22 (USA) - Posts: 2148 - 22/06/2021 13:42:58 2352602 Link 2 |
God you're talking to yourself now....
oneoff (UK) - Posts: 1500 - 22/06/2021 13:52:08 2352605 Link 2 |
I have one account , more than enough for me
superbluedub (Dublin) - Posts: 2842 - 22/06/2021 14:08:53 2352608 Link 2 |
It does look like soupbluedub was running a bit of inteference for sure, that's fair sneaky. :-o
KingdomBoy1 (Kerry) - Posts: 14092 - 22/06/2021 14:13:34 2352609 Link 1 |
Poor poor attempt at a windup there multiple username :-) you should have sent in advancedmark.
KingdomBoy1 (Kerry) - Posts: 14092 - 22/06/2021 14:16:31 2352611 Link 2 |
Childish insults from the bitter one , says it all really , grow up there !
superbluedub (Dublin) - Posts: 2842 - 22/06/2021 14:51:16 2352619 Link 1 |
Assuming you're all grown adults, this is fairly pathetic stuff all round. Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12252 - 22/06/2021 15:00:06 2352621 Link 2 |
I'd bet good money that you and killing fields are one and the same.
Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1942 - 22/06/2021 15:08:26 2352624 Link 8 |
How much ? I'll gladly take your money from you . Ball in your court.
AfricanGael (UK) - Posts: 1947 - 22/06/2021 15:12:35 2352627 Link 1 |
What a bunch of clowns/trolls/wums whatever you're having yourself, how sad would you have to be to have multiple accounts?
Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 3083 - 22/06/2021 15:14:12 2352628 Link 0 |
What else would you say , you're totally guilty, a cod.
AfricanGael (UK) - Posts: 1947 - 22/06/2021 15:15:31 2352629 Link 2 |
Not much sadder than getting worked up over an anonymous sport forum in fairness.
Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1942 - 22/06/2021 15:53:54 2352644 Link 2 |
As I said I have one account going back to 2011, you haven't a clue mate , totally guilty and a cod !who do you think you are accusing me ? cop yourself on.
superbluedub (Dublin) - Posts: 2842 - 22/06/2021 16:07:31 2352646 Link 2 |
Ah I was just reminiscing to when football was enjoyable. Be no harm if Kerry win it this year and I think they will.
realdub (Dublin) - Posts: 8693 - 22/06/2021 16:17:32 2352651 Link 0 |