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Nasty little article from Joe Brolly to day on Mayo footballers today in the Sindo. They 'had the players but not the men' etc. He's an odious little man. Easiest thing to dois put the boot in when someone is down. Defaulter1831 (Kilkenny) - Posts: 40 - 11/08/2019 13:45:02 2223948 Link 5 |
Nasty is absolutely the word to describe that piece.
Whammo86 (Antrim) - Posts: 4398 - 11/08/2019 13:56:28 2223951 Link 8 |
A belittling sneer, without doubt. supersub15 (Carlow) - Posts: 3103 - 11/08/2019 14:14:09 2223960 Link 3 |
Shocking stuff from Brolly but I expect nothing else from him. He is always banging on about the amateur ethos of the GAA but then sees no issue questionning the character of amateur footballers. Green_Gold (Donegal) - Posts: 1904 - 11/08/2019 14:14:13 2223961 Link 3 |
Pay no heed to him. He thrives on attention. To paraphrase a poster here, he has a mouth that's only good for cooling soup. GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7747 - 11/08/2019 14:18:37 2223962 Link 5 |
MesAmis (Dublin) - Posts: 13787 - 11/08/2019 14:20:06 2223964 Link 5 |
Bad form. waynoI (Dublin) - Posts: 13654 - 11/08/2019 14:28:01 2223966 Link 10 |
I like Brolly because he's good TV but he's completely out of line with some of his over the top comments. Mayo are to be totally respected as both men and footballers. realdub (Dublin) - Posts: 8690 - 11/08/2019 14:45:38 2223971 Link 9 |
Brolly is nasty nasty little nobody. Him and his type wouldn't last a second in today's championship. Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2140 - 11/08/2019 14:47:32 2223973 Link 4 |
Why does he have to get so personal about individuals. It's not on. Jackeen (Dublin) - Posts: 4097 - 11/08/2019 14:53:05 2223975 Link 8 |
The Eamon Dunphy of GAA. Always trying to grab a headline. He generally succeeds. Joxer (Dublin) - Posts: 4734 - 11/08/2019 14:54:33 2223977 Link 7 |
Absolute rubbish spouted by Brolly. He just loves the sound of his own voice and hogs the mic when he is on the Sunday game. Kicking Mayo when they are down. A superb bunch of players who gave all to their county and waking up this morning to that bull. But people are fickle. He'll probably be doing medal gigs and pitch openings next week around the country. He should be isolated. moros (Roscommon) - Posts: 1111 - 11/08/2019 15:02:48 2223982 Link 2 |
Between Dublin dominance and embedded team journalists in the media, there'll be zero interest in football next year. The Derry job is vacant. Why can't he go and show us all his vision for football with them Thelonesomegoose (Leitrim) - Posts: 204 - 11/08/2019 15:05:39 2223984 Link 3 |
He gets far too personal with individual players and that's not on. Having said that Mayo will be remembered like the Dublin side of Ciaran Whelan. Good footballers but didn't have the inner belief or streetwise nastiness to get over the line. Step back from Brolly's flowery language and the main point he is making is correct. Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9796 - 11/08/2019 15:13:51 2223992 Link 2 |
This is very typical of Brolly - always looking for attention and quite prepared to make spurious comments on players' characters to grab that attention. He seems to be in a permanent state of unhappiness. neverright (Roscommon) - Posts: 1648 - 11/08/2019 15:16:44 2223994 Link 0 |
Brolly and all of us should be thmaking Mayo for putting up some resistance to this great Dublin team. In 2018 when Mayo were gone early we saw how poor the championship was. Brolly bears on about amateuris but criticises players to a professional standard. He loves to question manleness in plyers but he himself didn't play football in a manly way. updwell (Limerick) - Posts: 867 - 11/08/2019 15:20:14 2223996 Link 1 |
Its the easy lazy nasty thing to do, proper journalism/punditry requires intelligence and a level of class, which is where said individual falls too far short.
Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2140 - 11/08/2019 15:20:32 2223997 Link 1 |
Poor but that is the type of writing the Indo demands, look at Ewan so Brolly in good company arock (Dublin) - Posts: 4948 - 11/08/2019 16:14:08 2224031 Link 2 |
Hope someone calls him out for it, or within the media room itself. BeJasus (UK) - Posts: 383 - 11/08/2019 16:35:30 2224057 Link 0 |
His core point is right but he gets too personal about it, I don't think his articles would get past the hoganstand mods!! Derry job is vacant Joe so go and show the world what you can do and get off the ditch. Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 3076 - 11/08/2019 16:42:14 2224064 Link 1 |