Leitrim GAA thread - 4 Like(s)
Replying To ThePowerhouse: "Totally agree. Way too many clubs. Every existing club has a huge part to play in terms of its contribution to their communities but in terms of a relatively successful senior county side it simply does not work. There's still a place for them in terms of community/cultural hubs but we've been chasing quantity over quality for too long.
We've pandered to the vested interests of clubs and have been deluding ourselves. We've buried our heads in the sand and on the rare occasion where we've taken it out we've reacted at a snails pace.
If we were a business we'd have been shut 10 years ago. We have to accept that the alongside its other roles the GAA is big business. Balancing the books is one thing but ignoring the quality of raw materials that go into the end product can only end in disaster. That's what we've been doing for 20 years.
The quality or otherwise of our senior managers is cited as one of the reasons why lads stay or go. Thats just one aspect. We're also ignoring the fact that we're expecting young people, the vast majority of whom have third level qualifications, to put their lives on hold and dedicate themselves to a set up that is light years behind what they experience in their working lives. You don't need 20/20 vision to see that its an amateur attitude whilst your rivals are acting professionally. The players know this. They know that it's poorly run and it starts long before it manifests itself at senior inter county level.
How can we expect these players to put themselves forward for ridicule whilst neglecting other parts of their lives? We are failing the players that we expect to do this for us. By accident rather than design we cater for the lad who just wants to play. That's fine. They're just as important but we cannot expect to have a successful senior team using this model.
It's notable that there has been no mention from the county board about starting a process and finding out why they've left. Why are they choosing not to play for their county? I suspect they'll never do this because they know the real reasons won't reflect well on the role of the County board." Please name players of County standard not playing for Leitrim? Stats don't lie. 19 absent from last year due to retirement, emigration & injury. Nine gone through injury - three against Laois . No county can hope to compete with this haemorrhage of players. Sad so called supporters continue to criticise everybody associated with Leitrim football- Co Board, Management,players who are doing their best . Look at the positives. Talented group of Under age players coming through, successful run at College level, Ladies team on course for promotion & unearthing new talent, Hurlers having a good run & wish them well against pacesetters Louth. Realty is we don't have the pool of talent necessary to compete with other Counties & with so many absentees would struggle in Div 4. It is what it is but all I & other supporters can do is continue to support the Green & Gold at all levels . Those close to the squad acknowledge it's going to be a long haul but it could start with a good performance against Antrim. The return of some injured players is a boost.My hope is our youngsters are not disheartened by many of the negative postings. As quite a few come from outside Leitrim & overseas they obviously don't see Leitrim play so opinions are irrelevant.
leitrimabu1 (National) - 18/02/2025 16:29:34
Westmeath Football thread - 3 Like(s)
A rough stab at the u20s, have only seen them in Abbottstown and from talking to a few but the lineup seems to be shaping up something like the following:
1. Luke Nicholson (Athlone)
2. Seanai Bracken (St. Loman's)
3. Adam Keane (Rosemount)
4. Sean Dillon (Milltown)
5. Taylor Slevin (Tubberclair)
6. Peter Murphy (St. Malachys)
7. Aodhan Curran (Moate)
8. Tadgh Baker (Caulry)
9. Shane Ormsby (Mullingar)
10. Kealen Connell (Tubberclair)
11. Jack Duncan (Milltown)
12. Ronan Murray (Moate)
13. Shane Corcoran (St. Malachys)
14. Tom Bourke (Tubberclair)
15. Matthew Thornton (Multyfarnham)
I could be excluding someone very obvious, I haven't spotted Rory Cole who was involved last year, and I think Bracken and Daire o Connor are currently unavailable. Certainly seems a talented team on paper.
OverTheHill85 (National) - 18/02/2025 19:57:33
Roscommon GAA thread - 2 Like(s)
Replying To Bantysbabes123: "A good win for yous lads against us yesterday
We were missing 5/6 of our starting forwards however and still racked up a big scoreline defensively is where I would say the rossies need to improve to really compete with the big boys.
Yous have players in that forward line that would start for any county in the land.
Managed to grab a senior match a while back & there was an excellent corner back brian Kelly was his name played underage with Roscommon surely he would be worth his salt in there a tigerish corner back who can also kick a score.
Looks like we'll be seeing yous back in croker next month touchwood." Who was Monaghan missing in their forward line other than O'Hanlon,Hamill? Micheál Bannigan, Ciarán McNulty; David Garland will still likely be first choice come championship time. Stephen Mooney there or thereabout also. Ryan McAnespie will likely play as attacking wing half back.
No real defending going on in Div 2 it's some contrast to a lot of the Div 1 games I've watched it and will be something all Div 2 teams will need to address before the championship.
Drax_the_destroyer (National) - 18/02/2025 19:16:15
Roscommon GAA thread - 1 Like(s)
letsgetgoing (National) - 18/02/2025 16:00:48
2025 National Football League - 1 Like(s)
Replying To letsgetgoing: "If two teams finish level on points in the league table, I presume that it comes down to the head to head match between them to determine who might get promotion/relegated etc. (Not scoring difference)
If three or more teams finish on equal points I presume that the total scoring difference over the league comes into play?
Might have big implications in the championship for some division 2 teams.
Am I correct?" I think so. Last year:
'When teams finish with equal points for qualification for the concluding stages, or for promotion or relegation, the tie shall be decided by the following means and in the order specified:
(i) Where two Teams only are involved - the outcome of the meeting of the two Teams in the previous game in the Competition;
(ii) Where three or more teams are involved - scoring Difference (subtracting the total Scores Against from total Scores For);
(iii) Highest Total Score For;
(iv) Highest Total Goals For;
(iv) A Play-Off'
GreenandRed (National) - 18/02/2025 16:16:57
Leitrim GAA thread - 1 Like(s)
Replying To leitrimabu1: "Please name players of County standard not playing for Leitrim? Stats don't lie. 19 absent from last year due to retirement, emigration & injury. Nine gone through injury - three against Laois . No county can hope to compete with this haemorrhage of players. Sad so called supporters continue to criticise everybody associated with Leitrim football- Co Board, Management,players who are doing their best . Look at the positives. Talented group of Under age players coming through, successful run at College level, Ladies team on course for promotion & unearthing new talent, Hurlers having a good run & wish them well against pacesetters Louth. Realty is we don't have the pool of talent necessary to compete with other Counties & with so many absentees would struggle in Div 4. It is what it is but all I & other supporters can do is continue to support the Green & Gold at all levels . Those close to the squad acknowledge it's going to be a long haul but it could start with a good performance against Antrim. The return of some injured players is a boost.My hope is our youngsters are not disheartened by many of the negative postings. As quite a few come from outside Leitrim & overseas they obviously don't see Leitrim play so opinions are irrelevant." That's the spirit. You forgot to mention our success in Scór.
ThePowerhouse (National) - 18/02/2025 17:27:47
Galway Football thread - 1 Like(s)
Replying To jam83: "I know Walsh scored that last free and it was a long way out, but I still don't like seeing him taking the long range ones off his left. I've seen too many over the years drop low and short, or wide. I don't know how we don't have a left footer for them ones." Because no left footer in the squad would've got within an asses roar of kicking that against the wind from 45m
Tierney is ok at them from the ground but after his injury last year seems to have given that up. He hasn't the range off his hands and was off the field at that point anyway. Finnertys proven time and again that his range is 35m, even without any wind against him
PressureKick (National) - 18/02/2025 21:17:59
Non-Gaa Forum - 1 Like(s)
The Trump fans are gone very quiet on here. Wonder why that is?
TheFlaker (National) - 19/02/2025 09:52:16
Westmeath Hurling thread - 1 Like(s)
Replying To Danup: "Doyle not returning to senior panel opting to stick with club. Peadar Scally also left panel.. Players are clearly not inspired by current set up..." Killian Doyle? He was on the line doing the hurls on Sunday.
stonemadbeany (National) - 19/02/2025 10:46:34
Leitrim GAA thread - 1 Like(s)
Replying To leitrimabu1: "Please name players of County standard not playing for Leitrim? Stats don't lie. 19 absent from last year due to retirement, emigration & injury. Nine gone through injury - three against Laois . No county can hope to compete with this haemorrhage of players. Sad so called supporters continue to criticise everybody associated with Leitrim football- Co Board, Management,players who are doing their best . Look at the positives. Talented group of Under age players coming through, successful run at College level, Ladies team on course for promotion & unearthing new talent, Hurlers having a good run & wish them well against pacesetters Louth. Realty is we don't have the pool of talent necessary to compete with other Counties & with so many absentees would struggle in Div 4. It is what it is but all I & other supporters can do is continue to support the Green & Gold at all levels . Those close to the squad acknowledge it's going to be a long haul but it could start with a good performance against Antrim. The return of some injured players is a boost.My hope is our youngsters are not disheartened by many of the negative postings. As quite a few come from outside Leitrim & overseas they obviously don't see Leitrim play so opinions are irrelevant." A perfect example of the emperors new clothes.
Unfortunately, you're not alone and your unquestioning loyalty is a symptom of the problem.
First things first. I would wager that the people involved in Leitrim LGFA and Leitrim hurling would disagree with being lumped in with our senior football team. Both of them have paddled their own canoe for a long time and their success is down to their dedication and their refusal to give up when the odds were stacked against them. They had few of the advantages afforded to our senior footballers.
Secondly, whether people go to senior matches or not is a moot point. By your logic the opinions of former players that have emigrated are irrelevant. Do we really need to attend to figure it out? In any case the blame can't be levelled at our players. I've stressed that on numerous occasions. They are the ones to be commended.
It gives me no pleasure to say that I've been predicting this disaster for years. I've been saying it because I could see the evidence in front of me. If it was obvious to me it should have been even more so to the people that are in charge. They ignored it. I'm not talking about the senior team. I'm talking from underage up to adult club football.
The last point I want to make is in relation to our population. Its been the excuse for years and is the get out of jail card for various County boards over the years. There are countless examples in the Gaa and other sports where a big population doesn't guarantee success and vice versa. It's an excuse.
There is no doubt we are suffering because of the loss of so many players. But our suffering was always going to be more acute because our standards are so low at club level. They're low because we've too many clubs, too many "senior" teams. The list of poor standards is endless. Too many players that have become used to low standards in every regard so that if and when they step up to play senior inter county its exposed ruthlessly. By the time a player has reached senior inter county football its way too late.
No doubt I'll be called negative but I couldn't care less about that. I'll be the first one to praise the County board if they come up with and implement a coherent plan to address these issues. It should have been done 15 years ago. It won't improve overnight but it can be done. There's an opportunity for a complete reform arising from this crisis.
ThePowerhouse (National) - 19/02/2025 12:28:56
Non-Gaa Forum - 1 Like(s)
Replying To Cockney_Cat: "Of course I do. When people make misleading or inaccurate comments that I know or suspect are untrue, it's a good way of verifying the facts. Or would you prefer to live in a world of ignorance?" The Internet isn't always right though.
Viking66 (National) - 19/02/2025 14:00:57