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I get it lad. Trump supporters can't admit to being wrong about stuff. " Let's see what happens " seems to be the only argument they have. An American president standing with Russia and North Korea. Trump made an eejit out of himself with Macron who gave him an economics lesson on the spot. Yesterday you had Vance butting in but not getting his facts right on when all this started. These are the eejits you think are good because they are different. They are different that's for sure. TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8271 - 01/03/2025 21:18:40 2594011 Link 0 |
It is hardly by accident that Mr T and Vance were parroting Putin almost word for word when attacking Zelensky. Putins numbers for everything were quoted. It seems that Mr T expected Zelensky to sign away rights to there rare minerals with no guarantees on security. Accused him of having no "cards" left . Well, obviously he has some that Mr T wants
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1449 - 01/03/2025 21:28:39 2594018 Link 0 |
I, like you, have no real preference either way for Red or Blue in America. I have been watching American politics with interest since Kenneddy's time and there really hasn't been a major difference in foreign policy etc since then, in my opinion. I could be wrong here but it feels as if Republicans were in control for the majority of that period. But, I can see no redeeming features in Mr Ts makeup. Narcissistic, lacking in empathy, morals or anything else that is generally regarded as the mark of a man. However, I think if this Vance were to succeed him, the world will be in a really scary place, if it isn't already.
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1449 - 01/03/2025 21:39:57 2594024 Link 0 |
Another point I'd make re: the Irish people, empathy etc Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9609 - 01/03/2025 22:26:35 2594036 Link 1 |
The last thing this country would need is 250,000 from the religion of peace.
Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2172 - 01/03/2025 23:02:11 2594040 Link 3 |
Of course they wouldn't receive a hundred thousand welcomes. These people are not to be trusted on both sides. The return of the two child bodies with the wrong body of the mother was as low as it gets. Sure Gaza had war crimes against it but it takes two to tango and if these people got their feet under Irelands table then we are doomed.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2244 - 02/03/2025 00:42:59 2594051 Link 2 |
I know we wouldn't cope with it. I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy.
Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9609 - 02/03/2025 09:38:06 2594065 Link 0 |
"These people" ? Funny how thousands of young Irish people have no problem living & working in various Arab states. I must have forgotten about the halcyon crime free days of yore in this country? An Irish person simply wouldn't hurt a fly. Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9609 - 02/03/2025 09:41:00 2594067 Link 0 |
It's worrying and disappointing to see somewhat watered down versions of the more extreme comment we have heard on our streets creeping into everyday discourse. People are being dehumanised in a frightening way. There is a coarseness beginning to permeate society, but thankfully, at least at this point in time, it is not gaining much traction in the general populace. That can change, especially with the worrying trends on social media drifting towards the right. There is nothing wrong with conservative values, but as they become more and more extreme, then there are obvious problems. The same with left wing values and ideals. Extremes on either side are good for nobody.
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1449 - 02/03/2025 11:22:40 2594076 Link 0 |
Can't understand why there isn't a big push to get our people home from Canada, Australia, US etc to live and work and settle and help to revitalise our rural and urban areas. Bring the skills and knowledge they've gained in other countries to improve our own. Particularly in health and construction industries boxtyburgerbuns (Leitrim) - Posts: 148 - 02/03/2025 12:04:16 2594080 Link 2 |
Too late for myself but I'd advise any body working in the building trades to take as much Cash In Hand as they can get. Pay as little taxes as you possibly can and get yourselves Private Medical Insurance. We're waiting days to see a local doctor and when you arrive for your appointment the waiting rooms are full of These Peaople. The only way to waken the government is in the pockets.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2244 - 02/03/2025 12:29:57 2594092 Link 1 |
I don't think you'd get too many of them who'd actually want to come back here. I've family and friends scattered around the globe and they'll never live here again. They have a far better quality of life in the likes of Canada Australia
Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2172 - 02/03/2025 12:34:55 2594094 Link 2 |
After the riots on O' Connell St. there were people trying to convince us that the problems of the North inner city only started in recent years. The problems existed long before that and for a large portion of its populace its very much a choice. Using terms like neglected and deprived to describe people who are within an asses roar of every possible opportunity. Most of it for free. Most of the crime committed in Dublin is committed by people who are very much born and bred here and are carrying on a family tradition going back generations. Bearing in mind their generations are shorter than the rest of us.
ThePowerhouse (Leitrim) - Posts: 173 - 02/03/2025 12:37:37 2594095 Link 0 |
I'm a Trump supporter because of the terrible alternative that ironically gave birth to another Trump Presidency. The Biden years were terrible. Out of control inflation, a wide open uncontrolled border that facilitated human trafficking and fentanyl not to mention the Cartels coming and going, etc. The answer to this from the Left was to go on and on about Genders and hide Bidens obvious mental issues. Since Trump got back in less than 6 weeks ago the following has been invested IN the USA: $500 Billion from Apple and Stargate each over the next 4 years, $14.1 Billion from Nippon Steel, $600 Billion from Saudi Arabia, etc. All this is easily verifiable. The Democrats preferred sending the money OUT of the country via USAID and others. No thanks.
Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2339 - 02/03/2025 13:15:47 2594106 Link 2 |
Have to agree with you on this. I too have family, extended family and friends who moved abroad and settled there. Very few talk, if any, of coming back.
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1449 - 02/03/2025 13:27:28 2594109 Link 0 |
You can see a lot of things on social media. Too much heed paid to it. Most of it is best ignored. There's still a war in Ukraine. Palestinians will continue to be persecuted. Hamas, who claim to represent them, have blood on their hands along with Israeli military. That's not saying that all Israelis and all Palestinians back their actions. Black people and other groups will still be duscriminated agsinst, but many of them are able-bodied and whinge too much while most disabldd people, don't havd much of a voice. Some people won't last until tomorrow through war, famine, disease, they have real issues. But they can be comforted to know that good folk with money and internet access post pictures of Ukrainian and Palestinian flags, Black Lives Matter slogans to help them because of their sincerest warmest wishes 'reaching out' to them from the comfort of their €1800 phone while they watch their €800 telly. There's a few sides to every story. The internet's side has an algorithm selling you stuff you don't need and it's best ignored. GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7801 - 02/03/2025 14:30:08 2594115 Link 0 |
Can you back up all this with fact proven data by independent sources or are you getting it from MrT and the real president Mr Musk by way of X and Truth Social ??
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1449 - 02/03/2025 14:31:20 2594116 Link 0 |
Why would any Irish come back to an Ireland where it's "Irish Last" in favor of non Irish and even non European in an attempt to make the country look like the worse parts of Detroit or London? Meanwhile the worthless Irish "news" Media lulls them to sleep by keeping them distracted with gender nonsense or worrying about Trump. Wake up woke people.
Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2339 - 02/03/2025 14:35:22 2594117 Link 3 |
Here's one from the ASSOCIATED PRESS do the rest yourself. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS Updated 3:30 PM EST, February 24, 2025 Share NEW YORK (AP) - Apple announced Monday that it plans to invest more than $500 billion in the United States over the next four years, including plans to hire 20,000 people and build a new server factory in Texas. The move comes just days after President Donald Trump said Apple CEO Tim Cook promised him that the tech giant's manufacturing would shift from Mexico to the U.S. Trump noted the company was doing so to avoid paying tariffs. That pledge, coupled with Monday's investment commitment, came as Trump continues to threaten to impose tariffs that could drive up the cost of iPhones made in China. Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2339 - 02/03/2025 14:39:32 2594118 Link 0 |
Very good. This is the AP that have been banned from the White House press conferences ?? Anyway, we will leave it for a year and see where the land lies. I'm delighted for you anyway.
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1449 - 02/03/2025 14:58:58 2594121 Link 1 |