Meath Forum

David Gallagher

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Delighted to see him back, was always my first choice in goal from a distribution point of view.
He is however at least 5 year younger than the article states. U21 winning captain in 2001.

Welcome back Gally!

rath_togh (Meath) - Posts: 740 - 14/10/2011 11:26:15    1051791


Gallie is 32 now and will be 33 next year. Plenty left in him. Best of luck.

gagaa (Meath) - Posts: 50 - 14/10/2011 13:23:51    1051884


that would have left him at 22 the year he captained U21s do the maths. You're dead right he has plenty of years left in him as a goalie

rath_togh (Meath) - Posts: 740 - 14/10/2011 13:37:48    1051903


My mistake but where did they come up with 36?

gagaa (Meath) - Posts: 50 - 14/10/2011 14:37:26    1051957


are ye for real. we should be looking for fresh new players, not scraping the barrel again. go out and look for a few new players banty

vedder (Meath) - Posts: 3 - 14/10/2011 15:29:38    1052009


quality keeper , commanding presence in the square

the_miller (Meath) - Posts: 14 - 14/10/2011 16:29:35    1052061


Gallagher is 31... I dont think its a good idea bringing him back because I never thought he was a great shot stopper even when he was a regular between the posts for club and county, the fact that he has played very little in goals for the last few years cant be a good thing as its very much a specialist position. He has a massive kick-out which is alway a benefit, but if a younger keeper is a better shot stopper with a solid kickout I think he would be a better option.

Thunderstruck (Meath) - Posts: 472 - 14/10/2011 16:55:10    1052094


Thunderstruck, I couldn't put it better myself.
It is a very specialised position.
If Coakley was in there last year as cover surely he deserves a shot at it.
Failing that Kilbride have a decent'keeper, O'Brien from St Marys is useful, and they are youner lads and all.
If Gallagher, no harm to him, is the answer I dread to think what the questions is.

denniswise (Meath) - Posts: 106 - 14/10/2011 18:21:20    1052161


good to see meath aiming for the future

stevied (Louth) - Posts: 42 - 15/10/2011 14:20:32    1052412


Maybe brian stafford could come back as well !!! No disrepect to gallagher but think enough feathers were ruffled over graham returning , if its forward were to move whilst looking for a long term solution he is not an option .

royalpainter (Meath) - Posts: 874 - 15/10/2011 18:24:21    1052517


If we want to compete with the best, we have to have to set ourselves higher standards and leave nothing to chance. It is primitive (thinking) to stick an outfield player between the posts because they are tall and have a long kick out. That's what you might do with kids teams, not at inter-county level. As someone mentioned earlier it is a specialist position and this should manifest itself at senior level most of all. It is very unprofessional to regard the role as any less important that any other position on the field of play. Stephen Cluxton been the perfect example of what a top goalie adds to a team.

The problem we have now is like last year, management are focused entirely on the quick fix, rather than building a team with the medium to longer term future in mind. Because they may not be part of that future (if results do not go right), they only think of the present and we end up underachieving year on year.

GlasagusOr (Meath) - Posts: 1348 - 15/10/2011 20:12:40    1052575


The man is 31 not 41 as a keeper this is young and he has great experience, royalpainter this man played for the rules team only 3 years ago and then had to stop because of a back injury if the injury has cleared up fully he's the right man to be asked into the panel dont talk rubbish about Stafford or what happened over GG , as for stevied from Louth you would'nt know what it is like to be able to call back a player into the panel that played for you country and your future is very clear , a good hammering by the dubs thats if your good enough to beat westmeath which i douth

mmc (Meath) - Posts: 292 - 16/10/2011 11:10:50    1052684


Mmc ,with respect i think glas agus or has written a post that is in line with whats needed for our long term objectivie check it out .its not that gallagher isnt fit its just another stop-gap

royalpainter (Meath) - Posts: 874 - 17/10/2011 12:59:03    1053295


Gallagher has been the best keeper in Meath for at least 10 years. People seem to have very short memories because he took over from Cormac Sullivan in goals towards the end of Sean's reign despite being on the bench since '99. He isn't the first keeper to play outfield for this club. This matters little because county players spend very little time with their clubs anyway. No he is back with Meath he will have ample time to fine tune his goalkeeping. He is a natural shot stopper with great distribution and a big kick out. If Anthony Tohill had any cop on he would ask him back for the International Rules (injury permitting). Anybody who thinks he's a stop gap answer is misguided. The fella is 31. He still has 5 yrs left as an intercounty keeper. Nobody seemed to have an issue with Brendan Murphy's age. I for one look at this as a positive move by Banty. Paddy O'Rourke doesn't have the temperament for inter-county football so this was the best shout by Banty after Murphy's retirement.

MeathGael (Meath) - Posts: 37 - 17/10/2011 14:13:46    1053391


Gallagher has been the best keeper in Meath for at least 10 years !!!!

You are JOKING I hope.

denniswise (Meath) - Posts: 106 - 17/10/2011 14:44:32    1053433


should definatly be brought back into the frame lads..

BoozerB (Meath) - Posts: 19 - 18/10/2011 16:41:37    1054188


So am I reading this thread right then?

There's lads saying that players over 30 should not be brought into the squad because it might send out the wrong messages to the young lads on the panel??

What message is that then?
That is your good enough - you have a shot at making the squad no matter age you are?
Or that irrespective how much of a "star" you might think you are - there will always be competition for places?

Both are essential messages to have in any set-up.

As for the ginnit who suggested that it's bad for Bany to messing with the Panel - WE ARE IN OCTOBER FFS!
What should he be doing if he's not trying to strengthen the panel in every way possible????
Or do you lads think that our panel is already strong enough to beat all other teams next year.

Either grow up or cop on - or maybe do both.

David Gallagher is not the answer to all of Meath's problems - but if he is deemed better than what else if available then good luck to him.
It's good to see the manager at least trying to be innovative with the panel and more so even at this time of year.

BRING_ON_GURTY! (Meath) - Posts: 712 - 19/10/2011 14:07:58    1054707


Gurty, what people are saying is that up and coming players should be given a fairer crack of the whip. And management not always looking to the past because they do not have enough local knowledge of up and coming players (or confidence in them) to bring them into the fold.

Take Bryan Menton for example, one of our better players last year before his injury. Or Ciaran Lenehan, moreso as the season developed. 2011 was there championship debut season. People were worried would their lack of experience cost us, but no it was more established names who failed to deliver time and time again. The youngsters measured up including Paddy Gilsenan, while others selected on reputations from the distant past and false hopes let us down.

If you have two players of comparable ability, the younger ones should be given the nod as they offer more potential for the future than players who have peaked already and are past their prime (regardless of experience). Otherwise the younger ones may get disillusioned if they feel they are busting their chops with no hope of getting a place in the team. And this is no reflection of David Gallagher, just written in more general terms.

GlasagusOr (Meath) - Posts: 1348 - 19/10/2011 15:26:59    1054758


To simplify it. What I am saying is there are in my opinion better 'keepers available.
And more importantly, more natural 'keepers.

denniswise (Meath) - Posts: 106 - 19/10/2011 17:36:22    1054867


Right he comes back for say 3 or 4 years then gives up then we have to start looking for a new keeper again, what is the point in that?
Would we not be better of finding a young keeper now

SS6 (Meath) - Posts: 149 - 19/10/2011 19:13:35    1054947
