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Wexford Hurling thread 2024

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Replying To tearintom:  "Yeah perhaps a bit harsh.

I don't have any issues with the Dublin players or team in either hurling or football, in fact I'd have an awful lot of admiration for them in how they play the games, handle themselves etc.

But what the gaa has done over the years in terms of funding there along with handing every other advantage possible whilst other counties and teams struggled and fought to keep themselves going and fighting for survival simply doesn't sit well with me and has left a bitter taste if im being honest.

Of course that's not the fault of Dublin, per se, what are they going to do, say no? So yeah perhaps I'm being a bit harsh in that respect."
Fair enough Tom!
Look, as I say, the "perks" associated with being a Dublin hurler vs being a Dublin footballer are a world apart. I know the families of some of the hurlers, but not the hurlers themselves. Their effort level is just as huge as in any other county.
I think it needs one big win and for it to be followed up by another to really gain traction. I don't think an All-Ireland as such, but a top All-Ireland semi final performance might catapult the game. Club hurling is thriving in Dublin but the inter county game just can't get traction. Maybe it is too expensive to follow both, but the football support is dwindling as well.
I know its a Wexford thread so I'm conscious of dragging it off topic, but I can't see how Dublin winning on Sunday could be a bad thing.
I do get where resentment towards the Dublin footballers would be coming from.
My order of choice to win the All-Ireland from here would be
1. Dublin
2. Wexford
3. Laois
4. Offaly
5. Kilkenny
6. Clare
7. Cork
8 Limerick.

ExiledInWex (Dublin) - Posts: 1201 - 05/06/2024 20:07:00    2549763


Replying To Viking66:  "Clare would be my 4th choice. Just for the craic I'll rank the counties in order of me liking them to win-

Big 3 counties and the Biffos at the bottom. Though seriously I really hope Offaly get back up to being Leinster contenders again, I had some great craic and banter with Offaly fans in the 90s and early 00s. Would be great for the game of hurling to have more counties at the top table."
Always like to see Leinster teams win before munster teams myself logic been we are in leinster and dont enjoy munster men telling me how great they are.

Tiger1 (Wexford) - Posts: 277 - 05/06/2024 20:09:45    2549764


Replying To hunting:  "Mr positive again. The under 20s were poor but there was only a puck of the ball between them.and your beloved Dublin"
There was. But what I was talking about was the general development and coaching of players and getting them to hurl at a higher intensity and level, and getting more of them to play at that higher level. Because more players hurling at a higher level means other players also need to try to hurl at that higher level and intensity.
Or is it being negative to ask how the game can be improved in the county?

ExiledInWex (Dublin) - Posts: 1201 - 05/06/2024 20:11:08    2549767


Hearing news of a pretty significant injury in the panel that has one of our main players out for the year unfortunately. You'd wonder do we have any luck. Dublin could easily win a Leinster title playing a weakened Kilkenny team minus Donnelly and Carey.

wexfordwin (Wexford) - Posts: 160 - 06/06/2024 07:29:56    2549792


Replying To ExiledInWex:  "There was. But what I was talking about was the general development and coaching of players and getting them to hurl at a higher intensity and level, and getting more of them to play at that higher level. Because more players hurling at a higher level means other players also need to try to hurl at that higher level and intensity.
Or is it being negative to ask how the game can be improved in the county?"
It's not negative to ask how things might be improved. We need to improve. But some of your posts are definitely of the non constructive criticism variety!

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 12821 - 06/06/2024 07:30:04    2549793


Replying To ExiledInWex:  "There was. But what I was talking about was the general development and coaching of players and getting them to hurl at a higher intensity and level, and getting more of them to play at that higher level. Because more players hurling at a higher level means other players also need to try to hurl at that higher level and intensity.
Or is it being negative to ask how the game can be improved in the county?"
What would really help is funding per capita similar to the per capita ratio that Dublin receives and no one else does:

WEXILE (Wexford) - Posts: 291 - 06/06/2024 08:27:14    2549796


Replying To wexfordwin:  "Hearing news of a pretty significant injury in the panel that has one of our main players out for the year unfortunately. You'd wonder do we have any luck. Dublin could easily win a Leinster title playing a weakened Kilkenny team minus Donnelly and Carey."
Any word on which player?

WEXILE (Wexford) - Posts: 291 - 06/06/2024 11:43:06    2549825


Replying To wexfordwin:  "Hearing news of a pretty significant injury in the panel that has one of our main players out for the year unfortunately. You'd wonder do we have any luck. Dublin could easily win a Leinster title playing a weakened Kilkenny team minus Donnelly and Carey."
I really hope that isnt true!

Afinestick96 (Wexford) - Posts: 314 - 06/06/2024 11:47:15    2549828


Replying To WEXILE:  "Any word on which player?"
I think it's true to say that usually when someone says a player is badly injured and doesn't name the player it's more than likely false. Why is the player nameless? Maybe it is true, but I think the rumour brigade are once again stirring the pot and hoping to cast a shadow over our prospects in the next game or games.
Not blaming the poster. He's only going on what he heard.

Magpie2 (Wexford) - Posts: 364 - 06/06/2024 13:45:35    2549853


Replying To Magpie2:  "I think it's true to say that usually when someone says a player is badly injured and doesn't name the player it's more than likely false. Why is the player nameless? Maybe it is true, but I think the rumour brigade are once again stirring the pot and hoping to cast a shadow over our prospects in the next game or games.
Not blaming the poster. He's only going on what he heard."
Yeah could be true but I've read some belters on this over the years. I also read things that turned out to be true. I hope its not a key attacker.

WEXILE (Wexford) - Posts: 291 - 06/06/2024 14:06:38    2549857


Replying To wexfordwin:  "Hearing news of a pretty significant injury in the panel that has one of our main players out for the year unfortunately. You'd wonder do we have any luck. Dublin could easily win a Leinster title playing a weakened Kilkenny team minus Donnelly and Carey."
If its true it must've only happened at the weekend.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 12821 - 06/06/2024 14:21:07    2549862


Replying To Viking66:  "If its true it must've only happened at the weekend."
Please god its just a rumour. Would be great to have a fully fit squad to hopefully get through Laois/Offaly and then throw everything at Clare or Limerick

Afinestick96 (Wexford) - Posts: 314 - 06/06/2024 14:42:16    2549869


Replying To Afinestick96:  "Please god its just a rumour. Would be great to have a fully fit squad to hopefully get through Laois/Offaly and then throw everything at Clare or Limerick"
It would. If we are to win a few more games we will need everyone fully fit.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 12821 - 06/06/2024 16:15:00    2549879


Replying To Magpie2:  "I think it's true to say that usually when someone says a player is badly injured and doesn't name the player it's more than likely false. Why is the player nameless? Maybe it is true, but I think the rumour brigade are once again stirring the pot and hoping to cast a shadow over our prospects in the next game or games.
Not blaming the poster. He's only going on what he heard."
To be fair, I seem to remember another poster suggesting in April that Rory had had a setback when trying to come back from injury, not sure if it was the same poster

ElGranSenor (Wexford) - Posts: 311 - 06/06/2024 18:15:28    2549897


Replying To Viking66:  "It all comes down to the clubs. First touch isn't something that players get at minor. We are the only county I know of whose development squads from u14 to u16 only train once a week. They don't start back til after trials in February. The rest all start back at the beginning of January. Even the Wicklow u16s train 3 times a week. The clubs won't let it happen here. Hopefully they will change their minds. It would have to be a benefit to them to have their lads getting better coaching more often. And it's not as if the club u14s or u16s are playing championship hurling between January and June anyway."
We have 6 lads on the U14 county development squad. They were training before school on Wednesday and Saturday mornings with the county development squads. The same chaps were training and playing for the school in both hurling and football. And they were doing two sessions a week with the club, we started back early February.

WEX98 (Wexford) - Posts: 395 - 06/06/2024 18:32:45    2549900


Replying To WEX98:  "We have 6 lads on the U14 county development squad. They were training before school on Wednesday and Saturday mornings with the county development squads. The same chaps were training and playing for the school in both hurling and football. And they were doing two sessions a week with the club, we started back early February."
Collective training on a pitch WEX98? When did the u14s start back? The u16s are only doing 1 collective training session on a pitch a week and didn't have trials til February.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 12821 - 06/06/2024 19:26:43    2549906


Replying To WEX98:  "We have 6 lads on the U14 county development squad. They were training before school on Wednesday and Saturday mornings with the county development squads. The same chaps were training and playing for the school in both hurling and football. And they were doing two sessions a week with the club, we started back early February."
Sounds promising. Isn't there organised gym sessions happening in schools now too.

WEXILE (Wexford) - Posts: 291 - 06/06/2024 19:53:08    2549913


Replying To wexfordwin:  "Hearing news of a pretty significant injury in the panel that has one of our main players out for the year unfortunately. You'd wonder do we have any luck. Dublin could easily win a Leinster title playing a weakened Kilkenny team minus Donnelly and Carey."
It's there for Dublin at the weekend, they will never have a better chance to beat Kilkenny and win a Leinster title.

But Kilkenny being Kilkenny, Dublin will have to hurl out of their skins for 75mins to beat them as Galway found out the hard way last year.

Past hurler (None) - Posts: 770 - 06/06/2024 23:03:50    2549929


Any more on this rumour of an injury

hunting (Wexford) - Posts: 1012 - 07/06/2024 11:09:22    2549968


Replying To Viking66:  "It's not negative to ask how things might be improved. We need to improve. But some of your posts are definitely of the non constructive criticism variety!"
Where? How? Wanting to raise standards and have more success, and backing them up with suggestions is hardly "non constructive criticism"?
Or what posts fit this description? I never come on here kicking teams when they are down, I know what teams put in to these.
My main point always is its fair to say "a player did his best" but it is equally fair to ask "was he given the best coaching and opportunities to be the best he can be"? Are the structures the best they can be? Is every club doing the best they can do? Are we providing clubs and teams with opportunities to be the best they can be? Is the club setup the best it can be?
Where the answer is no, it is not being negative to ask why.

ExiledInWex (Dublin) - Posts: 1201 - 07/06/2024 12:23:58    2549982
