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I agree with you 100% to me it looked like Trump set it all up he loves to belittle people especially when he has the TV cameras there i have several friends and relatives in the USA and speak with them regularly it hard to believe how popular he is they believe that he will make the USA great again
minor77 (Galway) - Posts: 259 - 28/02/2025 22:05:47 2593820 Link 0 |
I thought it was a bit rich when Vance started lecturing Zelensky on diplomacy. Pots, kettles and black came to mind. But, it must be said, we do live in interesting times.
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1450 - 28/02/2025 22:07:50 2593823 Link 0 |
Sounds like a press release from the DUP office.
tireoghainabu (Tyrone) - Posts: 366 - 28/02/2025 22:08:49 2593824 Link 0 |
1916? What's your view on the 6 counties being occupied? I know, it's a case of " I'm alright Jack "
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2247 - 28/02/2025 22:09:11 2593825 Link 0 |
Never was a fan of Trump and can't stand Americans but it's foot down time. Pity Ireland couldn't grow a backbone. Look after our own first.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2247 - 28/02/2025 22:11:47 2593827 Link 2 |
Very little outcry in Ireland at that time?? It resulted in a civil war ffs. All these Putin apologists make me laugh. You think Putin or his successor in the future will stop at Ukraine? No chance. Give these lads na inch and they will take a mile. Reminds of of apologists for Nazi Germany.. Europe will now accelerate defence spending massively and Ireland will have to play its part. yew_tree (Mayo) - Posts: 11469 - 28/02/2025 22:51:53 2593836 Link 0 |
They're no backbone in Trump. He's a jelly baby. He's scared to death of Putin.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14974 - 01/03/2025 07:48:56 2593856 Link 0 |
If you had read my post I said very little outcry from the people of the 26 when there was a deal done. Ukraine has had enough handouts, if they want more they need to put up something in return. Then again soft Europe and Ireland will cough up. Fools.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2247 - 01/03/2025 07:56:17 2593857 Link 0 |
Seriously? A civil war with more bloodshed than the war of independence which we still carry the scars of. In dail eireann the treaty passed by a majority of only 7. That cannot be a serious post. Doylerwex (Wexford) - Posts: 3411 - 01/03/2025 08:15:13 2593859 Link 0 |
Is Crimea and the Donbas another version of the 6 counties being ruled by a foreign empire, can you not see your not happy with the British ruling you just as the Ukrainians want Russia out of their country. The Russians are only getting started with Ukraine, already have their own man installed in Georgia, were all over social media in Moldova spreading lies and disinformation in a recent election trying to get a pro Russian elected and the 3 Baltic states are constantly under seige from them. As Zelensky said if the Russians get there way there it's only a matter of time before they come for the US but that won't bother Trump, he'll be long gone by then.
updwell (Limerick) - Posts: 880 - 01/03/2025 09:45:33 2593869 Link 0 |
With the way the rest of the country is going you are probably better off the way you are.
Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2172 - 01/03/2025 09:47:14 2593870 Link 1 |
100%, should have kept his beak out of it.
Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2172 - 01/03/2025 09:49:44 2593871 Link 1 |
It took the president & Vice president to shout down Preident Zelenskyy, Mr T called it good tv. President Zelenskyy was put into a no win situation. A verbal spat imo means they have to start from scratch again. supersub15 (Carlow) - Posts: 3124 - 01/03/2025 12:20:00 2593885 Link 0 |
So Trump believes Canada should become the 51st US state, the Gulf of Mexico should become the Gulf of America, and America should take control of Greenland and the Panama Canal. He pressed Zelenskyy to to agree an initially extortionate mineral- sharing deal and called him a dictator. The US following Trump's leadership recently sided with Russia, China and North Korea against historical European and UN allies. If we think Trump is bad Vance is even more dangerous and may well become the next US president. The lunatics have taken over the asylum. letsgetgoing (Roscommon) - Posts: 679 - 01/03/2025 13:38:39 2593893 Link 0 |
'Insolent pig' diplomacy attributed to Medvedev comment, is more to Trump and Vance 'taste' for some bizarre reason.
Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3985 - 01/03/2025 13:53:21 2593895 Link 0 |
Total BS.Russiaphobia on speed. Russia atm is engaged in a war where they have felt under existential threat from NATO's expansion east over the past 30 years. Of course Ukrainia is feeling the existential threat now too due to listening to the gung-ho attitude of the likes of Boris Johnson who urged them to fight on and win when they had a good deal on the table 3 years ago in Istanbul. They are going to pay the price now for listening to that eejit and turning it down. This war has weakened Russia considerably. Their resources have been so stretched that they wont be in a position to wage another war for another generation even if they wanted to. The Baltic states are out of the Russian spere of influence forever more (as is Poland and all other countries that are already in NATO. To try and invade any of those countries would bring the combined might of NATO onto Russia and the certainty of nuclear war in WW3 . Russia would be turned into a wasteland (as would much of the West on the other side). Whatever anyone may think about Putin, he is a rational human being and is no fool. He is not ever going to pick a fight with NATO as there would be no winners. But be absolutely certain that if the Europe and the US hardened their resolve to impose a humiliating defeat on Russia and drive them out of Ukraine completely, Russia would use nuclear weapons and WW3 would be upon us very soon. From their pov it is that existential also. I hate Trump for what he is doing in Gaza but he is right (if for the wrong reasons) on Ukraine.
PoolSturgeon (Galway) - Posts: 1983 - 01/03/2025 14:08:52 2593899 Link 3 |
Makes sense, when you look at it that way PS. It's remarkable and unfortunate that Ukraine is so pro europen, and Russia is too backward to let them off. It's a pity Russia can't countenance embracing democracy, and dropping the auld Kgb connections and antiwestern doctrine. I saw chess legend Gary Kasparov on the news saying that in Russia from kindergarten to adulthood right now, the only thing that's taught is war war war. Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3985 - 01/03/2025 14:56:59 2593903 Link 1 |
The people online trying to say Zelensky was wrong need their head . TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8273 - 01/03/2025 17:06:57 2593924 Link 0 |
And there lies the problem, you get 1 chance to make a first impression. If you were on your way to a crucial business meeting or a do or die meeting with your bank manager you'd make an effort and dress up. Zelensky rocked up as if he hadn't a care in the world.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2247 - 01/03/2025 17:23:13 2593927 Link 1 |
You're obsessed with the suit and tie. It wasn't a first impression anyway, he's met all them boys before, except maybe Musk, and he doesn't dress up either.
Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3985 - 01/03/2025 17:34:52 2593929 Link 0 |