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Westmeath Football thread

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Replying To iarmhiabu:  "Wait I thought St Loman's had the junior already won?? Kinnegad so close to shocking The Downs. The Downs got home by the width of their whiskers. Niall Mitchell was non existent but it shows they can win games without him too. I fancy them to beat St Loman's in the final."
Downs a poorer team compared 2 years ago.
Lucky to beat Athlone and Kinnegad two poor teams.
Wont get in asses roar of Lomans

lakecounty90 (Westmeath) - Posts: 105 - 29/09/2024 12:33:05    2572335


Hearing today that there was a bit of controversy in ballynacarrigy yesterday in the junior 2 match between delvin and garrycastle. Everybody in the park and the scoreboard had a draw game but the ref announced delvin won by a point. Anybody know anything more of this?

Tailteannchamps (Westmeath) - Posts: 31 - 29/09/2024 13:12:12    2572339


Replying To LoughLeneKing:  "
Replying To Highball_Lowball:  "[quote=LoughLeneKing:  "[quote=Highball_Lowball:  "Good post there CleanShoulder.

Unfortunately I think the result of this appeal will be to the detriment of juvenile footballers in the years ahead. The second teams are entered into the lower divisions to give games to players who train just as hard as everyone else in the panel but due to the competitive nature of championships higher up the divisions might not get rewarded with as much game time as the first 15. We will probably be looking at 15-17 subs togging out next year for some of these clubs and that only leads to one thing at these age grades, player drop out.

Also I must defend the minor board on this one, I believe they attended the hearing and tried to fight the appeal but ultimately were informed that the appeal had succeeded. It is a slap in the face for them after their efforts over the last number of years to grow player numbers. I guess the club who appealed were able to use the influence of their members on the county board to get the game they lost fairly and squarely replayed. Don't get me wrong if a club plays a named player in their second team they should be punished, as happened to a rather large club last year, but this is not the case here. Its not very sporting and I know many of the members of the appealing club are unhappy with the unsporting nature of the appeal.

Anyway, not much can be done about it at this stage. I agree with the previous poster "Ludicrous stuff" is appropriate."
Did you say the county board attended an appeal and tried to "fight it"? Fight an appeal where they broke the rules.... and as indicated in other comments they were made aware of this situation before hand and still continued with the rule breaking??? ... now that's very concerning happenings.... the most important thing here is the integrity of the game and this was obviously compromised greatly in this case....
Will sanctions be imposed on the perpetrators?"
I believe the Minor Board fought to defend their approach at the appeal hearing and outlined the consequences of postponements, rescheduling of games and changes to fixtures which we are now faced with. We may now be looking at games running to early to late December for a number of age grades. Who do you see as the perpetrators here? No team has played any players from the named 15 on their second team. I don't know whether or not the minor board were aware of the situation beforehand as mentioned above, so can't vouch for that info but the fact that a club appealed on these grounds in the first instance is ludicrous in my opinion."]The only perpetrator in this case is the party that broke the rule. And that's The Minor Board. That's not my opinion, that's a fact.
If a club broke the rules both chair and secretary would be hit with a ban... whether it was an oversight or not. If they knowingly done it, then they're positions are also untenable, and it's as simple as that.
We all have an opinion on this... but the rules are the rules and consequences are the consequences. You have to be accountable for your decisions and actions, especially if you are in these positions of authority.
If a rule is passed for next years championship that all players must wear pink boots with yellow dots, then they must all wear them whether you me or anyone else likes it or not. As I said.... rules are rules and abiding by them is what keeps us all in line!!! It's the same in every walk of life, not just sport."]"If a rule is passed for next years championship that all players must wear pink boots with yellow dots, then they must all wear them whether you me or anyone else likes it or not"

If this stipulation did exist for next years championship, I would be absolutely mortified if someone from my club affected all underage championships by lodging an appeal in September calling for replays and stretching out of games until December because everyone failed to wear pink boots with yellow spots. Anything the club achieved after that would be somewhat tainted by this behaviour. But I guess we're all different and I wouldn't expect everyone to have the same view on sportsmanship as I have.

Also, you mention that the Minor boards positions are untenable. Give us a break.........

Highball_Lowball (Westmeath) - Posts: 4 - 29/09/2024 13:33:47    2572342


That's a lot of poor teams in the knockout stages of a championship. You must enjoy going to the matches!

Claretandblue (Westmeath) - Posts: 1834 - 29/09/2024 14:04:20    2572344


Replying To Tailteannchamps:  "Hearing today that there was a bit of controversy in ballynacarrigy yesterday in the junior 2 match between delvin and garrycastle. Everybody in the park and the scoreboard had a draw game but the ref announced delvin won by a point. Anybody know anything more of this?"
Heard the same team, even the Delvin bench had a draw but will Garrycastle bother appealing ?

Bluelake (Westmeath) - Posts: 120 - 29/09/2024 15:09:20    2572352
