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So you'd have no issue with being publicly slandered live with no evidence produced and no right of reply?
Claretandblue (Westmeath) - Posts: 2058 - 12/03/2025 16:08:14 2596108 Link 2 |
Maybe you sre right butt I don't think k intention was slander they are passionate westmeath hrulign and someone it wrong ok I get issue with that but a lot what say comes for good of westmeath hurling do you not agree? Do you think k westmeath hurling underage structure has no issues? Gaaforlife2023 (Longford) - Posts: 637 - 12/03/2025 17:12:53 2596120 Link 1 |
This definitely won't help ticket sales for the fundraiser. A lot of very valid points were made on it and the guests only want Westmeath to success. A very bad decision to take this episode down!!
Matthew (None) - Posts: 1058 - 12/03/2025 17:40:19 2596128 Link 0 |
I Thought some of it was fair but some of it was personal. One of the panel was making comments about an individual not knowing his name and suggesting that he shouldn't be in the job because he wasn't from Westmeath. Came across as petty in my opinion. At least 3 people were named and criticised at different points and I don't know what they think any of this is doing for the efforts to raise money for the centre of excellence. Cutting off your nose to spite your face ! Jack_Sparrow (Westmeath) - Posts: 1034 - 12/03/2025 17:54:14 2596129 Link 1 |
The podcast from the other night does not appear on the westmeath YouTube page for some reason buts it's still on my Youtube history page where I viewed it and still plays there now .it has over 843views at this stage preddan (Kildare) - Posts: 782 - 12/03/2025 19:14:36 2596135 Link 0 |
Yes he is doing great work. Let's give the young lads credit for beating a Kilkenny team. Posters on here with agendas. Just give credit where it's due and we might be further on as a county.
Danup (Westmeath) - Posts: 67 - 12/03/2025 21:12:12 2596153 Link 2 |
It probably was just made unlisted rather than deleted. Just as a general observation. This is an official Westmeath GAA podcast promoted on westmeathgaa.ie and social media. So it's not truly meant to be "independent". You can imagine there has to be a level of editorial preference from the county board as they deemed necessary. This isn't a soapbox or hoganstand where you can say what you like (within reason). I heard the episode after the Laois game, and Pat was livid. Regardless that I agreed with plenty of what was being said, I still couldn't believe it was published and promoted through official channels. It just seems odd to allow that level of criticism. He then wasn't back for episodes iirc. Missed the most recent one. Now you have a bit of the Streisand effect, the more you try to hide it (latest ep), the more the conversation becomes amplified. To see everything play out like this, I just find the whole thing embarrassing as a Westmeath gael. You have to feel for the lads on the panel who have to watch all of the nonsense unfold. gedupoutofit (Westmeath) - Posts: 178 - 12/03/2025 21:47:50 2596157 Link 0 |
Agree with u on that obrieb and and some underage coaches westkeath and clubs do great qork
Gaaforlife2023 (Longford) - Posts: 637 - 13/03/2025 09:41:01 2596191 Link 0 |
Ridiculous to try take down it amplifies a lot points fair analysis ok maybe once twice could have reign it a bit in but can see where they are coming from for better of westmeath hurling glaring over it or issue won't help
Gaaforlife2023 (Longford) - Posts: 637 - 13/03/2025 09:44:47 2596192 Link 0 |
Some it will help understand why the need do ubthink travelling Dublin regularly helps that's fair point make .
Gaaforlife2023 (Longford) - Posts: 637 - 13/03/2025 09:46:53 2596194 Link 0 |
It achieved what it set out to do.
jobber (Westmeath) - Posts: 1653 - 13/03/2025 09:51:20 2596195 Link 1 |
Doesn't live in Dublin so no difference regarding travel to anyone else so not a fair point.
Jack_Sparrow (Westmeath) - Posts: 1034 - 13/03/2025 10:06:33 2596200 Link 0 |
The podcast goes out on official Westmeath GAA the biggest critic, the father of 2 players. Where did he get his info from? jobber (Westmeath) - Posts: 1653 - 13/03/2025 10:44:00 2596213 Link 4 |
Lads throwing rocks in a glass house of their own creation. The Deckies were eyeing promotion and prepping for the championship. We were already swirling down the toilet even before a ball was pucked in anger in this one. Waterford were moonwalking through the backline and once the first two goals went in and Cunningham's effort didn't, there was no resurrecting them. Psychologically or physically, whatever the problem was, the fight wasn't there. The malaise was there from the very first goal. Lads in midfield not tracking runners, others standing around hands on hips and watching the Deckies waltzing through and not even attempting to run after them. That's nothing to do with fitness, that's just lads going AWOL and already mentally picturing having a feed after the game. No way someone's gassed after the opening 10 minutes. There's junior players after a feed of pints on a Saturday who'd last as long as that, never mind a fellah whose playing at intercounty level. I don't know the internals of what's going on between the management and the players, but just rolling over like that and saying the managers to blame ain't solving anything. As Jobber says lads parachuting into the team as and when they like, that's the kind of attitude that will fast see us relegated to Christy Ring. RadioactiveTan (UK) - Posts: 29 - 13/03/2025 17:47:41 2596284 Link 0 |
We are the talk of the Country. Unbelievable how the Waterford result described as a new low. Bury the head in the sand and let's hope it goes away.... That's the strategy
Onionbagger (Westmeath) - Posts: 95 - 13/03/2025 19:37:40 2596294 Link 0 |
I think what was said on the podcast was spot on and shouldn't have been took down. Time for the county board to face up to the fact the appointment was the wrong one and the numerous club delegates who were against it were in fact right. Dheen (Westmeath) - Posts: 1009 - 13/03/2025 22:51:55 2596306 Link 0 |
First I was in Cusack on Sunday and saw the display of OUR team in a 31 point defeat to the lowest ranked team in the Munster championship. jobber (Westmeath) - Posts: 1653 - 14/03/2025 07:41:40 2596314 Link 0 |
The most contentious comments on the podcast were nothing to do with the hurling management. The county board is liable for what's said on the podcast yet individuals think they can name people and say what they like about them which isn't necessarily the case.
Jack_Sparrow (Westmeath) - Posts: 1034 - 14/03/2025 10:23:24 2596331 Link 0 |