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Galway Football thread

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I can definitely see Galway make few changes on starting team flaherty in goal with the wind. Could be a good move also I'd rest conroy and put a runner out there with Maher if Hernon fit it could suit him he better direct runner does not kick ball much but great energy which be vital in these conditions

Kickitout (Galway) - Posts: 1012 - 23/02/2025 14:19:55    2592596


Good win but wouldn't be judging either team off that kind of game with a storm blowing. Work rate was really good and there was obviously a difference in two point shooting. Good for Conroy to get the day off.

galway19 (Galway) - Posts: 827 - 23/02/2025 18:17:55    2592680


Most pleasing was our workmate today, everyone put in a huge shift..
D'Arcy continues to make very sloppy mistakes but all in all I'm well pleased..
Donegal, were poor enough but have a few missing..
Good to get to see Flaherty, very comfortable on the ball..

Belclare7 (Galway) - Posts: 188 - 23/02/2025 19:27:59    2592715


Replying To Belclare7:  "Most pleasing was our workmate today, everyone put in a huge shift..
D'Arcy continues to make very sloppy mistakes but all in all I'm well pleased..
Donegal, were poor enough but have a few missing..
Good to get to see Flaherty, very comfortable on the ball.."
I agree about Darcy and you could also include Fitzgerald, at times they just handpassed the ball to know one or a Donegal man. I like both though

Jellybaby (Dublin) - Posts: 359 - 23/02/2025 20:17:42    2592732


Walking out of match 2 day in the wet and wind my thoughts turned to the thousands who walked down jones road in July only die hard there 2 day and in reality most days Galway prib have 3-4 thousand real supporters but when it comes to July the band wagon supporters come out majority who were at all Ireland prib not go 2 Galway games before that

Kickitout (Galway) - Posts: 1012 - 23/02/2025 20:46:19    2592748


Replying To Jellybaby:  "I agree about Darcy and you could also include Fitzgerald, at times they just handpassed the ball to know one or a Donegal man. I like both though"
Can we agree also that D'Arcy has to shave off that ridiculous fanny tickler!?

Belclare7 (Galway) - Posts: 188 - 23/02/2025 21:07:58    2592753


Replying To Kickitout:  "Walking out of match 2 day in the wet and wind my thoughts turned to the thousands who walked down jones road in July only die hard there 2 day and in reality most days Galway prib have 3-4 thousand real supporters but when it comes to July the band wagon supporters come out majority who were at all Ireland prib not go 2 Galway games before that"
Galway are the highest definition of sunshine supporters.

However numbers should swell before July this season. They look team to beat. Must have a chance for fans to outnumber Mayo supporters in Connacht match for once.

shaggykev (Donegal) - Posts: 289 - 23/02/2025 21:17:54    2592759


Replying To Kickitout:  "Walking out of match 2 day in the wet and wind my thoughts turned to the thousands who walked down jones road in July only die hard there 2 day and in reality most days Galway prib have 3-4 thousand real supporters but when it comes to July the band wagon supporters come out majority who were at all Ireland prib not go 2 Galway games before that"
Today's match didn't matter, and was played in ridiculous conditions. Matches from April onwards in both codes DO MATTER. This is a factor that you might need to consider?

Since the interounty hurling and football seasons have both gotten crammed into a January-July timeframe, I'd say there's less appetite in the more discerning fan to attend NFL or NHL games, which essentially amount to 'preseason' games imo in the new format, with the REAL STUFF in both codes just a few weeks away in April. See you in April!!

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3985 - 23/02/2025 21:55:18    2592778


Replying To shaggykev:  "Galway are the highest definition of sunshine supporters.

However numbers should swell before July this season. They look team to beat. Must have a chance for fans to outnumber Mayo supporters in Connacht match for once."
are you a bit sore shaggy?

cavan.galway (Galway) - Posts: 222 - 23/02/2025 21:55:47    2592779


Unfortunately no hope of that we be lucky outnumber Ross in. Connaught semi final on Easter weekend in Galway definitely one of the worse supported team in Ireland

Kickitout (Galway) - Posts: 1012 - 23/02/2025 22:07:51    2592787


A good win, but very difficult to assess too much from a game like that. There won't be any big games later this year played in conditions like that. We're definitely making good use of the 2-pointer.
Showed great resolve in the second half to keep Donegal at bay, 2 men down for 20 minutes of the 2nd half, and a man down for the rest of it, against the gale.
Just on the red card. I appreciate that the ref and linesman have no access to replays, but in my opinion they got it wrong. They were erring in the side of caution and I know there's a strong dictat to stamp out head high challenges.
It was neither high nor was there any contact to the head. Tierney didn't raise his elbow, and his hit was shoulder height. McFadden dipped a bit and turned his back slightly as the hit came in. It him on the back of his shoulder and upper back. The only contact to his head came from the little slap he got when Maher was reaching in to dispossess him straight after.
I don't think McFadden would have even gone down I'd it wasn't for that.

WanPintWin (Galway) - Posts: 2242 - 23/02/2025 22:17:50    2592792


Happy enough but well aware it's only February.
I think the Dubs in Croker will be a good gauge on how we're motoring. The one thing with the new rules is how many threats have we when we attack. Walsh, McHugh, McDaid, Conroy, Kelly, Comer when fit are a threat. Not seeing enough of that from Finnerty, Tierney, Sweeney, O'Curraoin. Maher is doing a different job and Silke a marker. I do think Hernon can break the line and too early to call it on O'Neill.
As we saw last year, Walsh will be tied up every now and then so someone else will have to step up.

smallfrank (Galway) - Posts: 456 - 23/02/2025 22:29:25    2592794


Replying To Kickitout:  "Walking out of match 2 day in the wet and wind my thoughts turned to the thousands who walked down jones road in July only die hard there 2 day and in reality most days Galway prib have 3-4 thousand real supporters but when it comes to July the band wagon supporters come out majority who were at all Ireland prib not go 2 Galway games before that"
You literally never have anything good to say. Every county is the same bar a couple you'll always have people on the bandwagon when teams are going well. Your the most negative person I've ever seen

Flemenstar200 (Galway) - Posts: 73 - 23/02/2025 22:32:43    2592795


Solid win for Galway with the contest won long before half time in no small thanks to the Salthill wind and this Galways side ability to hit two pointers. Tierney red was a error, yellow at most and the first black was a yellow card offense also.

In the box seat to reach the league final now flying out to New York with the NFL won would be a big boost.

Drax_the_destroyer (UK) - Posts: 320 - 23/02/2025 22:51:06    2592800


Replying To Kickitout:  "Unfortunately no hope of that we be lucky outnumber Ross in. Connaught semi final on Easter weekend in Galway definitely one of the worse supported team in Ireland"
Some of the best moaners on here, yourself included!

Crashingwaves (Galway) - Posts: 90 - 24/02/2025 07:59:01    2592817


Sean Kelly carried a lot of ball in second half against the wind. As did Liam Silke and Dylan McHugh. As good a half back line as what's out there. Very impressed with Shane's work rate in second half and is best point shooter in country.
Playing the Dubs in Croker in three weeks a good game to get. Important we beat either one of Kerry or Dublin to keep momentum going.

hopballref (Galway) - Posts: 424 - 24/02/2025 08:34:32    2592821


Replying To Crashingwaves:  "Some of the best moaners on here, yourself included!"
He is unreal. He prob right in saying Galway are short scoring forwards but the man literally has nothing good to say. Lighten up a bit man life is too short to be always so negative

Flemenstar200 (Galway) - Posts: 73 - 24/02/2025 09:35:36    2592831


Will Joyce give Shane Walsh and Sean Kelly a rest ? No point flogging them now that Galway are safe

Kew (Galway) - Posts: 139 - 24/02/2025 10:13:15    2592838


Congrats to PJ and the lads for securing division 1 status, it's a big deal
in the context of the pile of counties who are scrapping it out for survival.
Great to see 2 keepers used yesterday also, brilliant game management.
2 of the cards were very tough but we coped very well. When you look at the competition in div. 2,
its not the place you need to be.
Gaillimh Abu

suckvalleypaddy (Galway) - Posts: 1710 - 24/02/2025 10:23:09    2592843


Replying To smallfrank:  "Happy enough but well aware it's only February.
I think the Dubs in Croker will be a good gauge on how we're motoring. The one thing with the new rules is how many threats have we when we attack. Walsh, McHugh, McDaid, Conroy, Kelly, Comer when fit are a threat. Not seeing enough of that from Finnerty, Tierney, Sweeney, O'Curraoin. Maher is doing a different job and Silke a marker. I do think Hernon can break the line and too early to call it on O'Neill.
As we saw last year, Walsh will be tied up every now and then so someone else will have to step up."
Comer has been finished for years. Last played a good game in croker against Derry in 2022???

MinorChamp_09 (Galway) - Posts: 10 - 24/02/2025 10:32:35    2592848
