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Galway Football thread

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Comhghairdeas mór daoibh, I said in the Donegal topic that I didn't see anyone beating Galway outside of a Kerry or Dublin and even that would be a close run thing. Serious outfit especially with everyone fit and surely the manner of that yesterday will give even more belief to the lads who had to come in for Kelly, Walsh, Finnerty, Tierney. Comer not even firing at his absolute best either

your defence is fantastic. Hopefully the two weeks does a lot for Kelly and Walsh especially, wonderful players

Good luck for the semi final (but not too much luck if it ends up being against us!)

CCFabu (Donegal) - Posts: 139 - 30/06/2024 10:53:36    2555894


Replying To PoolSturgeon:  "50/50 surely? It's either the winners of the Donegal game or the Kerry game."
I reckon it's Donegal for definite if they win regardless of result in 2nd game

anotheralias (Galway) - Posts: 978 - 30/06/2024 11:03:20    2555898


Where's Fallenstar?

Belclare7 (Galway) - Posts: 200 - 30/06/2024 11:06:16    2555899


Have all the snipers returned to the long grass. You know the ones, that have berated the management, players, tactics all year

eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 2041 - 30/06/2024 11:31:32    2555904


Well done yesterday. Unbelievable performance and your players showed serious heart to battle back in second half. Hopefully ye go all the way this year and your injuries aren't to serious.

dave1988 (Roscommon) - Posts: 1201 - 30/06/2024 11:52:24    2555905


Replying To Shamrocks95:  "The delusion is strong with this one. Where do I start. Give Tomo a start - he has done absolutely nothing the last few years to warrant his place in the panel, nevermind the starting 15. Shane has been terrible since the AI with the exception of about two games recently. And on Damo, he has in fairness never let Galway down but throwing him on against the Dubs half injured in Croke Park - what do we expect. As for the free shot & no pressure rubbish - we are supposed to be have a proud footballing history- Joyce has now been in there for 5 years, we were in an AI two years ago but now its just about having a crack and sure if we lose, so be it? Absolutely pathetic stuff."
How do ye feel about Tomo today? Great player

maroondiesel (Mayo) - Posts: 1223 - 30/06/2024 12:00:48    2555908


Great win.hope to God ye win it, for nothing else but Walsh deserves a medal.surely one of the greatest ever. Definitely the classiest.

Overthebar53 (Carlow) - Posts: 322 - 30/06/2024 12:09:55    2555911


Replying To breffnibluewhite:  "i hope they dont they have played great football but the game really needs new counties to step up and win sam and not have kerry and dublin dominating football better if dublin would disappear for a few years and maybe have new leinister champions and generate a bith of interest in the game"
Forget Sam. Leinster championship needs different winners. Even serious contenders would be a start. Dublin have won 19 of last 20. Even the boat race has more intrigue.

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 4019 - 30/06/2024 12:44:48    2555918


Replying To smallfrank:  "Needs to be said.
Dubs around me in Croker at the final whistle shaking all the Galway people's hands and wishing them well. Absolute class. They've had the best 15 years any county has ever had and reacted the right way, players and supporters.
Then the Irish Rail worker at Drumcondra Station announcing "All Galway Supporters to the back of the queue" and everyone roared laughing. Brilliant"
Yeah I found the same yesterday. The Dubs were very gracious in defeat. Going out of their way to shake hands, say Galway were the better team, wishing us well.

jam83 (Galway) - Posts: 187 - 30/06/2024 13:54:18    2555934


Replying To anotheralias:  "I reckon it's Donegal for definite if they win regardless of result in 2nd game"
Yes that's spot on. If Donegal win, then it's Galway v Donegal and Armagh play Kerry/Derry

conordee (Galway) - Posts: 451 - 30/06/2024 14:26:19    2555941


Replying To eoinog:  "Have all the snipers returned to the long grass. You know the ones, that have berated the management, players, tactics all year"
They have won nothing yet

Kew (Galway) - Posts: 139 - 30/06/2024 14:54:16    2555948


Replying To Kew:  "They have won nothing yet"
They won the Connacht title

Jack L (None) - Posts: 3149 - 30/06/2024 15:05:10    2555951


Makes for a very interesting semi final against Donegal. 1-23 scores from 30 shots was impressive from Donegal and 1-12 from play alone 2nd half but can be got at defensively as not only did Louth score 0-18 they had opportunities to score a lot more but were a tried team 2nd half.

Drax_the_destroyer (UK) - Posts: 324 - 30/06/2024 15:48:06    2555963


Replying To Gaaforlife2023:  "Chance but don't forget kerry left in it still for now they get through tomorrow I have them favourites ahead Galway"
Kerry scarey alright.

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 4019 - 30/06/2024 15:57:33    2555968


Should be a great battle vs Donegal. Hopefully Galway have all their lads back healthy in 2 weeks.

Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2413 - 30/06/2024 16:13:29    2555975


I need to correct myself. Watched the game back and our defense was magnificent, to say the least. I lost count of the number of Dublin attacks they turned over. By the end of the 3rd quarter they began to pick up the speed of the counterattack which has been a bit of an issue all year and by the end of the game were flying. Much more like the kind of football you'd expect to see from a team led by Joyce. The number of injuries and lads on the turf in the last quarter was a little worrying but given the nature of the game that might have just been cramps and the amount of games played over the last 30 days catching up. The two weeks break will be well used I'm sure!

Finally, really lovely to see all the old Dublin fans who've been posting on this site for years come on to say well done. Fair play all.

Still buzzin'.

festinog (Galway) - Posts: 3143 - 30/06/2024 17:07:01    2555994


outstanding result yesterday with a powerful second half performance..
i did say we had a chance and if we get a performance then who knows but i must say to all involved
when the game was there to be won we went out and won it and many congratulations..
i was one very proud galway supporter leaving croke park yesterday..

now lets just hope the injuries can clear up in time..i felt so sorry for kelly the poor lad must be heartbroken
but please god he'll be ok along with walsh..this stage of the competition we need everybody available
so lets hope all will be ok..

looking ahead to the Donegal game its gonna be a very tough game but like yesterday all we can ask
for is too put in a performance and leave everything out on the pitch..after that what will be will be..

i plead with every man woman and child with maroon gaa blood in them to get up too croker in two weeks time
and help drive on the lads on..believe me it does make a difference..
lets turn croker into maroon and white..
congrats again to all yesterday..
see ye all in two weeks..
Gaillimh abu

gbay (Galway) - Posts: 264 - 30/06/2024 18:06:50    2556014


Replying To gbay:  "outstanding result yesterday with a powerful second half performance..
i did say we had a chance and if we get a performance then who knows but i must say to all involved
when the game was there to be won we went out and won it and many congratulations..
i was one very proud galway supporter leaving croke park yesterday..

now lets just hope the injuries can clear up in time..i felt so sorry for kelly the poor lad must be heartbroken
but please god he'll be ok along with walsh..this stage of the competition we need everybody available
so lets hope all will be ok..

looking ahead to the Donegal game its gonna be a very tough game but like yesterday all we can ask
for is too put in a performance and leave everything out on the pitch..after that what will be will be..

i plead with every man woman and child with maroon gaa blood in them to get up too croker in two weeks time
and help drive on the lads on..believe me it does make a difference..
lets turn croker into maroon and white..
congrats again to all yesterday..
see ye all in two weeks..
Gaillimh abu"
I would think the support will be massive for the semi final. Beating the greatest team of all time has caught the attention of even the casuals.

kiloughter (Galway) - Posts: 1973 - 30/06/2024 18:42:52    2556019


Replying To kiloughter:  "I would think the support will be massive for the semi final. Beating the greatest team of all time has caught the attention of even the casuals."
There are men on two walking sticks that'll be going to the Semi Final after that inspirational win over the Dubs! Agreed, there'll be a massive Galway crowd there. These warriors of men we have in the beloved maroon and white deserve massive support, and they're going to get it.

togoutlads (Galway) - Posts: 1027 - 30/06/2024 20:35:45    2556052


Replying To kiloughter:  "I would think the support will be massive for the semi final. Beating the greatest team of all time has caught the attention of even the casuals."
You needn't worry the event goers will be out in force, hoovering up all the prime tickets from here on in! G.A.A. event managers are not concerned about supporter clowns who pay a few €'s every weekend, the next couple of games are for those who matter.

backtooldwall (Galway) - Posts: 140 - 30/06/2024 20:37:17    2556053
