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Intermediate Hurling Championship 2018

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Replying To Selwyn:  "Wolfe Tones hurling in dire straits this year"
why ?
please explain

gardentree (Meath) - Posts: 194 - 11/09/2018 15:51:04    2141046


Replying To Ratoath Royal:  "They were not better than us. We had around 20 wides when we bet them by 2 in the semi final. Should have won by double figures like we did in the final (compare Na Fianna's result against the same opposition last season).
They haven't been good enough in the last few years, it hasn't had anything to do with a mental block."
ye are not to bad when your intercounty footballers are let play !!

gardentree (Meath) - Posts: 194 - 11/09/2018 15:54:00    2141047


Replying To gardentree:  "why ?
please explain"
I think/hope it was irony, a lot of clubs would love to have thread stated up( albeit by a disgruntled ex selector )about their imminent demise if it meant them getting to a semi final of the c/ship . Tho from what I hear the Tones will do well to get by Na Fianna as they will be missing the suspended Brian Meade along with the injured Eoin Harrington and Caolach Halligan . Will be very tough to compete with a very talented Na Fianna team, but i'm sure they will give it their all. Kells and Na FIanna to reach the final with the Baconstown/Enfield combo to prevail and return to the senior ranks

Footnote (Meath) - Posts: 66 - 11/09/2018 20:30:25    2141089


Replying To gardentree:  "why ?
please explain"
Looks like I caught a big one!

It was a joke...

Selwyn (Meath) - Posts: 378 - 12/09/2018 07:31:02    2141145


Well done Na Fianna for making the Leinster final.

Ratoath Royal (Meath) - Posts: 1363 - 17/11/2018 21:56:26    2151423


Well done indeed to Na Fianna, the old never say die attitude is still there rumbling under the surface in Meath. They saw out a real slog. Their subs were extremely influential and it was sub Shane Walsh that decided the game. They are in bonus territory now.

MillerX (Meath) - Posts: 1070 - 18/11/2018 12:41:15    2151454
