Watch: Clifford's class shines through again

March 20, 2022

Kerry's David Clifford with Joe O'Connor. ©INPHO/Philip Magowan.

Already assured of a place in the final, David Clifford's second-half goal ultimately proved the difference as Kerry beat Armagh 1-13 to 0-13 at the Athletic Grounds to maintain their winning run in the Allianz Football League campaign.

Clifford scored 1-2 following his introduction as a half-time substitute with Stephen O'Brien creating the goal, picking out the Fossa star with a precise foot-pass for him to finish with precision past goalkeeper Ethan Rafferty.

That left the Kingdom six points clear (1-9 to 0-6) as Rian O’Neill, Rory Grugan, Jarly Og Burns and Greg McCabe responded with points for Armagh but they had no answer to the class of Clifford.

Played in front of a packed crowd of 11,314 in the Cathedral City this afternoon, Kerry led by double scores at the break - 0-8 to 0-4 - and the Kingdom had Jack Savage black carded before the interval.

Elsewhere, in Division 1, Dublin boosted their hopes of survival by picking up their second win on the trot, beating Donegal 2-15 to 2-11 at Croke Park.

Having lost their first four matches, the Dubs benefited from Dean Rock's 1-5 contribution, including a 68th minute penalty.

They were 1-8 to 1-5 ahead at half-time after Niall Scully had cancelled out Paddy McBrearty's early goal for Donegal.

Monaghan - who are now rooted to the bottom of the table - will welcome Dublin to Clones next weekend for a do-or-die relegation battle.

The Farney County were outclassed by Glenn Ryan's ever improving Kildare side at Newbridge, 0-24 to 1-12.

With Daniel Flynn missing out through injury, Kildare's impressive full-forward line of Paddy Woodgate, Darragh Kirwan and Jimmy Hyland registered a combined haul of 0-15.

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