Horan not ruling McLaughlin out of final

August 20, 2021

Dublin's John Small with Eoghan McLaughlin of Mayo. ©INPHO/Tommy Dickson.

James Horan has refused to rule out the possibility of Eoghan McLaughlin playing in next month's All-Ireland football final.

Despite undergoing surgery for a double jaw fracture sustained following a controversial tackle by Dublin's John Small in last Saturday's All-Ireland semi-final, Horan believes the Westport defender has a chance of lining out against either Kerry or Tyrone on September 11.

"Eoghan was there (at training) last night," the Mayo manager revealed at yesterday's All-Ireland final media briefing in Castlebar.

“He was in great form... up and about. He was on his stationary bike spinning the legs so he is in great fettle.

"I didn’t say anything to him yet but I never write young guys out of anything to be honest. You would probably be better off talking to the medical guys. But certainly it was brilliant to see him there in such good spirits last night. We managed to stop him togging out, but he is a brilliant character. And it was great to see him there.”

Horan continued: "Eoghan was obviously in hospital on Saturday night and we were together as a group and at one stage I think they nearly had to tie him down in the bed to keep him there! He has had surgery and moved on and is up and about the place. It is great for the group and great for himself too to be up and moving on.”

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