GAA sticking to its guns in expenses dispute

March 15, 2022

GAA Director General Tom Ryan. ©INPHO/Laszlo Geczo.

The standoff between the GAA and the GPA over the restoration of the 2019 Players’ Charter continues to rumble on.

In a note to counties yesterday evening, GAA director-general Tom Ryan stressed that the Association would only cover up to four training sessions / matches per week for player mileage expenses, with anything above that the subject of local agreements.

Prior to the pandemic, expenses were payable for as many sessions / matches as were asked of panels. The row led to the GPA issuing a directive to teams and managers not to give post-match interviews to the media last weekend, while similar action could be taken this weekend if the dispute isn't resolved.

"For the purposes of clarity, the sole difference between the 2022 Charter, and the Charter that was in place pre-Covid, is that the 65c per mile expense rate provided for in the new charter covers up to four collective training sessions/games per week only," Ryan stated.

"The metric of up to four collective sessions is arrived at following consultation with yourselves (counties) in recent weeks and represents a level that is sustainable for counties and for players alike.

"The mileage rate for any additional training sessions/games now requires to be negotiated locally between each county and their players, in the context of the overall budget for the preparation of your county team. I know that you will undertake this in a spirit of fairness and respect for players."

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