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Club Football 2024

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Replying To wishfulthinkin:  "How much will it be into league games this year?"
Like a true cavan man… I'm sure you can bring the ladder and prop it against the wall

veterngaa (Monaghan) - Posts: 733 - 27/03/2025 08:43:22    2598827


Replying To veterngaa:  "Like a true cavan man… I'm sure you can bring the ladder and prop it against the wall"
So you don't know the answer...not surprising when you think a manager, 2 receptionists and a cleaner equal 6 people.

wishfulthinkin (Cavan) - Posts: 1728 - 27/03/2025 10:44:03    2598854


Replying To wishfulthinkin:  "How much will it be into league games this year?"
Will they accept bitcoin in the United parishes musky?

opa01 (Cavan) - Posts: 512 - 27/03/2025 15:31:23    2598927
