Syddan come from behind

April 08, 2002
Probably the comeback of the year to date as Syddan 1-11 to 1-3 in arrears with 20 minutes remaining staged an admirable fight back to oust impressive St. Ultans 2-12 to 1-12 at bitterly cold Carlanstown on Saturday evening. This was a top class encounter with two teams determined to play football on all occasions and it was probably the inexperience of the Bohermeen parish side which cost them dearly at the finish. With the biting easterly wind at their backs Ultans were traight out of the traps and were 1-4 to 0-1 to the good after only 10 minutes. The losers had Drogheda soccer star Gary Rogers at full forward but it was lively corner forward and in soccer terms the aptly named Alan Ball who took the eye in this period of dominance. Ball with the aid of a penalty shot 1-1 and with young midfielder Paul Murray weighing in with a couple of spectacular points a shock looked on the cards. However experienced Syddan steadied them selves and a Philip Duff goal left matters at 1-4 to 1-3. Again the losers upped the pace and a trio of unanswered points saw them retire with a four point cushion. As in the first they also enjoyed an explosive opening to the second period and established that 1-11 to 1-3 advantage. Team manager Shane McEntee made a number of astute changes and another Duff 3 pointer changed the entire course of events. Match official Eugene McDonnell awarded the north county combination a close in free and Duff took advantage of some terrible marking to slam the ball to the Ultans net. There after Syddan tagged on the match winning scores. A big surprise was the failure of the losersí selectors to introduce former county star and present selector Colm Coyle, surely his experience would have proved vital in those closing stages? However one suspects they are a coming team who could emerge from the intermediate in 3 or 4 years time. For Syddan the like of Trevor Gilsenan and Miley Byrne, who mopped up everything at the back in the final quarter, were outstanding.

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