IFC: Gaeil Colmcille outscore Michaels
August 07, 2011

Gaeil Colmcille's Justin Carry Lynch
Gaeil Colmcille 0-19
St Michaels 1-08
Gaeil Colmcille Booked their place in the knockout stages of the IFC beating St Michaels by 0-08 on Saturday evening.
Played in Kilmainham to a big crowd, the Kells men started well Brian Hanlon opening the score from a free which was soon cancelled out when David Lynch opened the scoring 3 minutes later with a pointed free for St. Michaels, Daithi Regan's pointed free leveled the match at 0-2 each on 8 minutes. Further Kells points from Seanie Curran, Danny McGovern, Alan Hickey, Martin Barrett, and top scorer Hanlon had the Gaeils leading at half time by (0-10) to (0-04) against a depleted St Michael's side.
The second half started well for the Michaels and when they scored 1-1 in the first ten minutes thanks to a Ronan Farrell goal and it looked like a comeback was on the cards, but that was as good as it got for the Carlanstown Kilbeg outfit.
The turning point for St. Michaels came when they lost their goalkeeper Paul McCormack through concussion following an accidental collision between himself and two Kells players, and having been in full control up to the injury the five minute break in play broke St. Michaels momentum and gave the winners time to regroup
Brian Hanlon settled the Gaeils with a point and points from Alan Hickey, Justin C Lynch and corner back Steven Reddy, along with points from the prolific Hanlon left the Michaels with a mountain to climb.
Gaeil Colmcille manager Jody Devine made a number of changes and used all his subs which gave great impact, which was made especially with the introduction of Gary Arkins
and Meath minor Seamus Mattimoe who scored the last point of the game when the final whistle sounded.
Gaeil Colmcille D Drew, S Reddy(0-01) R Flanagan D Smith, B Smith, M Foley,C Finn,P Ward, J C Lynch(0-02) S MacManus, A Hickey (0-02) S Curran (0-01), D McGovern (0-01) M Barrett(0-01) B Hanlon (0-10,6f). Subs Used B Tormey for B Smith, S Mattimoe (0-01). for S McManus,G Arkins for D McGovern K Reilly for M Barrett, S Reilly for S Reddy.
St Michaels - Paul McCormack, Michael Rogers, Philip Rogers, Daithi Reilly, Sean Gaffney, Robert Briody 0-1, Sam Briody, James Farrell, Ronan Farrell 1-0, David Lynch 0-2, Mark Stafford, Alan Dolan, Daithi Regan 0-2, Ciaran Lynch 0-3, Kevin Cassidy. Subs - Owen O'Sullivan for Alan Dolan, Darren O'Connell for Michael Rogers, Alan Dolan for Paul McCormack, Martin Dawson for Sam Briody.
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