Irish junior team travel to Kansas
December 18, 2006

The irish Junior squad who travel to Kansas. Top, from left: Ashley Prendiville, Pauline Gallagher, Deirdre Mansfield, Shauna Hilley. Bottom: back, from left: Deirdre Mansfield Asst Manager, Diarmuid Nash Clare, Gary McConnell, Robbie McCarthy Junior, Robbie McCarthy Snr. Front, from left: Shauna Hilley, Pauline Gallagher, Ashley Prendiville
Irish Junior team ready for U.S. Nationals as Robbie McCarthy goes in search off an historic six in a row writes Michael McGee
The Irish Junior Handball team received sponsorship from Walter O' Connor and Robert McNamera of in Croke Park on Saturday 16th December last. Irish Handball President Tom Walsh was on hand to thank the sponsors and to wish the Irish team well in their endeavours in Kansas. Jimmy King from Wexford took the team through their last training session following the presentations of playing attire. It is a very strong team Irish team with three of the team members already having won U.S. Juniors, and four of the team with World titles won this year in Edmonton. Making their debuts in Kansas will be Pauline Gallagher from Mayo, David Nash Clare and Ashley Prendiville Kerry. Robbie McCarthy Westmeath and Meath's Gary McConnell won U.S. Juniors last year while Shauna Hilley tasted success in 2002 on her first visit.
Tom Walsh is looking forward to great performances from the Irish team and praised the Irish team manager Robbie McCarthy as a great player and coach. I'm expecting great results from them he said. I asked Tom Walsh that Robbie McCarthy Junior has been the most prolific Irish Junior we ever had, what stands him out from the rest of the Irish team players? "I think his confidence for a young player. He goes in there to win and is achieving that every time he goes in. There is a great future for him. We certainly look forward to seeing him play in the senior ranks. He has what it takes to make the break through to senior according to Walsh." Walsh also gave encouragement to the team when he said "I would say if they concentrate and do what they are told from Robbie McCarthy and Deirdre Mansfield the Assistant Manager who will guide them along the way. I have no doubt if they will do that they will be successful.
I then asked Robert McCarthy team manager how the preparations went for the juniors? We are after having 3 sessions in Mullingar under Richard Willoughby and Jimmy King which went very well. Robbie expects Ashley Prendiville, Robert McCarthy, Gary McConnell, Shauna Hilley to do very well. "The U-17 Boys will be hard won as there is some super players in it." For a number of players it will be there first time to represent Ireland in the juniors, what words of wisdom and encouragement could Robbie give to them so that they will perform to the best of their ability? Listen to their coaches; take plenty of rest and fluids. Getting them acclimatized to the different time changes are the main things. Relax and enjoy it and give 110% concluded Robbie.
I asked Robbie McCarthy Junior what has been the highlights of the U.S. Juniors for him over the last 6 years? "I suppose winning is the biggest highlights" came the immediate response from the quiet spoken Mullingar man. The best players Robbie played against in the U.S. Juniors have come from Ireland, and immediately names Brian Carroll from Meath as been the best I have played against along with Ortiz and Moreno from the U.S. I put it to Robbie that he has already created a record 5 U.S. Junior singles titles, and next week he is going for an astonishing 6 in row in the championships what is his thoughts on that? "Hopefully getting it first. I'm gearing up for it at the moment. It is something I would like to finish off on a high note with the six in a row as I already have 4 doubles titles as well. I would be happy with that" concluded Robbie.
The Irish team fly out to Kansas on Friday morning next with the Championships starting on Wednesday 27th until Saturday 30th December. We wish them all the very best over Christmas in Kansas.
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