MacAuley was never in doubt
December 23, 2011

Dublin's Michael Darragh MacAuley celebrates in front of Hill16
Dublin midfielder Michael Dara MacAuley admits that he always confident of defeating Kerry in the All-Ireland final.
Now many Dublin supporters would have shared MacAuley's optimism for long periods of the game as the Kingdom looked set for another title, but the Dubs showed remarkable character to swing the game in their favour at a crucial stage.
"We had been down before in matches. It wasn't the first time we were down. We actually had a training game the week before when the As played the Bs and it was a very similar situation," MacAuley will reveal in the TV3 Documentary next Thursday night.
"The As were down by four points. Bernard scored a goal in that training game and I can't remember who scored the equalising point but we ended up drawing with the Bs. That was in the back of my head. We came back from this just seven days ago; we came back from the exact same thing so it was like 'we can do it again'."
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