IFC: Clann defeat Oldcastle
June 15, 2009

Clann Na nGaels Graham Geraghty
Clann na Gael 2-08
Oldcastle 0-9
Clann na Gael got they're championship up and running on Saturday night in a keenly contested game against Olcastle.
In wet conditions and against the wind, Oldcastle got off to the better start firing over three unanswered points, but led by the outstanding Graham Geraghty playing at no 6 the CNAG men started to claw they're way back into it, and rifled over 1-6 to Oldcastle's 0-1 for the remainder of the half to leave the score 1-6 to 0-4 at half time.
As you would expect Oldcastle, now with the wind at they're backs came out the stronger after the break, and within 10 minutes had cut Clann's lead to within 2 points. Once again it was Graham Geraghty who led by example, making an incisive run through the middle to setup Damain Tuite to guide a shot into the back of the net to bring the difference between the teams back to 5 points. This seemed to deflate Oldcastle, who up until this had looked like they may be worth a point at least, but they're players lifted themselves again and pushed a tight Clann defence hard for the last 10 minutes but every time they got a score the winning side seemed to be able to step up a gear. Both sides exchanged two points apiece in the last few minutes to finally leave five points between them. Considering the conditions and what was at stake this was a high standard, sporting game of football, helped by a strong perfromance by referee Joe Curley who kept the game flowing.
Beat for Clan na Gael were Geraghty, Darren Kelly, Micheal McDonncha and Shane McAnanrney.
Best For Oldcastle were Gilsenan, Vinny Reynolds and Terry Farrelly.
Clan na Gael - D.Griffin, 2:G.Brown, 3:G.Mangan, 4:J.Sheehan, 5:M.McDonncha, 6:G.Geraghty, 7:D.Kelly, 8:M.Priest(0-1), 9:J.Shaw, 10 D.Tuite(1-1), 11:C.Smith, 12:S.McAnarney(0-1), 13:A.Farrell, 14:G.woods(0-4), 15:J.Daly(1-1).
Oldcastle - Paddy Coakley, Shane Farrelly, Seanie Rahill, Darren Hawden, Barry Curran, Rory McHugh, Com Caffrey, Vincent Reynolds, Eoin Gilsenan, Paddy Gilsenan (0-1), Terry Farrelly (0-1), Paddy Rahill (0-1), Nicky Galligan (0-1), Niall Mangan (0-3), Alan McCann (0-2). Subs: Packie Kevin for Caffrey, Tommy Rahill for Galligan.
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